We All Know that TAKING A KNEE is PROSTRATING Oneself, PERIOD, POINT-BLANK, but , Why and For What, exactly?
By any of these “STANDARDS”…
… taking a knee is PROSTRATING Oneself at the behest of a King-Maker or for , no less than the Queen of England herself. Such was the hope of Harvey Wienstein, that is, before more TRUTH preceded their big event!
… taking a knee is BEGGING
… taking a knee is MAKING a PROPOSAL (begging)
Begging Black Man on Knee
Now, the Black Men of the NFL Franchise are Bowing Down, Humbly, as if they were, either, Begging or if THEY are Signaling How Grateful they are to Take their Marching Orders on Que and On Time for a Hidden Handed OVERLORD who told them that Now Is the Time To Kneel!
On the Contrary, the UPSTANDING Thing for a BLACK AMERICAN MILLIONAIRE to do is to FIND OUT WHO THE HIDDEN-HANDED OVERLORD (Such as The FAKE A$$ WHITE BOY) WHO GOT THEM TAKING A KNEE ON QUE, ACTUALLY IS! It is Not Lost on Most that the Black Men in the NFL Are SOME OF THE MOST POWERFUL AND WEALTHY BLACK MEN IN THE WORLD who Might, Otherwise, Want for NOTHING if they were not TRULY “OWNED” (common knowledge to be exploited by NUDGE Science and Social Incite Practitioners) and if they were NOT BEING TRULY BRAINWASHED FOR USE AS BLACK, HOME-HATING, RACE-BATING SHILLS!!!!!
China is making Big Moves as they position themselves to be a Global Powerhouse, with or without the “West” (see China’s repositioning Pivot of BRICS away from Goldman Sachs’ with Russia, S Africa, and India on-board)
As History repeats itself via the Reestablishment of our own Historical Trade Routes, Cotton production has swung back into view. (Research our post-crusade “negro” trade routes from Mali/Timbuktu to India to and Beyond)
Now Cotton stands a chance of Looming-Large in the Global Equation, once again.
Indeed, the first truly Global inroads were made on the backs of the ,so-called, Negro” who first hauled silk along China’s Newly established Trade Routes long before being reduced to American cotton-pickers.
Fast forward to when the Cotton Gins were developed by the same ilk of pirate/Merchants who were well dug into Europe beyond the back streets of London by then and in time to Start WWI, we can see how Brussels came to be calling shots, all while an intrusive, secretive Ilk Divided the Globe for themselves to rule.
As our own historical endeavors were all being Educated Away from us, they (the so called Western Powers) were paving a new way for Blacks in America where the resulting Black Belt ushered us into our current Urban Fate, amounting to a scant, jewIsh Sponsored, declaration that Black Lives Matter now as if we Never Really Mattered much at all.
As China travels down our Forgotten Memory Lanes, they now hope to lead the way with a thriving Cotton Futures Market.
Should we jump on board to Invest and Thrive, it would be a fitting Tribute for American Blacks to Profit by way of the Reversal of Historical and by way the resulting Global Fortunes indeed!
As always, our Savvy Host from the FaceBook Group, “Stock Market Tigers” , Camari Ellis, has supplied us with, yet, another “interesting” Story from the Motley Fool.
While it is ok to be a mere consumer of such, daily, “news”, should we simply just Read it all and Store it all in our Brains, no-less, without the application of any Critical Thinking and/or Commentary at all?
Of course, as with all Stock-Market News, I could Never, simply, take such a story for its mere face value, that is, without applying and sharing some form of Greater Analysis.
Sad to say, by doing so, I have angered a few folks with my storied comments and my style of open Questioning, so It will, indeed, be interesting to see and share if there are any resulting comments and/or a predictable rebuttal, that is, providing our Host and his “pals” haven’t learned that it is senseless to argue against Good Wisdom in the face of , simply , Consuming day after days of such Gross Corporate Acts and Open Lies.
I have tracked how their new Social Impact paradigms are now become an essential tool and “trend” for certain Corporations who now are working their Brian Science Ploys in-common for their Centrally Spawned Corporate SOCIAL IMPACT Goals.
It is no accident that Commercials and Social Media Platforms they own too are quietly becoming Racially Charged on a Subconscious level and that their related Social Impacts are hardly detectable at all.
