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I wanted to take a moment to share an interesting experience that has become commonplace, particularly, after the George Floyd event.

During the rise of Black Lives Matter protests, several people reached out to my sign company to outwardly express solidarity or to purchase BLM branded items.

Little did they know, I personally loath Black Shills associated with BLM and the, self identified, trained Marxist used to incite and divide our nation from within and I had already determined my company would never manufacture a single BLM branded item.

As a fervent Blogger and Social Media commentator, I researched and wrote about matters pertaining to politics and deeper social issues affecting my hometown, Philadelphia Pa, and my own business prospects, alike.

As a multi generational Business Owner, I began noticing direct assaults against my own Neon Sign Company, which were leveled during the Obama Administration.

I developed FaceBook Group Pages to address my own findings, which included a systematic effort to destroy American Businesses from within.

This week I discovered a request for a quote on my website that outlined the inquirer’s desire to do business with a Black and Woman owned business.

While I am not certain of my potential client’s race, I wanted to make it known why I can no longer supply her with Custom Manufactured Neon Signs regardless of race.

I wanted her to know that my inability to serve her needs is in fact due to another Black person, ie, the Man who happened to be elected as the First Black President of the United States of America, no matter the fact that his Mother is white.

While America is driven to be hyper sensitive about race and gender identities, I wanted to impress upon my conscientious potential client issues beyond her desire to shop expressly by race. Likewise, with every call for a Black Lives Matter branded item, I wanted to EDUCATE the perspective client about the perils of weaponizing race.

Below is my latest online business request and response to a potential customer who expressly shopped for a Black Owned Sign Company to do business with.

Consider my response a Dear American People letter and a much needed counter to the divisive Dear White People title still featured on the Obama associated Netflix.


Hello I’m opening a new business and I would love to support a black owned female business in the process I would like a neon sign of my business name – and maybe you can give me a quote on something similar to the sketch or a style of font that you offer It wouldn’t allow an upload sorry But the name of the business [XYC] Studio Thanks Connie

Thank you for visiting and requesting a quote for a custom neon sign for your business.

Congratulations on your new business venture!

I truly appreciate your outreach and desire to do business with a Black and Woman owned business, however, I regret to inform you that I no longer manufacture custom neon signs at this time.

Sadly, America’s neon sign industry was negatively impacted by onerous regulations exacted by the Barack Obama administration, therefore, there are far fewer Neon Sign manufactures that exist in the United States.

While I was able to restructure and expand my business offerings ,thanks to our Business friendly American focused President, Donald J. Trump, two regulations set forth by the Obama administration took direct aim at America’s Transformer manufacturers and Glass Manufactures, alike, making way for mega corporations, like GE (a Tony Podesta Lobby client) to usher in inferior electronic and LED lighting products manufactured, exclusively, in Communist China.

As it happened, I blogged about Obama’s concerted effort to systematically crush America’s small businesses nationwide in order to make way for Corporate Oligarchs’ desired socialism, one onerous regulation at a time, so feel free to read more at my Ask a Neon Lady Blog link page posted below.

At this time, the best way to support Black and Woman owned business is first, make strides to succeed in your own awesome American business journey, and also to shop our other business related options, as I strive to serve as your one stop source for all of your faux Neon, Standard Signs, Banners, Business Stationary, Customized Printed Apparel and Promotional Items and more.

Feel free to upload your initial neon design to for a faux (LED) “Neon” sign quote.

As always, I hope to supply you with the best products and ways to promote your business to potential customers, all while helping you reach the business success you desire to achieve.

Another great way to support our Diverse American Businesses is to be sure to reach out to your Local Neon Sign Manufacture, no matter what the gender or race, as our Remaining Neon Companies are sure to be 100% American Owned and Operated, thus, helping to keep all of our American owned business alive and well, the best way to help American Blacks and Women of every social stipe and strata in the long run in these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Together, we are One Nation under God.

While I can no longer manufacture your custom neon sign, please feel free to contact me directly during normal business to discuss all of your other business promotional needs, as our website is still a work in progress.

Again, thank you very much for the opportunity to serve you in any way that I can.


Owner of

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Our blessed and great founding framers knew well the importance of free speech, truth, and the public square in which truth could be openly disseminated and debated by reasonable citizens who appreciate self governance over paternalism, empirialisim and tyranny.

Likewise, our blessed and great founding framers knew well God’s providence, thus God is the very foundation of our unalienable rights that are set fourth by our founding framers in our largely ignored Declaration of Independence and our American Constitution via established laws expressly designed to hold and protect our unalienable rights.

Sadly, the well coordinated Cabal of Globalist are moving forward in lockstep to reconstitute no less than their Holy Roman Empire under the banners of their Green New Deal, New World Order, Great Reset, Build Back Better and (((their))) Communist China cohorts’ deleveloped Coronavirus and Covid19 Tyranny.

To add insult to the injuries caused after Henry Kissinger’s first COUP (((they))) continue on with paradigms great American leaders of old were able to overt and suppress for as long as the jewISH spawned paradigms could be recognized and openly discussed with great candor.

One great American leader was not an American, yet, his Protestant Reformation is everything America is about and founded upon, as it was the venerable Martin Luther who openly foretold of two evils.

Luther addressed , both, the Holy Roman Empire and “the Jews and Their Lies” in his 95 thesis and self titled book about the scheming and usurous “Jews” who made daily life for his people a living hell on earth, thus the consequent Reform followed by the inevitable Revolutions.

The resulting American experiment is one of biblical proportion, yet, it’s citizenry have been, practically, swallowed up within the hidden handed Zionist’s Post Bolshevic, Marxest based burocracies well after Henry Ford and Boris Brasol warned us all.

Because Ford and Brasol wrote freely about the scheming cabal of encroaching Russian Zionists in Detroit’s Dearborn Press, Americans were gifted with a relative reprieve for decades before Balfour got his dubious declaration from the hapless war-torn Britt’s.

The shrewd, hidden handed Jews not only usurped the Ford motor company after corrupting Henry Ford’s son, they used funds from the Ford company to help fund Hitler too.

