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Tag: Black Shills
Hamite, Joy Ried and her jewISH Climate Change-Masters clearly take great pleasure over Weaponized Weather on MSNBC.
Watch “Joy Reid Claims Ron DeSantis’ Warning To Looters Is Racist As She Celebrates Hurricane Ian” on YouTube
Their aim is not to inform our help in any way, but to add insult to injury while working overtime at mind F’ing us all.
Sadly , so called, Globalists who Usurped our Nation, as well as, Biden’s high paying financers in Communist China are all abreast of Manipulating the Weather as a weapon or on a good day, such as, when Communist China wanted to assure optimal weather conditions in time for their last Olympics.
If you had not noticed the Satanic leaning tells imbedded within China’s opening ceremonies, perhaps, you should check it out here.
From the US Governments Harpe program to Bill Gates’ foretold cloud seeding desires, NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS as a possible way to FINISH the systematic OVERTHROW of our troubled nation from within! 🙁
The hidden handed jewISH Oligarch’s are now using their fake news and their evil Black puppet-shill to add insults to Florida’s widespread injuries, and as they work overtime to maximize our nation’s pain and suffering, they also hope we will all get onboard, as they pretend it is only to hurt Governor Ron DeSantis’ feelings.
Joy Ried and her puppet masters clearly wanted us all dead by yesterday, when you consider their direct role in denying us all a proven Ivermectin cure and they certainly don’t mind scoffing over the dead bodies lost to the storm in Florida now.
Ried, like the Biden bootlicker, Joan Pierre, is evil as hell and she don’t even care who knows it!
and go hand in hand.
ESPN’s Steven A. Hole Keeps Getting Wider and Wider with Kwame Brown’s “Momma’s Cooking”
#TeamKwameBrown here bringing the hard facts about the Black BOULE…
Of course, the usual suspects are all being called up to defend “Big Daddy”.
It is “Daddy” who puts the, so called, “Talented Tenth” , “Vanguard” on to virtually “kill” fellow blacks slow, when one is found to be a competent, self-made millionair who thinks and thinks for himself.
Kwame Brown, the first teen recruited directly into the Deep State Cabal’s weaponized NBA, reminds us, there are plenty of videos and recipes available to analyze the, so called, analysts who work for the same hidden handed Oligarchs that champion us all Dead and Gone by yesterday.
We know all Brow is saying to be true by watching who the hidden handed overlords have turned into their cream of the crop.
These are the Talented Tenth “players” embedded within every Usurped Areana culminating into evermore Satanic Red Carpet Award Shows highlighting the Bread and Circus Acts for which Ricky Gervais so poignantly called out in 2020!
The so called “BOULE” are Puppets for the Deep State who Use them as Race Bate and Evil Role Models for our unsuspecting youth who are never taught the efficacy of subsistence living and land ownership.
Kwame Brown exemplifies Black Manhood, so in contrast we can clearly see the machine at work.
The Black BOULE had been deployed and now they must work tirelessly to take him down and out, just like they did to Kanye West for “suggesting” CHIRAQ be returned to it’s Manufacturing Glory.
The Black BOULE was deployed to take Kanye West Out, not just for doing what Steve Harvey for a used and accosted for doing, West was stompped for taking out DeBeers, the Company that routinely hired Black militia to shoot diaomond keeping children between the eyes should they dare keep a Gem to themselves.
West’s last straw was suggesting to an American president, We The People should be Breaking Ground to make Manufacturing Hubs worthy of reproducing West’s genius.
Kwame Brown is now being dealt with by the same BOULE takes to put Steve Harvey or Candace Owens “back in place”.
They sound and do much like Charlemagne that god, who simply smiled with Joe Biden’s jizz on his face after being reminded who is there to determine who is black.
It’s the Black BOULE who are paid to remind Blacks the implausible notion that all who are Black ain’t Black.
These are the ones who are tooled to beg, grovel and march to get into places unhinged Blacks are not wanted (See Chris Rock’s clear distinction).
Since the NAACP’s first Black, Socialist Shill, W.E.B. DuBois was used to Deliver Booker T Washington’s Tuskegee Institute into the grips of the scheming Rothschilds, a formula abounds and is manifest by the likes of Mark Lamont Hill.
Sadly, Saul Alinsky perfected the grift which is carried forward by Democrats like, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden who love to define Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks with the help of their full stable of Black BOULE spycopants.
The Democrat wing of Alinskites have been enjoying a free lunch had off of the backs of intrinsically talented Blacks, and this includes the ones tasked to flip CIA harvested Crack brought up through Bill and Hillary’s Arkansas ports and the ones who are tooled with a bottle of hot sauce to help regulate and/or take out our Best.
With Kwame Brown’s help had by way of his momma’s recipe, we can clearly see the stable of, so called, “Talented Tenth”.
With the Kwame Brown recipe sprinkled about we can see how the Black BOULE have been lending their talents to hidden handed taskmasters who use them to keep blacks in a certain place forevermore.
We can see, no matter how talented, the hand-select Black BOULE’s only real contribution in life is making more profits for jewISH Owned multi-corporations who have been Profiting off of the backs of Black Greats, all along.
Sadly, the exploited Black Boule, includes Michael Jordan, Brown’s first incite into a NIKE Slave who may or may not have Sold His soul to the same hidden handed Satanists who have perfected keeping the Best of our Black Men Down.
In an age where trained Marxests are tasked to show Blacks, at large, the recipes, less the obvious come-up made by Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, alike, who BENEFITED the most in the wake of the Urban Spoils garnered by wayward BLM Goons led by Biden’s ANTIFA “Idea”, we will come to realize just how much of our Black talent is harnessed and Kept by hidden handed (white/jewISH) “Daddies” for far greater Profit than the entire, used, black Community will ever know.
Go #TeamKwameBrown
Biden Confirmed: Yes, Indeed, BOULE, You Are Black & That is all; Goodby…
Suffering a severe case of Stokholm Sydrom, BOULE blacks who bent over bass akwards to deliver Biden the, so called, “black vote”, zoomed in to grovel with hat in hand for a promised come-up from Massa Joe.