Certain Corporations are now for the purpose and causation of Social INCITEMENT , and sadly a Corresponding Race Tensioning and Race-Bating can be seen emerging, if only one cares to Analyze it all.
Thereby, via careful analysis, you can see it all (race-bating and other social degradations that are Corporate Sponsored) emerge into a sustained Corporate Drumbeat being applied either, subconsciously or right up In-Your-Face, for full effect.
Here’s the Story & Related Headline today posted below followed by my Facebook Comment, in response. I will post any comments I get as a form of analysis as well as my own Playlist of recent Corporate Commercials serving as Race-Bate, and as an additional Case-In-Point.
The first “Painful Report” should have been asking the Questions, “WHY” (Bojangles) and WHY NOW is this Mainstreaming of Quantified and Studied BUFFOONERY for Ongoing Profits and Exploits in Anyway OK , EVER?
My FB post and line of questioning is followed by a few Historical Reminders that could serve to hammer-home my own questioning.
These palpable reminders should all serve as a , best, Case-In-Point, to date, however, the bible, itself, states that it is we who are, indeed, the Most Stiff-necked of all of the peoples who are described, therein, so don’t be surprised if there is any rebuttal at all, and as usual. I certainly am not by now.
NO, There’s NOTHING at All RACIST to See Here Folks!
See it Once and FORGET ABOUT IT, except, that is not how the Human Brain Works!
NO, There’s NOTHING at All RACIST to See Here Folks!
Well the Fact Is, “they”, the emerging Corporate Oligarchs, are now plying NUDGE Brain Science on us all…
They know, Full Well, that We Cannot, Simply, See it Once and FORGET ABOUT IT!
They know, indeed, that this is not how the Human Brain Works!
In the YouTube video posted below, we are witness to a Sick Individual and what is, obviously, Foolishness that is Bound in the Heart of a Child (her own child is filming and promising to post her Embarrassing Antics on YouTube).
What most are not so Aware of, is how Corporations are Now Owning and Running our Inner Cities.
They Own the Kids in Most Inner city Schools and They Now, practically Own every Quasi-Governmental Institution such as Homeless Shelters and Mental Institutions as well.
Likewise, Corporate Wall-street types would Own such a Company, as BoJangles, that Thought To Name itself a Historically Known and Racially Divisive Name.
Most don’t know that these Corporate Heads are ALL WORKING TOGETHER, IN COMMON, to Leverage, not only, Beguiled Blacks heaveily influenced in Corporate Owned Quasi Government Institutions, but now they are Collectively applying Media Triggers to Targeted Audiences based on Known and Studied Racist Sentimentality!
Most don’t know that there is a Study Drumbeat of Racist Memes, supplied like a Slow Drip and ALL IN TIME TO SPAWN an American Spring .
That is, they are Collectively Working Overtime to spawn a RACE-WAR- or Civil War on Any Grounds they can Control and Manipulate at all.
This Damming Video below, is yet Another Way GOOGLE, and its CORPORATE ILK is NUDGING Us to their Hoped-for TIPPING-POINT.
All Proceeds of our Toppled NATION will go towards their Emerging Empire that is, essentially, being Gained on the backs of God’s TRUE Chosen People, who now suffer daily at the hands of the Rev 3:9 mentioned Synagogue of Satan.
For as long as the masses are Unaware, they will stop at nothing to Present Sick To us, both, GOIYIM and God’s Chosen, Alike, such Presentations and COPORATE Sponsored ACTS, for their own personal gain.
REV 18:4 is the ONLY WAY FOR US NOW!!!!!!!! SAINTS PLEASE WAKEUP!!!!! Question EVERYTHING They do and by all means Turn their daily Media Brainwashing OFF!
(Goldman Sachs Social Impact Bonds = SLAVERY 2.0!)
I taught myself, early-on, to garner a palpable HATRED for Brands I knew were Killing My Community Slow!
While savvy Maddison Avenue Market Merchants would have you, simply, laugh away very real perils (like Aprils Fools day Shenanigans or Sick Sycophantic jokes made daily by the likes of Kathy Griffin and Stephen Colbert), what these Products Actually do to Us, daily, is truly No Joke at all!
Two of the first Happy-Faced-Murderers were the, Red Dyed, Koolaid Guy and that Ronald McDonald Clown!!!!
My Self-Taught and unmitigated HATRED for these Brand-Killersand Corporate Frauds , alike, were honed in effort to Spare my own Children who were born to me over 25 years ago!