Long after WWII was financed by the Rothschild’s, the ever scheming cabal of jewISH “Bankers” managed to fleece the unsuspecting Britt’s of their unclaimed assets in order to spearhead a newly developed scheme hatched by Sir Ronald Cohen and Tony Blair.

Cohen, who announced his Second Bounce of the Ball in his self titled book, is the same man who sold unsuspecting Americans on his ploy to manage all State and Local Pensions.

After, Kissinger arrayed his New World Order cohorts in America and Communist China, alike, George Bush Sr. set out to allow our American Pensions to be mismanaged by Cohen, the so called, father of Venture Capitalism.

Thus, America’s systematically fleeced Pensions were used to build up the well coordinated Cabal’s Silicone Valley assets and Kissinger’s Communist China cohorts alike.

Financing all sides in a potential conflict is a hallmark of the Biblically mentioned fake Jews, who are otherwise known as the Synagog of Satan collectively.

While (((they))) always behave in accordance with biblical text in every nation they have been thrown out of, few American Saints are able to speak such a truth about the coordinated Cabal of fake jews, particularly, in the face of such great powers and principalities amassed among us.

Having been trained never to speak openly of Gates and Fouci Coronavirus feats, making the fake Jews prowess for Poisoning Wells seem like child’s play, God’s Chosen People and Gentiles, alike, are virtually held hostage in every Christan nation on earth, none worse than Australia and Canada.

As we , in America, stand witness to Chuck Schumer’s Six ways til Sunday, Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA Myth, Adam Schiff’s lies upon lies in Congress, Bolshevic Bernie Progressivism and his waiting Bernie Bros, George Soros’ Open Borders Kayos and Soros funded D.A.s doling out codified lawlessness and free needles in conjunction with highly compromised American Politicians, nationwide, the most homogeneous Cabal on Earth is free to get away with murder which was recently foretold and specified by Bill Gates and Dr Fouci, alike.

Most who will read this post realize that the Nurenberg tried Dr’.s have nothing on Fouci and Gates, yet, making us afraid to say (((their))) names aloud is us giving (((them))) a free pass!!!

After false flag evoking and financing most wars (9/11 withstanding), as always, the devious cabal of hidden handed fake Jews are now using every lesson learned, including all that was gleaned from their project paperclip assets rescued from their Rothchild financed Nasi Germany regime.

Likewise, (((their))) SS trained poster-boy, Soros is all grown up now, thus, his greatest life-work is fully manifest unfettered inside our troubled nations, minus Hungary which had the sense to bann the God damned Satanist for life from his own childhood home!

It is (((they))) who are using science and psudoscience, alike, to overthrow nations, nothing more dubious than their most recent behavioral and brain studies making Propaganda from their Nazi era seem like child’s play.

What is apparent is that key people are able communicate all that is occuring in our troubled nations, yet, the ones with the greatest reach NEVER state the obvious. It’s as if they all fall under the purview of controlled opposition.

Case in point is Newt Gingrich. I have identified Gingrich as controlled opposition from the RINO Republican camp after realizing his Harvard School of Business speech, summarized as “fire all of the Janitors”, was a precursor for the jewISH Oligarchs’ urban school takeovers.

Much like Mitt Romney, Gingrich appeared inside of my Philadelphia amma matter, Shoemaker Jr. High School, along with Al Sharpton and Tom Ridge’s replacement Governor, Tim Corbett, not long after his telling speech.

That Gingrich gave his speech at the Harvard School of Business is significant also, as Sir Ronald Cohen practically owns that usurped institution, along with our compromised Politicians on both sides of the ilse.

Keeping the jewISH Oligarchs’ Brain Science Studies, MIT Game Theory and Behavioral Science prowess in mind, I have no doubt that Gingrich’s awkward smackdown on Disney’s Fox news, was done and orchestrated by the cabal of fake Jews as a precautionary measure.

Essentially, Gingrich was used as a straw-man for the Jews, so called, Conservatives.

Likewise, the cabal of fake Jews manage to paint all who would oppose any of their nation toppling paradigms with a broad brush using their monopolized media platforms built up, in part, by America’s fleeced pensions funds.

(((They))) are actively Branding anyone with a modicum of common sense as a defacto Trumpian conservatives, right wing, or Nazi sympathisers exactly like they did to Governor Newsom’s nemesis, Larry Elder, and to some degree, Niki Manaj, now subjected to the Kanye West treatment in real time.

In short, all we can get over the jewISH Cabal’s many media devices manufactured by their Communist China cohorts is our most astute observers saying “Them” or “They”, but NEVER an Open Discussion about the Conspiritorial Cabal of Deep State FAKE JEWS as per Revelations 2:9 and 3:9!

Besides Henry Kissinger’s second Coup with his Fouci funded Communist China cohorts, We the People are Forbodden from saying George Soros’ name much less discuss Soros’ , so called, Open Societies, his Open Borders Kayos with Pope Francis’ Help or Sir  Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution w/ Bernie Bros standing by to “ReEducate” us!

To end all of the Social Impact Bond funded Disruptions now underway in every troubled nation on earth begin by Saying Their Names!

Besides turning shows like Saturday Night Live off, where a Sacrificial Black Shill gets paid to hump a graven image of Christ for jewISH kicks and Giggles, We The People should quickly realize (((they))) need us to forward (((their))) Satanic plans!

(((They))) are mentioned in Rev 2:9 and (((they))) are all in together, toppling our troubled nation from within!

Besides going along with Gate’s depopulation fever-dreams We the People would realize exactly WHO ((( THEY))) are and that (((THEY))) are Not Too Big To Fail!

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“WE/HIM/(((THEY)))/THEM”… the Synagog of Satan, that’s WHO

In Australia (((they))) are saying, “We’ve got to get as many people vaccinated as possible”… But WHO THE HELL ARE “WE”?!

Besides Dr. Fouci, the blatant liar who managed to fund Communist China’s Wuhan based virology lab using America’s fleeced taxpayer dollars for his made to order, gain of function, BioWeapon, who are the ones in each nation pushing forward aggressive, Tyranacal mandates predicated on Dr. Fouci’s initial investments?

