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Portland’s Prodigal Proletariats & Black Blocked Blacks in “The Red House” Are USED to Deliver George Soros’ Planned American Spring, Albeit, Well Over Three Years Late!

Today, mere Words in the hands of George Soros’ Media Matters and ProPublica TRAINED Minions, who occupy America’s usurped Fourth Estate are as deadly as Communitst China’s weapons, now placed on reserve just beyond the Globalist (Oligarch) Usurped Canadian Border.

Enter in, the contrast between our contested Whitehouse, now under siege once again, and the, so called, Redhouse in Portland after Nasty Women in Pussy Hats failed to deliver and/or burn out our Great Leader, therein.

Just as RINO Republicans stage their televised concessions to the improbable & compromized proxy “king” and his well-known floozie queen, first crowned via Jim Jones’ Besty, Willie Brown, and again by way of America’s Rigged Voting Machines, here we go again.

While we watch in horror, an unfit old man elevates himself from a counterfeit President Elect, to the self proclaimed President of the United States of America spawned directly out of lesser Venezuela, a Communist Proxy of the American based deep state , who made America their Bitch overnight.

Now the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Continue right where they left off , staging the unthinkable in their Oligarch Usurped Cities and States, such as, PA, NYC, Georgia & Portland Oregon.

Portland Oregon is the Oligarchs , long-standing Staging Ground, where they are free to USE their ANTIFA goons, Trained Marxest assets, Newly Minted Social Justice Warriors & or STAGED Blacks (when they’re not being Ordered Arround like CornPop slaves or Shot to death in Autonomous Zones like dogs) for the latest series of Stage-Crafted False Flag Events designed, expressly, for the sake of Generating more AI Agregated Fake News.

Fake news generated in Stage-Crafted Portland is then forwarded via the jewISH Oligarchs’ AI developed & moderated channels for the sake of evoking a knee jerk, visceral responses by the Oligarchs’ systematically frustrated, TARGETED AUDIENCES.

Such, staged events in key Oligarch Usurped cities are being used to garner the hidden handed Oligarchs, all that they ever wanted, via tried and true, hagalian dialectics paradigms, first brought to our attention by Henry Ford and Boris Brasol in their Dearborn Press’ published, Protocals of Zion.

It’s not enough that Henry Kissenger just staged his Second Coup during my lifetime, but, the hidden handed,jewISH Oligarchs, all on board with Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, are now garnering needed pretext, in yet another Hagalian Dialectics styled ploy, perfected by the Satanic Cabal who hope, like hell, to FINISH US ALL.

Their emerging Portland story is being developed in “real-time” for the further manipulation of compromized Politicians who serve as, both, sympathetic thought “leaders”, and Oligarch proxys, alike.

The Portland asswipe, Ted Wheeler, is now pretending to be FORCED into going along at the bequest of a “Victimized and Pathetic” black family portrayed as thee foil in the center of Portland’s latest, Orchestrated, Distraction!!!!!

Thus, the busy and unfettered, hidden handed Oligarchs continue using their emerging Brain Science based paradims, such as, “NUDGE” .

To Nudge Americans via to the Rev 3:9 mentioned jews’ Hagalian Dialectics paradims, False Flag events are being Stage Crafted in combination with Media Matters, perfected, Social Incites wich were developed to TRIGGER Unsuspecting Whites (they are now luring the Unprepared Proud Boys) and Unsuspecting Blacks (Emotional BLM Freaks) into George Soros etal’s PRE PLANNED and hoped for, Race War, Civil War and/or American Spring.

Thankfully, Soros’ American Spring is late by nearly three years, because President Donald J Trump won the election Hillary Clinton thought she had in the bag!

Initially, Sir Ronald Cohen and the hidden handed Cabal of jewISH Oligarchs here wanted America cimpletely toppled by the 100 Year Anniversary of their Bolshevic Revolution, hence, the Bolshevic Bernie Bros are now Standing By to ReEducate us & Bill Gates’ Forced Vacinnes, effectively, diverted by President Trump, will be back on track in no time.

Thus, the Rev 3:9 foretold saga playing out in our troubled Nation is forwarded with the help of America’s triggered & Useful Idiots.

The Satanists folly, as seen on SNL continues on, in stride, until American Saints finally Wake Up!

While what has happened to our nation should be OBVIOUS to all, the metaphisical nature of Rev 3:9 has Americans hesitant to say George Soros’ name & much less able to Stop Bill Gates and Dr Fouci’s paid for Plandemic Plans.