Now this! The brands that I have relied on, after first vetting, are suddenly Going GMO in the quiet of Night so that their Bottom Lined Genetic Modification Misdeeds are slow to hit the Light of Day, or any contentious Radar . 🙁
Now, as the more “trusted” Brands are Gone to unproven Genetic Manipulation, I must re-habituate myself to Audit EVERYTHING well before adding them to the Shopping Cart, once again!
As it stands it is obvious that there is no Strong leader in America to Protect Us from the Encroaching new Powers that be. They have developed and or obtained Every Tool, including NUDGE BRAIN Science, for Deceiving, Manipulating and Ultimately “Disrupting” us All, including their scientific gains made expressly for Genetic Targeting, Physically and Mentally Manipulating Us All!!!!!
Now, in the face of This Brand Lie Hid behind the front Labeled Claim, “Traditional Since 1937”, and starting with my 1-800# Call of Complaint, I will Find Every Product Made by this Conglomerated Company (Unilever), and from this day on I will make sure that EVERY LAST PRODUCT THEY MAKE will be Banned For Life from my Home!!!!
Now, after having the wise inclination to become more prepared nearly a decade ago, I Must ,indeed, Step up my Garden and Self Sufficiency Game now!!!
No Tomatoes will be Wasted This year, and even before my own Tomatoes are Ready to harvest, I will start Canning All of the Clean Summer Harvested Ingredients I can Obtain.
Just like the Olden Days, Jars of Home-made Canned Tomato Sauce will now be present. s
Now my own “Processed” Tomato Sauce will serve amongst my Winter Store and as such this Staple will be amongst my most tangible Buffers Against Genetically Modified Foods.
Yearly Good Works and Great Harvests are the Most Solvent Guarantee for us, to date and a GIFT that is made available for us in Abundance by God himself !!!!
As we continue to ponder, what has become of the Black Man in America?, let’s begin with the Highly Celebrated, Samuel P. Massie school in Laurel Maryland, just a stone’s throw away from our nation’s second “capital”.
Contrary to brainwashed beliefs, no!!! My Uncle Proc. did not found this school!!!!! Those who did make this school happen will never tell our children the truth!!!!!…
The fact of the matter is, as always, the hidden handed OVERLORDS are Riding the Coat-tails of GENUINE BLACK GENIUS to Forward their insidious SOCIAL IMPACT PLANS once again and for as long as we let them!
See Exhibit A, the NAACP Headquarters and the home of their, telling “The Wire” TV series that served as a Deep State Trail-Balloon for their next diabolical urban plan for unsuspecting Urban Blacks and, essentially for us all as the hidden handed jew who thought to “Organize” us since the onset of their Trans Atlantic Slave Trade which to annihilate emancipating Christians as much as they hope to continue exploiting blacks the same way busy ants exploit aphids.
As my Uncle’s Bumble Bee antidote is lost on the Incited children who are being systematically side-tracked to become mindless, dancing BOULE, in the school said to be built in his honor, we can easily contemplate their plan for us by revisiting one of their many tells that was embedded in ‘The Wire” TV series that was set in Baltimore Maryland the home of the Deep-State Cabal’s long-standing NAACP.
The Wire is one of several shows developed by the Cabal who have practically Stolen our Nation via their, so called, Bloodless Revolution for as long as none of their blood is spilled, just ours.
“The Wire” is where gullible black leaders, such as the Early Adapter Mayor from my home-town, Philadelphia, which is birthplace Samual P. Massie’s wife, Gloria Massie got a close-up look at the Deep State’s newly developed Social Impact Paradigms that include conventions, such as, Comp-stat Data Mining for life, Police Free Drug Zones for the systematic facilitation of Opioid Addiction, Community Based Criminal Courts where a modern form of Black Code laws can be practiced, etc, etc.
As they thought to build up the next generation of Celebrated BOULE Overseers inside of Usurped Urban Schools nationwide, Gloria Massie’s home-town would begin implementing “The Wire” paradigms in real-life, leading to the deep state’s next, profitable HBO “tell”, “Drug Inc”., the show that brazenly featured the real-time, reality – show, development of the Deep State Managed “Police Free” Drug Zones, first introduced to unsuspecting American’s on the Baltimore set, “The Wire”.