(((WE/THEY/THEM))) are the Conspiring Cabal of Coordinated fake Jews who are already spelled out in our relatively disregarded Bibles as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9.

(((WE/THEY/THEM))) include Henry Kissinger and his Communist China cohorts WHO managed to host and stage the theatrical release of (((their/they/Dr.Fouci’s))) timely BioWeapon as per Dean Kuntz’ 1982, “Eyes of Darkness” novel, featuring the Wuhan 400 pandemic in 2020.

(((WE/THEY/THEM))) including the, so called, Bolshevic Bernie Bro’s, have a very long history of Deep State Coups and toppling whole Nations, as per Sir Ronald Cohen’s current Social Impact Bond Revolution, Charles Schwab’s Great Reset, and Bill Gate’s Global Vaccines fever-dream as Gates is a second generation chairman of Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood!

(((WE/THEY/THEM))) are Brazen, Bold and SATANIC to the core, as per Rev 2:9, 3:9 and SNL.

After reading Martin Luther’s, “the Jews and Their Lies”, Shakespeare’s “the Merchant of Venice” or viewing Netflix’s “the Borgia’s” one may learn, this is not (((WE/THEY/THEM)))’s first Rodeo and that poisoning a nation’s wells is not even the half!!!

WE THE PEOPLE were already warned, yet, (((WE/THEY/THEM))) realize our own Cognitive Dissonance and garnering Full Compliance with their rushed, or forced experimental MRNA concoction parading as Vaccines will be Bill Gates’ (population reduction) calculated death of us, AS PLANNED!!!!


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Well dressed BOULE Agents are just like the first. These are hand-select Blacks who are USED to make the jew’s Baltimore based NAACP and the surrounding Baltimore MD exactly what it is today.

As the HBO hit “the Wire” has illustrated, the paradigms developed out of the jew’s NAACP have been very profitable for some,but forever deadly for targeted Blacks, indeed.

The home of the NAACP Headquarters Baltimore MD.

Since W. E. B. DuBois helped to deliver his fellow Blacks Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood fever-dreams of murdering targeted Blacks inside of the womb, the GOD damned Black Boule have a long history of systematically taking down any and all authentic, self-made Blacks, such as, Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey before us!

The Boule are the ones who appear on the hidden handed task-master’s Media Monopolies and they are the ones who stay busy training  gullible Blacks to call highly successful and talented black Men like Kanye West a house Negro, simply because he had President Donald Trump’s ear and a seat at he table as he appealed for a government supported Manufacturing Hub in Barack Obama’s downtrodden Chicago turned CHIRAQ on the Democrat’s watch.


Because, the Multi Million dollar visionary, West, wanted to have his clothing line manufactured by his fellow Blacks who reside in his home-town Chicago, the Black Boule were set upon him to destroy him in the exact same way Booker T. Washington was attacked when he dared to pay a visit President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the White-house.

The sad fact is, Blacks do not feel as if we have achieved Equity well over one hundred years since slavery ended because the hidden handed hacks are so successful at use the God damned Black Boule.

The Black Boule gatekeepers are as devious and dangerous to Blacks as the Democrat’s KKK. They are made in the same mold as the first one that was made in America. Much like Bill Gate’s Black Male Engagement Members who were assembled in Oligarch usurped Philadelphia and beyond, Sanger’s Boule besty, DuBois is the one who was used to sell Blacks on the idea of euthanizing ourselves.

Fast forward, it was my fellow Blacks who have welcomed Gates into Philly with his Microsoft School of the Future. Few so glad to go along with his Cabal’s secret plans realize Gates is a second generation chairman of Sanger’s Planned Parenthood and they do not realize Gates’ openly stated depopulation plans or the fact that he and Dr. Fouci have very specific plans for us as they work ot to topple our nations.

DuBois finally woke up, but the formula used to make the Black Boule so effective lives on to this day.

After DuBois’ epiphany he was let go from his roll as the quasi “founder” of the NAACP and he was promptly replaced by another hungry Black Boule shill who gladly helped the hidden handed jewISH  overlords finish  the mission  we see manifest in the heart of the NAACP headquarters, the same place Klacik became a house-hold name overnight. Most believed her rise into relative fame as a Black Conservative was just  for her stellar performance in stating the obvious, but insiders who proclaimed to be Black conservatives before her commercial saw something more nefarious upon meeting her in person and doing a deep dive into her personal life after she turned into a Public figure.

The infamous Donna Brazile admitted live on air, if she were not elevated by her hidden handed (Democrat) task-masters, she would have been a high class ho, much like Kamala Harris, relative to Willie Brown, the Black Boule Gatekeeper from a family of prolific West Cost Pimps.

The most evil woman in Congress built her entire reputation on her father’s Baltimore Political career, and it is Nancy Pelosi who illustrates just how much  compromised Black politicians are necessary in order to keep targeted Blacks down and forever downtrodden in America.

Maryland, the State that is situated just above the Mason Dixon line, is where Blacks  like my own Baltimore MD based Family, had far more dignity and chances of survival during the Slave era than targeted Blacks do now.

If Blacks are feeling like Slaves about to have Chains rapped around our necks exactly like Massa Joe Biden publicly warned his Black Boule audience, then it’s because WE have allowed Compromised, Nasty Black Women and Nasty Black Men to help their deep state task Masters rule over us.

Thanks to Owens and Tatum, the founders of BLEXIT, we can see that there are indeed Black Boule shills in both parties who are willing to deceive us. As they turn against their fellow Blacks they will stop at nothing to garner more dollars and votes while running for office under the auspices of providing far better representation than what we have now.

To see the foul dichotomy illustrated by the Black Boule, one would only have to watch Harris cackling over her “brilliant” truancy law.

It is clear Harris takes great pride in persecuting and Jailing targeted parents for having kids who may have dropped out or missed too many classes in America’s Democrat failed schools and it is clear that Harris enjoyed locking Blacks up as much as  Mr. Three Strikes Biden did, hence, it is they who were chosen to run in behalf of their hidden handed task-masters who are actually calling the shots.

