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What Say You NABJ!? :/

Watch, ABL … “Joe Biden Asks Black Reporter If He’s ON DRUGS!” on YouTube

But of course!!!!!

With the National Association of Black Journalists’ help, Democrat Task-MASTERS, got gullible Blacks Begging Others to Believe Black Lives Matter, as if we don’t! Meanwhile, all proceeds sent to BLM go to Non Black Candidates, thanks to all of your heavy lifting and hard work!


But, Why, you ask? (<— a rhetorical question)

Of course, group thinking cliques will never ask why, as not to rock the innate edicts of a Cult that is tasked to go on the attack, and/or shallowly befriend the likes of Omarosa Manigault, or any other black person of note, based on their right think and mission. Of course the mission being, whatever is determined by NABJ’s hidden handed Masters who establish the rules for all American blacks they hope to control perpetually.

The fact is, hand-select BOULE have Sold their people out to Everything that is not in the best interest of Blacks, and they are tasked to work Overtime each and every damned election cycle.

This one fact, alone, is the most profound reason blacks, as a whole, suffer in our great nation, where the, so called, Talented Tenth get paid qwap to pretend nothing about America is great.

NAJB writers Used to Propagandize blacks, daily, are effective enough at their craft, that they got our most powerful Blacks within our great nation, begging on one bended knee in public, as if their life or lucrative careers and lively-hoods depended on it!!!

The question is, how could you NABJ????

How could you let the Democrat party practically own you; and how can you allow them to dictate our collective “reality” for so damned long!?!?

Not only are You Not Black, because your party overlord says so for not simply engaging in his diabolical plans “for” us, such as, vote blue no matter who with No Questions Asked, but now Your Best and Brightest MUST BE ON Joe Biden’s Metaphorical DRUGS, as you contemplate all of the nice things you must and will say about your empty overlord, each and every damned day!

Bottom Line, Planned Parenthood Survivors not yet gunned down in Barack Obama’s CHIRAQ,  KILLADELPHIA, etc., are nothing more than Super Predators to the party that, practically, Owns #NABJ members.

It seems to me, NABJ members are either too Stupid or too Greedy to #WalkAway or #BLEXIT against the party who Wrote the Three Strikes Crime Bill, which is one of the most devastating bills Endorsed and Signed by the narratively deified, John Louis -n- Dem, aka, #GoodTrouble!

In public, prominent blacks will claim not to be a monolith whenever it serves their ego, yet, for far too long, the Democrats have treated, otherwise, reputable Bodies of black writers, as if they were Expendable Cult Subjects tasked to tow the party line.

Today, Joe Biden asked an NABJ associated black  journalist, Errol Barnett, if he’s on drugs and tomorrow, all NABJ members will be tasked, once again, to pen the truth about Democrat candidate Biden away like prose!