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Indeed. I get it. None of our lives can just be problem free as we are indeed a peculiar people.

We are so peculiar, historically we are born with a target in my estimation.

To simply live we must just be able to enjoy and embrace the basics and Gifts from God all around us. This is my primary goal most of the time, however. I am also compelled to dive into all that ails us as a people too.

There are others who have developed whole Think Tanks for this purpose.  I know us thinking more deeply is now a matter of life and death, as nothing ailing us as a people happens in a vacuum. 

It’s the book I have yet to write and the blog I maintain on the daily. Besides running my business and homeschooling a child, I have a whole lot on my mind.

Hence going to the beach and taking time off from preach (debate and deep discourse)  mode is possible and necessary too.

I want to address deep ish with others in our troubled community because I know of those who are actually Poisoning us in real time.

I realized it It is our relative cognitive dissonance that allows them to take our loved ones out unfettered.

To live, love, thrive, survive we all have to get IT right, if not for us, we have much to improve and protect for the sake of our next generations.

Social issues are driven by politics, a topic that is made into a third rail or reduced to a team sport when it’s more like (((they))) are F’ing with our minds and lives in very profound and deadly ways.

Who will rise up with me to confront that in Wich we are too damned tired and consumed to address? I am aware, not many.

I don’t blame anyone for me exhausting ears, minds, feelings etc.

My own brother promised to dismiss and block me for wanting to share hard truths that could steer his vote, thus, save his career, home and life because solutions, as well as, poisons for all of us are all mired in Politics. 

Trust that I can exchange niceties, small talk and speculation about the weather too, but now the powers that be are weaponizing the weather, as well.

Staying armored up in the word of God, resistant against trends and keeping truth from under my bushel is the only way forward for me, and this seems to be true for those with a resolve to endure as God sees fit, rather than how busy Satanists see fit.

I realize this is the stance that puts me outside of the dubious plans of the powers that be and off-put by their edicts, such as, agree to disagree, etc.

I realize it is the edicts designed by the evermore embolden Satanists that are now overwhelming the world, so much we can no longer stand up to words.

To (((them))) we are nothing more than Hackable Animals but as one who is gratefully defined by God, I am nought and thereby nothing to be tolerated by the minions of Satan resolved to be dead by yesterday.

Weather I am tarred like the poor man, scared like Job, embarrassed like Abigail, thrown to lions like Daniel, Married off like Ester or tempted like Christ, I’m sticking to God’s playbook like strong wheat among a sea full of unfavorable tares.

Like there were 40 to be spared hating Sodom and Gomorrah like God there are far more than 144000 who want and strive for Heaven on Earth just like me. Let us break bread