By Harris’ estimation, both, of my parents could have been locked up in the Oligarchs’ for-profit prison system and, furthermore, just like Harris called out Biden’s abject racism, it was Harris’ own Democrat running-mate, Tulsi Gabbard, who cited all of the Black people Harris left in jail to toil long after their sentencing recommendations were served.

Now, the hidden handed taskmasters are making, so called, Black Conservatives who can go up against the Grass Roots version of themselves.

The hidden handed taskmasters who give the Black Boule  daily marching orders work exactly like the Agents who once paired bare-fisted Black prize fighters on the back streets of Harlem for the profits they could glean. No matter what side the Black Boule shills appear to be on, their only job in life is undermining their fellow Blacks.

Black prize fighters of old appeared to be different, independent, and/or oppositional, yet, both, practically sold their their souls to the same managing entities, and thereby, both, were bound to make their hidden handed handlers rich , all while they remained embattled thought-leaders who, much like Philadelphia’s Joe Frazer, are relatively expendable.

We could see the prize fighter dichotomy between Frazer and Muhammad Ali, as one was highly celebrated  and richly supported by the entire world for his sound principals, while the other found himself alone, broke and practically abandoned by the entire world for relying on his hidden handed task-masters most of his career.

Much like DuBois dying in, relative, obscurity, Frazier’s fate is the fate of Black Boule go alongs. Every unprincipled Black will suffer to some degree for as long as there’s no shortage of more two dollars ho’s  big on talent and short on sound principles. Each and every one of them will find out sooner or later that they are utterly replaceable.

We will inevitably take sides, thinking taking sides is necessary, so it matters not to the hidden handed task-masters who back the Boule for as long as Status Quo on the Democrat Plantations remain. We shall be forever divided and the best among us will continue to be softened up and attacked the hungry Black Boule.

Blacks will remain a easy race to suppress, abort, murder and conquer for as long as Blacks can’t recognize the, mostly Democrat, formula now being applied in the realm of Black Conservatives.

To see what is happening within the Black Conservative movement we must understand the formula used in Democrat party of the KKK.

The Democrats are Masters at leading gullible Blacks into selecting all that is not in our best interest. We can research this phenomenon and analyze the situation surrounding the Democrat Darling, Jim Jones.

Jones was just two degrees separated from Kamalah Harris, and he was also a CIA tied agent who worked closely with Nancy Pelosi and Dian Feinstine, alike. Using willing, Politically tied Black Boule, those who want  us dead and gone by yesterday were able to help recruit gullible Blacks for his death Cult.

Thanks, in part to Harris’ bo, Willie Brown, Jones managed to take as many gullible Blacks out as possible.

Jim Jones receives MLK Humanitarian Award in January 1977 He is with Willie-Brown

In order to get Blacks to  stay stuck on stupid on the damned Democrat Plantations or following all that is wrong like a bunch of mindless lemmings the hidden handed taskmasters keep a stable of Black Boule Pretenders. These are the ones who will smile in your face as if they got your back, when the only thing they got is your  stollen Bag in their coffers!

In the spat between Klacik and Candace Owens, the Black Conservative Klacik is suing for 2 million dollars, imma have to take Owen’s side, as Owens has proved herself to be true to self, and lord knows I was skeptical of her at first.

Likewise, Brandon Tatum, Owen’s BLEXIT Partner is now facing passive aggressive attacks by Klacik. Tatum is one I know I can trust, and I trust both Tatum and Owens primarily because both  openly profess GOD, whereas, their detractors do not.

Among Tatum and Owens’ detractors there are other social media influences who called themselves Black conservatives. While each of these figures were vetted by me from the time I discovered them on Youtube, etc,  I found those who are the most disingenuous are the ones who do not openly profess Christ.

Like clockwork, their ire and evil ways against  fellow Black conservatives bled through like a burst damn and it was as if they were possessed by demons and they could no longer contain themselves. Sheer jealousy and   mania was made apparent in public and their false accusations spilled out like vomit, as if they needed us all to join their team in opposition to their targeted fellow Black conservatives.

Consequently, each one of the derange pretenders  fell in subscribers and popularity, all while the wealth and popularity of their targets continued to rise.

The saddest part of the Black Boule tradition is the fact that the hidden handed Pimps who are using them to  keep targeted Blacks down and out on the Democrat Plantations managed to find the, either, the Smartest or most Charismatic ones to use against their own people.

Much like two dollar ho’s  shallow Black shills manage to keep  suckers cumming, much like the Black Boule shill that Klacik was elevated to replace.

Sadly, most of my people haven’t a clue why Nancy Pelosi loved herself some Elijah Cummings or any of the, so called, Black radical Civil Rights icon who got us nothing but record deaths year after year.

What the Black Boule gate-keepers have done for us is empirically evident in every urban community that Blacks Vote Democrat in droves. Sadly, cognitive dissonance and a form of Stockholm Syndrome rules the day in the ravaged Black community.

Most can’t figure our the formula  used to keep the best of the Black Community down, yet, the telling pick below might well give us all a clue. There are hidden handed task-masters who have managed to make the best of us, take out the best of us in their behalf.



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Blacks think so little about our historic accomplishments it’s as if we were no part of the cradle of civilization at all.

While many Blacks take great pride in calling themselves, “Egyptians”, “Black Greeks”, “Moors” and or “Muslims”, there is a curious dichotomy perpetuated by our actual oppressors for whom we are all too willing to serve.

The dichotomy explains why so many Blacks would forego voting for a Black catering Republican, like President Donald Trump, in favor for voting for Mr. Three Strikes Joe Biden, the same man who is captured on video giving his heart-felt eulogy for a fellow Democrat, who served as a KKK grandmaster.

While it is true, victors write the history and keep the spoils we have no one else to blame but ourselves for believing every contemporary accomplishment and feat is a Black BOULE first.

Few Blacks understand the continued ramifications of key historical events, such as, the works delivered by Jesuit complying Muslims who agreed our Negus run kingdoms should be purged after targeted Kaffirs were Dum Diversa reduced into Trans Atlantic Traded Slaves.