In keeping with the true spirit of the Democrat Plantation and Biden’s Democrat mentors, (the Strom Thurmond types), so called, “black predators” were left in the dust by ole Joe who musta had a, relatively, good day, as far as his selective cognitive decline goes.
For all of their Bootlicking, black BOULE should realize, by now, that they are 100% expendable, just like the rest of American blacks screwed over by Joe and Barack.

With nothing more to loose, Biden, simply, yanked the chain on his pets, who now find themselves on a much shorter leash at the end of their, respective, careers.
Sadly, blacks are cosigned by default to the Democrat’s stable of hand-select BOULE who serve their masters as our quazi “leaders”.

The BOULE are the ones who are tasked to run Interfearance and/or stand guard should their masters dare to offend.

The BOULE get overtime pay on election years and as a result of their dedication blacks who want better continue to be hurt the most.
The question is, when will these BOULE numb nutz finally learn how expendable they actually are?
After eight years worth of Bill Ayers’ designed BLM Curriculum, delivered upon Sixteen Years worth of Saul Alinsky informed “leadership”, starting with the Three Strikes signing Bill Clinton, chances are blacks will never learn!
The dumb a$$ black BOULE formula is how Chicago was transformed into Gun Free CHIRAQ full of mercinary targeted blacks who will be aggrieved forevermore should we fail to wake up.

We can thank greedy, myopic, elitist BOULE, such as, Kim Foxx, the Soros shill or power hungry freaks like Chicago’s, bug-eyed, Beetlejuice Mayor who can be tasked by others who need them to do the heavy lifting, all while the rest of us get the shaft.
Should the Sharpton led black elites get what they were paid for, Blacks will certainly see the abrupt end of Trump’s Opporation Legend and the much needed Relief Trump vowed to bring via his gracious policies in contrast to more of the same from Biden and Harris.

Biden may overturn full funding for HBCUs, continue the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Open Aired Prisons end-run around Trump’s First Step Act wich reversed the ravages of Biden’s Three Strikes Crime Bill, Opportunity Zones will be brought to naught just like Clinton’s failed urban development zones of old, and a Platinum Plan will be traded for led pipes that never get fixed as American infrastructure continues to take a backseat to China’s Belt and Road priorities.
Thanks to the hard working BOULE who did all they could to deliver Biden’s farcical victory, the Libya Slave Trade will be picked up right where Barack Obama left off.

Worst of all, the Democrats would realize Margret Sanger’s fever-dream of black Euthinasia with a modern-day caveat of Selling murdered Black Baby Body Parts for far more than a who Black slave was worth!

The powers that be will get away with the murder of black children in the womb up to nine months of gestation and/or eventual birth using Taxpayer Dollars, no less!
Should, trained Black Marxests & the Dumb A$$ BLACK #BOULE get everything their task masters hoped they played the Victim for, we are all doomed!!
While I am saddened Biden may be in charge of our sold-out nation, it makes me glad to see the Al Sharpton types hovel back to the street corners where they came from with their tails tucked between their weak knees and legs, now that Biden reminded them of the Democrat’s, Open Borders replacement schemes in behalf of Soros etal.

Yet, and still, GOD Help Us All if Biden actually gets the chance to put CornPop back in Chains!