Now, in the same manor Booker T. Washington’s, Tuskegee Institute was bought off and, practically, Usurped under the auspices of Philanthropy by the Hidden Handed “Merchant-Class”, the Deep State Cabal of fake jews, as per Rev 3:9 have TAKEN Urban Schools in TARGETED BLACK COMMUNITIES and tooled them , experimentally, to suit their various needs moving forward.
As prescribed by Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground Terrorist Group, our schools would become useful proving-rounds for the development of dubious Social Justice Warrior curriculum to maintain the ranks of Black Lives Matter Battering Rams and for the development of Useful Idiots who in the spirit of W.E.B. DuBois would act against the interests of blacks without Question, and for mere Bragging Rights, AWARDS and Secret Society Controlled Fellowships where blacks have been Fleeced of GOD, Valuable Donations and Time Decades.
While my Uncle did not Found this school, it was is Built under the Obama Administration at the whim and specifications of one of Barack Obama’s closest American friends, Bill Ayers, who first Determined to USURP the American School systems along with the daily efforts and lives of American Blacks.
In concert with a Cabal of Deep State funders, such as Eli-Brod and the Walton’s of Walmart Blacks could continue to be kept away from any hope of true PROGRESS , SELF DETERMINATION and GOOD WORKS in the HONOR OF ONE GOD.
By forwarding the plans first developed by their own Usurping forefather’s, who couched blacks by way of the NAACP and the dubious Civil Rights farce, alike, our YOUTH would continue to be trained, yet, well before College Age to Serve a Pantheon of GREEK GODS for Which the Samuel P. Massie “DANCERS” so Mindlessly HONOR without any hope of a SECOND THOUGHT…
As our Collective Fate, after being side-tracked from the, so-called, Atlanta Plan reduced to a Compromise, is now empirically evidenced by way of our continued vociferous complaints. Via examination of circumstantial evidence nation-wide we can see what was systematically done to us by way of the Cabal’s Pet Projects for Blacks and namely inside of the Baltimore MD. home of the NAACP, which was the second seat of operations for their BOULE Black Shill, W.E.B.DuBois after spying on Philadelphia Blacks.
The NAACP reflects the fake jew’s (as per Rev 3:9) everlasting need for controlling God’s Chosen People.
Ever since the onset of the Crusades, it was realized by the Jesuit Usurpers that a mere “Talented Tenth” could serve as potent OVERSEERS and keepers of STATUS QUO. Their Secret Society Shills are the members who thought to ABANDON GOD for DuBois’ GREEK FANTASIES, all while Serving, Diligently at the Bequest of the All Seeing Eyed, jewISH OVERLOADS, not realizing the day DuBois finally woke up. (See how he was practically exiled in Ghana, the home of his final exploit that ultimately manifest in our ongoing abuse, ie. Planned Parenthood’s hold on us etc.).
The use of W.E.B. DuBois and the Making of the NAACP was done in the very same manor the Samuel P. Massie School was Built in my Unccle’s Great Name.
Again, blacks are enveloped by new Sociological Paradigms such as their fake “SOCIAL JUSTICE” Principals developed strategically over time since the Bolshevic’s developed the concept of “Useful Idiots”. After My Uncles Passing they thought to use his name and deeds to salt the wounds of our Post Civil Rights Losses as Blacks were systematically Turned AWAY from the Self Determined ATTAINMENTS that were, indeed, manifest in my Uncle by way of his EDUCATING PARENTS.
Just like the NAACP the Massie elementary school was, indeed, developed under hidden handed OVERSIGHT, i.e. one ELI-BRODE who’s ilk of American Subversives are now out to Re-ENSLAVE US ALL ONCE AGAIN!
The jewISH Cabal, at the direction of Sir Ronald Cohen (Chairman of the former G8) are once again Socializing Blacks to serve their every whim and this time they are doing so by way of the Bill Ayers’ Weather Underground/SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR plan so that Sir Ronald Cohen’s far reaching Social Impact Bond Ploys Managed by Goldman Sachs could be implemented with ease!
The fact is the ilk of fake jews as per Rev 3:9 are now Conspiring to Overthrow our Americn nation on the backs of Gullible and Useful Blacks, and it is important to understand that their long-staning plans are nothing new under the son. We must also understand that the turmoil we face in America today is ineed BIBLICAL in nature and indeed, a Struggle between Good and Object Evil.
