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During the hidden handed fake Jews’ asymmetrical warfare in America, Americans will always be thrown off guard and remain hapless reactionaries, as planned!

As they work to systematically Brainwash and Demoralize us all we can recognize, both, metaphysical and allegorical themes emerging as well.

While it’s no longer poison wells to look out for, the remaining Americans who are not murdered by way of Dr Fouci’s Communist China predicated protocols,the hidden handed Oligarchs are Back on Track with Barack Obama era assaults, including, Cars plowing into unsuspecting Americans… Just in time for “something”.

As false flag events go, “Something” is as follows…  Keeping the Deep State Cabal’s Race Bate Momentum until Jerry Nadler rallies up his Weaponized Federal Government apparatus to avenge the Deep State’s fallen Pedo-thugs who were successfully thwarted by young Kyle Rittenhouse.

“Something” is making certain the Next False Flag perpetrator is a MSNBC TRIGGERED Black Man with intent to kill after Countess Black men are featured on the Fake News platforms, openly “protesting” the Rittenhouse Verdict.

“Something” is, puting Christians who’d Dare to have an early Christmas Parade on notice before the big Annual Parade and holiday events in NYC and elsewhere occur sans Fouci mandates.

“Something” is Communist Cohorts  chiming in, like Bill DeBlasio feigning righteous indignation about the recent Kyle Rittenhouse case.

“Something” is the hidden handed Oligarchs using CNN, MSNBC and ESPN featuring Black Useful Idiots systematically Inciting all American Blacks to take some sort of revenge, protests and Riots wherever we are.

Troubled American’s need to realize that Targeted Whites can’t be Triggered without False Flag Staged Black Terrorists and Targeted Blacks can’t be Triggered without False Flag Staged Whites…

All Triggered Americans are now being Brainwashed and Propagandized to act out in ways that supply COVER TO George Soros etal.

As more Americans wake up, the hidden handed jewISH oligarchs know they need to evoke utter kayos.

The Rev 2: 9 and 3:9 mentioned Satanists are hopping for a Race War or Soros’ hoped for AMERICAN SPRING.

Bernie Bros withstanding,(((they))) hope to effectuate their longstanding UN-Nato TAKEOVER plans of our Nation from within by Yesterday!