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Biden Confirmed: Yes, Indeed, BOULE, You Are Black & That is all; Goodby…

Suffering a severe case of Stokholm Sydrom, BOULE blacks who bent over bass akwards to deliver Biden the, so called, “black vote”, zoomed in to grovel with hat in hand for a promised come-up from Massa Joe.

In keeping with the true spirit of the Democrat Plantation and Biden’s Democrat mentors, (the Strom Thurmond types), so called, “black predators” were left in the dust by ole Joe who musta had a, relatively, good day, as far as his selective cognitive decline goes.

For all of their Bootlicking, black BOULE should realize, by now, that they are 100% expendable, just like the rest of American blacks screwed over by Joe and Barack.

With nothing more to loose, Biden, simply, yanked the chain on his pets, who now find themselves on a much shorter leash at the end of their, respective, careers.

Sadly, blacks are cosigned by default to the Democrat’s stable of hand-select BOULE who serve their masters as our quazi “leaders”.

After his Black Son, Danney Williams was abandoned in Arkansas, Arsenial Hall told us Bill Clinton was our “First Black President” and no one blinked an eye.

The BOULE are the ones who are tasked to run Interfearance and/or stand guard should their masters dare to offend.

The BOULE get overtime pay on election years and as a result of their dedication blacks who want better continue to be hurt the most.

The question is, when will these BOULE numb nutz finally learn how expendable they actually are?

After eight years worth of Bill Ayers’ designed BLM Curriculum, delivered upon Sixteen Years worth of Saul Alinsky informed “leadership”, starting with the Three Strikes signing Bill Clinton, chances are blacks will never learn!

The dumb a$$ black BOULE formula is how Chicago was transformed into Gun Free CHIRAQ full of mercinary targeted blacks who will be aggrieved forevermore should we fail to wake up.

We can thank greedy, myopic, elitist BOULE, such as, Kim Foxx, the Soros shill or power hungry freaks like Chicago’s, bug-eyed, Beetlejuice Mayor who can be tasked by others who need them to do the heavy lifting, all while the rest of us get the shaft.

Should the Sharpton led black elites get what they were paid for, Blacks will certainly see the abrupt end of Trump’s Opporation Legend and the much needed Relief Trump vowed to bring via his gracious policies in contrast to more of the same from Biden and Harris.

Biden may overturn full funding for HBCUs, continue the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Open Aired Prisons end-run around Trump’s First Step Act wich reversed the ravages of Biden’s Three Strikes Crime Bill, Opportunity Zones will be brought to naught just like Clinton’s failed urban development zones of old, and a Platinum Plan will be traded for led pipes that never get fixed as American infrastructure continues to take a backseat to China’s Belt and Road priorities.

Thanks to the hard working BOULE who did all they could to deliver Biden’s farcical victory, the Libya Slave Trade will be picked up right where Barack Obama left off.

Worst of all, the Democrats would realize Margret Sanger’s fever-dream of black Euthinasia with a modern-day caveat of Selling murdered Black Baby Body Parts for far more than a who Black slave was worth!

The powers that be will get away with the murder of black children in the womb up to nine months of gestation and/or eventual birth using Taxpayer Dollars, no less!

Should, trained Black Marxests & the Dumb A$$ BLACK #BOULE get everything their task masters hoped they played the Victim for, we are all doomed!!

While I am saddened Biden may be in charge of our sold-out nation, it makes me glad to see the Al Sharpton types hovel back to the street corners where they came from with their tails tucked between their weak knees and legs, now that Biden reminded them of the Democrat’s, Open Borders replacement schemes in behalf of Soros etal.

Yet, and still, GOD Help Us All if Biden actually gets the chance to put CornPop back in Chains!