Few Blacks understand how the Biblically mentioned Maccabees spared the last remants from the God chosen tribe of Judah, because the Maccabees refused to go along to get along with the vicious Greek emperor Xerxes who’s misdeeds on the 25th day of Adar are still being allegorically celebrated each and every Christmas.

Likewise, even thought some Blacks fancy themselves as Pharos or Isis inspired gods and Queens, few realize all that we are trained to aspire to happened after the 18th Dynasty.

Because it is we who do suffer the Biblically foretold, “Confusion of Face” and 400 years worth of Captivity, among other things, few of us realize exactly how great we already were.

Today a good childhood friend of mine posted his self congradulatory message that illustrates our common struggle, combined with what he perceives as a happy ending for himself.

After years and years of education my friend remenised on our collective upbringing. While we both had working-class homeowners as parents, he called himself a “poor boy” from Philly.

My childhood friend credits his teacher from our elementary school as the catlyist for his graduate school achievements, namely, his “greatness” and he did so all while ommiting his own hard working parents in the equation.

Admittedly, I’ve been his most prolific critic who cannot help myself when it comes to posting written rebuttals to what I know to be group-think and talking-points eminated from the very same, institution that practically made W.E.B. DuBois, the openly doubty ex Slave with the, so-called, self-described “Vail”.

In short, DuBois’ “Vail” is that thing that made him a prime candidate for his hidden handed task-masters who used him to build out “our” NAACP headquarters in Baltimore MD, the lastest Murder Capital “for” targeted, Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks.

The thing is, after helping Margret Sanger forward her Black Euthanasia program, in the name of the Democrat’s highly protected Planned Parenthood, DuBois finally woke up, much like every dupped Black shill who was practically raised up by hidden handed Overlords who give them their daily marching orders. 

Sadly, my fellow Blacks only know the half of what DuBois was tasked to do in free-black Philadelphia, as the other half of his NAACP “deliverance” relied upon the next warm body who was hand-selected to take his place as the Black face of the Jew’s NAACP after DuBois finally woke up.

It is no secret that DuBois was one of the hidden handed Jew’s first Socialist shills tasked to do their bidding on American soil, yet, few Blacks realized how he was also used to undermine the great works of important Black men like Marcus Garvey and Booker T Washington too.

Much like the museum that houses our own ancient artifacts the entire Social Studies concept developed at Benjamin Franklin’s usurped University of Pennsylvania was practically built around DuBois’ borrowed personage.

How else could the hidden handed Socialists systematically displace the powerful, free Black Citezens of Philadelphia who once helped George Washington and America’s founding framers defeat the Britt’s in the throes  of a pandemic, no less?

Lost on most of us is the fact that DuBois’ famous Seventh Ward is no longer ours, in the same manor in which N. Philadelphia was systematically converted from a thriving Black-Owned Business district into million dollar-home-idled “Northern Liberties” where few Black Philadelphians can afford to live.

While DuBois’ was made subject to relative exile and a lonely death in far off Ghana, rather than taking a bullet to the head like the rest of the Black Radical shills, what we got in exchange of his NAACP handy-work, is a formula that is still being used by the offspring of DuBois’ (Rittenhouse square squatting) jewISH handlers.

Indeed, it is the so called Black Radicals and Black Boule “Activists” who are developed, much like the Jews’ Useful Idiots of old.

Making trained Marxest is a Hallmark of the hidden handed jewISH CABAL who managed to overthrow the Russian Czar during (((their))) Bolshevick Revolution.

Ironically, one of the men who helped Booker T. Washington the most was Henry Ford and it was Ford who warned Americans of the coming Bulsheviks.

He spared us from the radicalized Trotskyites who thought to weaponize the Black returning GI’s.

Sadly, Ford could not outlive the scheming and dedicated cabal of Rev 2:9 mentioned fake Jews, who eventually made their way into Washington’s Tuskegee institute where they set up their infamous Syphillis Studies.

After the hidden handed Jews used their Palistine occupying namesakes, the Black Panthers, to Burn down N. Philly soon after their Communist shill, Martin Luther King refused to do their bidding, Blacks still haven’t a clue that we are being systematically USED.

In Free Black Philadelphia, the hidden handed Jews still rely on the same Socialist formulas to further Gentrify targeted Planned Parenthood Survivors into practical oblivion.

Much like the Status Quo keeping Black shills in the NAACP headquarters in war-torn Baltimore MD, my friends in Killadelphia can’t seem to see the forest for the trees.

It is my hope that my fellow Blacks can STOP with their mind F’ing talking points long enough to hear the BS they have been trained to say aloud to the hapless Youth they get paid to influence.

Starting with the full understanding of Revelations 2:9 and 3:9, my fellow Blacks will realize what we cannot for as long as we allow others to educate, train and define us.

We will all come to realize what Great Men like, Frederick Douglass, Garvey and Washington realized on their own. That is, no matter the many schemes devised to keep us downtrodden and feeling so low, our respective “greatness” is inherent and thereby, our brilliant feats are in no way special.

I hope to collaborate with my great friend some day so that our fellow Blacks can also realize that it was us who developed whole Kingdoms.

We will come to realize it was us from the Tribe of Judah who are the Masonic emulated builders expelled from Kmt/Misriam.

Perhaps my well educated, great friend and I can research and realize it was us who constituted a part of the four Roman Emperors, including Perseneius Niger (Nigger/Negus/Nigeria/the ‘N’ word etc.) and Albanus (Black Albinos), alike.

In spite of dubious efforts of jew made Black men who helped to bring free Black Philly so low, perhaps my great friend and I can convince others that it was us who flipped off the Bull in Crete.

While Molethe Ketes Asante would have us all adorned in cowrie beads for his taskmasters few realize cowrie beads were the small price paid for our capture.

Perhaps my Philly educated, great friend could break the Socialist Shill and BOULE Black mold long enough to help teach others that it was us who defied prevailing stereotypes and the consumate branding that is leveled upon us by hidden handed task-masters who spend billions upon billions to tell targeted Blacks how and what to think.