Sadly, only the faithful among us can realize the words and deeds that are clearly spelled out for us, all to see, in the bible in real time. That such a Cabal of indicated fake Jews, as per Rev 3:9, would feel themselves ready to disestablish, yet, Another host-nation is lost on the masses who are most affected.
While it is easy to give voice to their Philanthropically monetized symptoms, the fact that they can deceive the very elect is indicative of their power that is allotted to them via dubious paradigms , such as, Behavioral Economics and Behavioral Science, i.e. Brainwashing.
What it all boils down to, however, is the Synogog of Satan’s use of Witch-Craft that is embodied in those who would so willingly abandon GOD for Greek-Life, Thug-Life, Revolutionary Life, and Other Gods and that is, the LOVE of money and all that their all seeing eye is clearly embedded, both, allegorically and symbolically within.
As I know to be mindful of relative Powers and Principalities based on Biblical Principal, the questions for me are these…
Is this just another Post Builderberg Pivot?
That is, is Jay-z now “Flipping the Script”, so that he may be enjoined into the ranks of the , so called, “truthers” that are embedded into the emerging “Alt-News” space all for the Purpose of Controlled Opposition?
Note: The Controlled Opposition Truther’s current job #1 is to sew the seeds of Mental Defeatism (NUDGE Science 101) by illustrating that We are all relatively Small in the Shadow of the “Powerful”, and Black Destiny Changing Fake Jews as per Rev 3:9.
This is why David Ick’s very “enlightening” Rhetoric will always culminate into an ultimate “Serpent Race” “Conclusion”. (see also the, so-called, Light Workers Cult, the Galactic Federation of Light, an the Grooming of the Masses via Cult-Like Mind Control)
It is also clear to me that America’s resident Oligarchs have desired, desperately, to INCITE America-wide Race Riots or an American Spring by Fall of Last year.
We can see how Jay-Z’s wife, an illustrated Illuminati Shill, has also been tapped to Portray ISIS/Ishtar, i.e. the False Deity that is represented, symbolically, throughout the plethora of recent Allegories , such as, the Shocking Der Spiegel Cover , featuring, the Beheaded Statue of Liberty in the Hands of Donald Trump, as well as, the relative symbolic thru-line to Kathy Griffith who pivoted the same Beheading Theme making our President, Donald Trump’s severed head the focus of her Ilk’s, relative, Ire.
Mass Brainwashing thru Allegory.
Note, one of The Highest Degrees a Black (Boule) Freemason may “achieve” is marked by the symbolic Latter of Ishtar.
Likewise, Beyance has been stylized into the embodiment of a relative, “Best Practice” , in that, the Riotous Black Panthers was a jewISH Made Black Opposition Group, expressly, Elevated at the Bequest of FAKE Jews for the sole purpose of Leveraging and RACE-BATING unbeknownst Blacks against their sworn enemy, the so called, Goyim.
However, I also realize, Jay-z’s, sure to be epic “HIT”, could be 100% something else entirely.
That is, we have all been witness to highly ranked, Satanic Black adherents getting THROWN UNDER THE BUS, shortly after having a Profound epiphany and/or for simply becoming “Too Damned Big for their Britches “. (Perhaps the Tidal Debacle is a Tell)
Just as with, Philadelphia’s, Michael Nutter, who is affectionately known as Hillary Clinton’s pet-named, “Nutter Butter”, and the recently Sentenced, Philadelphia D.A., Seth Williams, the relative usefulness of these Misleading Black Shills who are being used outright for the purpose of keeping a Hidden-Hand presence, their usefulness as Plausible Deniability has certainly run its course.
We see, thereby, Under the Bus they Go! (See also, Sammy Davis Jr’s horrid downward death-spiral and, likewise , Bill Cosby’s Damned luck and fate, both, Church of Satan pledges.
We can also see the tangential works of the Hidden Hand relative the ones who have basically Sold Their Souls only to awaken into a world of Strife just after their appeal for some form of earthy Redemption, albeit, far too late, I.e Michel Jackson, Prince, and the currently Embattled “friend” of Jay-z, Kanye West.
As with everything the previously hidden hand Oligarchs do under the cloak of secrecy (such as, Chatham House Rule), all they do must be factored Algebraically and for greater understanding, I will be looking for Relative “X-factors”, not limited to Every asset that the DEEP-STATE own.