Lastly, if my great friend can bring himself to recognize another Black great who is not overly educated perhaps we could work to illustrate every great thing Blacks have raised on our own, and according to Gods great plans for us.

It is time Blacks realize that there is no new thing under the sun, especially, “Black firsts”.

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Black, Sage, Powerful, Strong, Outspoken, Multi-Generational Entrepreneur, Speaking TRUTH to Power is EVERYTHING!

Thereby, the California Gubernatorial  candidate, Larry Elders, is everything the, so called, Liberal Democrat elites and their Black Boule lackies hoped to have Planned Parenthood aborted in the targeted wombs of our Brainwashed Black “feminists” for decades since W.E.B. DeBois became Sanger et al’s favorite NAACP mouthpiece.

Most of us have been taught the useful schoolyard mantra, “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”, however, cattle herders, Madison Avenue moguls, Propagandist and Slave owners, alike, know well the value of branding.

Long before vast swaths of citizens were allowed and encouraged to read, every profitable notion was spelled out symbolically.

Likewise, the hidden handed jewISH CABAL of nation toppling Oligarchs have managed to pull the wool over the eyes of hapless citizens in every nation they have set up shop in.

One can watch (((their))) monopolized media offerings to see how crafty symbology works to brainwash the masses on any given day.

From the movie “Outbreak” to the Netflix series on the middle age moguls “Medici” and “The Borgia’s”, we the people may wish to thank Hollywood and men like Harvey Weinstein for their absolute candor.

Thanks to (((them))) we the people cannot say we were not already warned.

Besides CNN’s Sanjay Gupta’s seemingly serendipitous roll in “Outbreak”, where Gupta was saying the exact same lines Citezens are now being subjected to in places like Australia, Dr. Fouci’s plandemic plans were first spelled out plainly in Dean Koontz’s 1982 novel “Eyes of Darkness”, indicating the fact that there are folks in America who have thoroughly thought things through well in advance of their highly coordinated execution.

We must realize it was the Deep State’s CIA apparatus that practically enjoined the word Conspiracy to Theory, as if every conspiracy is merely a theory.

Also, we must come to realize all that the Project Paperclip assets have wrought in America for their hidden handed financiers who could not stomach the complete loss of their well invested Nasi Germany regime.

Indeed, George Soros was quite candid in his telling interview on Sixty minutes, however, he knows well, much like his Nazi SS employers who trained him during his youth that it is our own, relative, cognitive dissonance that allows him to get away with murder on a grand and international scale.

It’s no secret that global hacks like Soros have poured millions upon millions into Governor Newsom’s excoriated political campaign, yet, few can imaging what hidden handed Oligarchs like Soros are actually buying.

Case in point, few Americans realize key States have been practically bought and thereby, whole swaths of America are “owned” by a close knit cabal of  rulling-class Oligarchs who manage to steer our global conversations and daily thoughts, alike.

Besides rasing an army full of useful idiots and potential Shock-troops inside of America’s Walmart usurped, Eli Brode managed schools, Jerry Nadler’s ANITFA Myth pedals along freely knowing they will not be held accountable by public officials in Democrat run strongholds like California.  

As we approach the 20th Anniversary of the “dancing Jews” who rejoiced over the systematically imploded buildings in Andrew Cuomo’s NYC, we got to witness the odd attack of Larry Elders by an Egg Wielding, Bike Riding, Black Face Gorilla with Pink hair.

Because of the compromised power structure in Nancy Pelosi’s nephew’s district, the attacker who assulted Mr. Elders was never arrested, perp-walked or facially identified, although the rest of her attire was indicative of “Black Block”, a term gleaned from the Milwalkee Democrat Attorney General,  ‘s ANTIFA handbook  .

What will be highlighted via the Monopolized Media networks is the large, irate, loudmouth Black shill who happily accompanied the lone, “white” biker-chick in the unchallenged Blackface gorilla costume.

Meet the God damned, mind f’ked BLACK Boule!

They are the Democrats’ two dollar hoes tasked to follow up the rear of Egg Tossing, Black Face, Gorillas in Pussyhat Colored hair!

They are the ones who Insure Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood Survivors stay Gunned Down and MisEducted on Democrat Plantations nationwide.

The Black Boule, since it’s jewISH spawned NAACP inception, is to make and keep all we see manifest in the NAACP’s Baltimore MD,” Murder Capital Headquarters.  

It is the big Black man’s job to accompany Blackface wearing Democrats and to keep his paychecks flowing he is ablidged to attack Men like Larry Elders just so his hidden handed task masters can keep Skid Row U.S.A. as thee Status Quo for downtrodden Whites and targeted hapless Blacks, nationwide.

Much like Kamala Harris, the loudmouth California goon who will get more airtime than his leading blackface 🦍 winch is likely less than Six degrees separated from the CIA Spawned Jim Jones.

With just a modicum of thought and research Blacks would come to realize Black Democrats, like, Maxine Waters, have been the Deep State Oligarchs’ greatest asset since the Republican’s bloody efforts to Emancipate Black Slaves in America.

The Black man tasked to personally attack Elders after Soros’ millions poured into the California race is essentially, Joe Biden’s CORN-POP and no more upstanding than Cardi B or Charlemagne da god!

While Candace Owens calls for her unmasking and hate-crime charges to be leveled against the highly symbolized, Black-Face Gorilla wearing egg thrower, thanks in part to the BOULE Black shill who will steal the headlines inside of the Oligarchs’ vast media empire, the world will never know who she/it/her/they is.

Elders’ brazen attacker in the Black face Gorilla mask will not be arrested for a hate-crime, thanks to Elders’ Black Boule attacker and for as long as her attack is against a free thinking Black man who might actually Save his fellow Blacks who have been downtrodden and disregarded since Willie Brown’s hard work and, relative, Democrat Pimping durring  the days of the CIA’s Jim Jones.

The hidden handed Newsom funders will raise up an entire army of Black Boule an flying monkeys, alike, in their ongoing effort to protect their Silicon Valley investments made with the fleeced pensions of middle and upper class Blacks.

Democrat Plantation trapped Blacks are stayed wondering who is busy gunning Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks inside of “Gun Free”, Cop-Free, Oligarch “Owned”, “Open Society” designed Drug Zones flooded with Jay-Z and Meek Mill tracks imploring us to “Don’t Snitch”.

While we are trained what and how to think about Larry Elders by highly skilled, MIT trained American Mind F’kers, Black Planned Parenthood Survivors are busy being robbed of our votes and fleeced on the daily.

As we are implored to twirk and sing to the tune of the SNL featured Naz-X, Meg da Stallion or CardiB, we are also being trained,via Predictive Programing and the Oligarchs’, Deep State, CIA, Mockingbird media apparatus to castigate Strong Black Men like Larry Elders.

This is how Blacks who are not the trained Marxest leaders of BLM are being brought lower than low, wherever Soros’ filthy Democrat D.A.s preside! 

Furthermore, we have yet to realize all that was systematically robbed from America’s urban coffers first set upon by Sir Ronald Cohen, the, so called,  “father of Venture Capitalism”.

After the blatantly racist attack, who we will not see come to Elders’ aid are the, relatively, powerful Boule Blacks in California, who much like Opera Winfrey, are now at ease in their Satanic Truth.

They are the ham-strung Hollywood Blacks who, much like Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis Jr. before Oprah, have sold their hapless souls to the same Satanic ilk who is paying millions to destroy, yet, another Strong, Outspoken, Black Man who wants nothing more than the very best for his fellow Blacks. 

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ANTIFA & High School Mass Shootings; PREDICTABLE in a Nation Under Siege on All Fronts!


I had to remind my good friend and Penn State University Professor that we both had to go through metal detectors at Overbrook High School in Philadelphia where Officer Reece and his Fellow Police Officers worked daily to Keep Us All Safe and Sound.

There were no protests then and there were no regrets.

Having good police there to protect us was no accident or an anomaly then.

Fast forward, who is prepared to handle the truth while facing every fact on the ground that leads us to what we have today?


I know that these are some powerful statements, yet, if we cannot wrap our heads around certain FACTS, then we the people are doomed, AS PLANNED!!!!!

How do we know there is a PLAN??? We know because (((they))) always tell us their plans!!!!

Who are (((they)))??? (((They))) are the hidden handed Cabal who have been engaged in State-Craft and World Wars planned in Secret since the Toppling of the Moors in Granada/Spain!

(((They))) are the Great Pretenders who determined to take the place of God’s Chosen People in the Steeps of Khazaria!

(((They))) are the Merchants spoken of in Shakespere’s Merchant of Venice, and the Liars spoken of in Martin Luther’s “The Jews and their Lies”.
(((They))) are the ones who gave us all a heads up ala, Margret Sanger or in the 1982 Dean Koontz novel, “The Eyes of Darkness”, the Movies “Purge”, “Meet the Blacks” and “Outbreak”.

Indeed, “Eyes Wide Shut” isn’t even the half of it and the reason why Jeffery Epstein did not kill himself alone in a cell built for two!

(((THEY))) are, indeed, hidden handed Satanists who tell all on Saturday Night Live as if it were all a joke.

(((They))) are the ones America are fobodden to talk about freely whenever we try to speak on George Soros’ open misdeeds in America.

(((They))) are the highly coordinated Cabal who conducts their secret meetings in Davos, or Chataham House where strick rules dictate what (((they))) can and cannot say in public.

(((They))) are the hidden handed SATANISTS, including Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg who already told us (((their))) UnAmerican Plans “for” Us.

It is no secret that Bill Gates has openly called for vast POPULATION REDUCTION where Global Vaccines could be the best way towards his most devious feaver-dream, to date, and we the people can see the results of Bloomberg’s desired Gun-Grabs in other nations suffering Dr. Fouci’s devious deeds, such as, New Zealand and Australia where the set upon citizens are practically sitting ducks.

Few realize Gates is fulfilling his father’s role as Planned Parenthood Chairman but apparently Gates had out-grown his role as the Jr. Eugenicist who merely targets Blacks!

Most importantly it is no secret that there would be no Communist China if it were not for Henry Kissinger, who staged his first American coup inside the beleaguered Nixon white-house.

With the help of the CIA Hack, George Bush Sr, the hidden handed Cabal worked hand in hand with Mau Zedong, the genocidal maniac member of Yale’s Scull and Crossbones.

Of course the Cabal relied upon the Communist China party that still holds the record in MURDERING Its OWN CITIZENS!

Do ask yourselves now, what I have asked while wondering what the hell is going on in our troubled nation. Why did the Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned fake Jews train their Palestine Occupying Namesakes, the Black Panthers?

Why did men like Kissinger need my fellow Blacks to embody the Palistine occupying jewISH Black Panthers and why were the Black shills required to kick off their recruiting strategy by peddling Mau’s little red book???

Now lets bring the THOUGHT EXERCISE back to the here and now…

THINK deeply about all that the hidden handed Cabal of Deep State SATANISTS are doing in our nation on a regular basis… (((They))) can get away with Covid19 predicated murders and tyranny simply because WE THE PEOPLE are reduced to practical deers in headlights.

Just like in every WORLD WAR, (((They))) the unmentionable Cabal of well organized, jewISH, SATANISTS are working in lock-step in many nations at once.

As old bags who helped ORCHESTRATE the UN, WW2 horrors, the Balfor Declaration, the Overthrow of Indonesia, the Vietnam War, the Middle East Wars, etc, etc, etc, die of, they gladly pass on the baton to their fellow jews who are still doing the most!

(((They))) are the ever-more brazen fake Jews who go by many names, such as, Globalist, Liberal Elites and the 1 Percent.

(((They))) are the ones who are glad to Print all of the money in the world from the fake ass Federal Reserve that was never really Federal at all, and now (((they))) are busy working tirelessly to FINISH WHAT THEIR KABALISTIC ANCESTORS Began!

Thus, the mandates set fourth by the infamous ROTHCHILDS and Depravities developed in (((their))) secret meetings in Davos, Belgium, London and Tel-Avive, alike, Rage on!

We can see the Global Results as NOTHING (((They))) do in Sir Ronald Cohen’s efforts to “Topple the World” is being done in a vacuum.

Today, nation’s have practically merged their Secret Agencies to work for the hidden handed Globalists and our respective Governments have become WEAPONIZED against their own citezens under the auspices of Communist China’s BioWeapons attack financed by Anthony Fouci and the Cabal of American Oligarchs for which there would be no Communist China in the first place.

Five eyes, MI6, CIA and MOSSAD, alike, were never true asset to their respective nations, but rather SECRET Agents and Societies are a clandestine means for the ambitious Globalists to Diminish the Gains of God Fearing Christians and Protestants the world over.

Using long-standing “play books” and strategem the hidden handed fake Jews are doing what fake jews have always have done since time immemorial. The only difference is, we were all warned in books like Shakespeare’ Merchant of Vinice, George Orwell’s 1884 and in history books on various pogroms, including the ones who spin the hidden handed Satanists into hapless victims. Likewise, Great American’s like Henry Ford paired with the Russian expat, Boris Brasol, effectively warned us all against the jewISH Bolsheviks everlasting, Marxist plans manifest in our Eli Brode managed Public Schools as I type.

(((They))) are all ram-roding their New World Order plans evolved into the Great Reset after Great, God Fearing Patriots like President Donald J. Trump have sullied Henry Kissinger’s Nation Toppling plans.

Under the auspices of Covid19, other known as Dean Koontz’s Wuhan400, (((They))) have managed to place Stumbling Blocks throughout the entire free world. No longer are they Poisoning Wells, but rather, Bill Gates prefers to place their POISON Concoctions and GENETICALLY MODIFIED VIRUSES directly into our Veins!!!!

The Good News is, Bill Gates and his fellow Fake Jews are being met with GOD FEARING Americans who are Figuring Out al lthat they are doing, largely because (((They))) are doing so in a nation full of God Fearing Patriots who STILL REMEMBER WHAT RICHARD ALLEN OF THE AME CHURCH KNEW ALL SO WELL…

Along with the founding Framers, like Benjamin Franklin, free Black Philaelphia’s Richard Allen and his Mother Bethel Church-Men assisted the American Revolutionaries through a Global Pandemic, no less.

Then, Allen realized in order to stop a bad guy with a gun, it was imperative to array and encourage Good Guys with Guns, thus, our Well Organized Militias and our Constitutionally Protected 2ND Amendment is codified Constitutionally in American Law!!!!!






SADLY, It is your own COGNITIVE DISSONANCE that will not allow you to understand that there are GOVERNMENT Tied OLIGARCHS with MERCENARIES and BRAINWASHED SHILLS (FBI Informants etc.) who will MURDER as MANY Unsuspecting Americans, as needed, to DELIVER THEIR GLOBAL TAKEOVER PLANS…

That is, THE CABAL OF “GLOBALISTS” WHO PRACTICALLY OWN OUR USURPED NATION (mostly COMPROMISED Democrat Strongholds) Want us to be like EUROPE, AUSTRALIA or CANADA is Right Now as I type….



Wake Up Sheeple!!!!

BASED ON YEARS OF RESEARCH I REALIZED EVERY FALSE FLAG MASS SHOOTING EVENTS IS PLANNED AND PREDICTABLE!!!!!! Its the reason I made my False Flags and Fake News Group Page in 2014 (Obama’s watch as Gun Free CHICAGO was turned into CHIRAQ).


The last thing to say to my old Philadelphia schoolmate is, Please take a trip to READ OUR ACTUAL CONSTITUTION just blocks away from your job, particularly the part about TYRANNY!!!!


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Remember Saints, there would be no Communist China made at Yale’s Scull and Crossbones lair without Henry Kissinger and George Bush Sr. , who practically made , both, the Deep State and Chairman Mao Zedong from whole cloth.

Fast forward, there would be no Covid19 to speak of of there were no U.S. Taxpayer Funding for the (gain of function/Crspr) BioWeapon from China wich was directed by Dr. Fouci. and the American based National Institute of Health…

Sadly, the common (((thread))) between Charles Schwab’s Great Reset, George Soros’ American Spring, the Bush’s New World Order, Bill Gates’ (Sr. & Jr.) Planned Parenthood and Vaccines based Population Control/Reduction, Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution, Michal Bloomberg’s False Flag Spawned Gun-Grabs, Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA Myth, Bernie Bro’s Gulags and Reeducation Camps (Covid Hotels) cannot be realized, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, because of a lifetime full of, relative, (media/School/Hollywood/fake news) Brainwashing, and Cognitive Dissonance isREAL.

WAKE UP SAINTS, before (((they))) get all (((they))) have in store for TARGETED Christians and God’s Chosen People alike!!!

As per SNL and Revelations 2:9, etc., (((they))) are Not too big to fail, but rather (((they))) for whom We the People are fobboden to speak of are the SYNAGOG OF SATAN for whom WE THE PEOPLE were already warned!!! 

Ironically, because (((they))) have a history of poisoning wells and fleecing their host/nations EVERYWHERE they have been,WE THE PEOPLE can never do what Martin Luther, Shakespeare, Henry Ford, Boris Brasol, George Orwell or the Scribes who wrote Revelations have done.

We the people are being Silenced on the new, electric Public Square, on Campuses, and in our National Capital , alike, so help (((their))) so-called, Tech god Technocrats and Nadler’s ANTIFA Myth (Gingers) who are tasked to feign, Terrorize and Murder AMERICAN PATRIOTS WHO DARE TO SPEAK TRUTH To their Powerful Oligarch brethren.

Most of all, it’s our own inability to realize bible prophecy and the fact that the cabal of hidden handed jewISH OLIGARCHs are all co-signed onto Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution plans and that they are All on board forwarding Henry Kissinger’s second Coup, done practically unfettered with the help of his Communist China cohorts for the sake of plausible deniability!