We the people can’t bring ourselves to recognize Revelation 3:9 in our, relatively, overlooked or discarded bibles, so conspiring jewISH Oligarchs’ are free to Topple our nation, from within.

With the help of Henry Kissenger’s Communist China cohorts , our own cognitive dissonance, relative Stokholm Sydrom and Fentanyl pushing D.A.’s , nationwide (see Killadelphia’s free needle supplied drug dens), Mr. population control, Bill Gates and the AIDS virus mavon, Dr. Fouci, hope to go far beyond the well-known history of Poisoned Wells this time around!

To end the, madness and the Oligarchs’ triggered infighting, to no avail, AMERICA’S PATRIOTS AND SAINTS MUST WAKE UP IN THE NAME OF GOD!

Otherwise, we can all Kiss this One Nation Under God, as we know it, goodby forevermore! 

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Patriots Hope for Law & Order as Tyrants Continue Undermining Constitutional Laws & American Police Forces Nationwide

Some say ALL is FAIR in LOVE & War…

…therefore, it’s not enough that WE THE PEOPLE would LOVE for Blatant Tyrants and the hidden handed Oligarchs they serve to Suddenly be FAIR!

At the very least; If we are not already engaged in CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE and BOYCOTTS of All Corporations with a Social Justice (Sir Ronald Cohen Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION) RaceBate mandate…

…if we are not Pushing Back Against draconian mask restrictions being leveled upon our Families and the asults against our Privacy within our own homes now under siege in the name of Bill Gates and Dr. Fouci’s patented COVID19 virus bioweapon…

…then Our evermore Brazen ENEMIES who bought themselves a rigged election, who now Track our Every, Move, our Spending Habits, our Geolocations, our Close Associations, our Facial Expressions, our Conversations, our Heart rate, our Body Temperature, our Mood, our future decisions, etc)…

… As per Rev 3:9, OUR COMMON ENEMY, ie, the hidden handed Oligarch Cabal knows for certain they have NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT and NOTHING TO LOOSE as they Move Forward with their Long-Standing PLANS to Upend our REPUBLIC once and for All Times!




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George Soros’ Role in United States’ Kayos was Stated here First!

It is why the Conspiring Cabal kicked me off of Facebook and Twitter long before the Fox News outting by the forbodden Meet Gingrich!

That is, I have not only reported what I know about George Soros ties to the Philly D.A. to the Trump Administration, I have also reported the Oligarchs’ conspiratori everyone who could see my posts on Facebook and Twitter, the fact that George Soros is no way alone

For a clue, do take a good look at the picture above or better yet, please read Rev 3:9 in your, relatively, disregarded Bible.

My longstanding Facebook Group pages, “S.O.S. George Soros…” PhillyThink”, “Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform” and “False Flags and Fake News” are now without an Administrator all because they were spot-on and quite telling of Soros’entire, hidden handed, Oligarch network that also includes Mark Zuckerburg and Jack Dorsey.

While the shackles are off regarding the mentioning Soros’ name, he is in no way alone.

Both, Soros and Zuckerburg forged dubious ties in Cory Booker’s Newark, and Zuckerburg’s relationship with Bruce Boykins in Chicago is chilling. Their relationship with a high profile murder Victim gives us a glimpse into the Oligarchs’ UN-NATO Takeover Plan using Murdered Blacks as the primary Pretense.

For a time I couldn’t even post my blogs about Soros here on WordPress, lest I substitute the letter “O” in Soros for a “0” to overcome a AI algorithm or whatever it was that prevented my uploads.

Admittedly, I could be mistaken in my assertion, but ultimately, changing his name slightly always did the trick!

At last, it was Newt Gingrich’s Fox News tell that has the attention of Americans who’d otherwise continue suffering Cognitive Dissonance and/or Stokholm Syndrome all at once.

We all have a relative blindspot when it comes to the hidden handed CABAL who is getting away with MURDER, in Compromised cities/states as I write.

Likewise, countless Americans, including, Newt Gingrich, were in on Soros etal complex Open City ploys, wich were hatched in London by Sir Ronald Cohen, and launched via Cohen’s Usurped Harvard/Kennedy School of Business.

Gingrich’s Fire all of the Janitors speech helped the hidden handed Oligarchs’ usher in Bill Ayers’ curriculum and Eli Brode’s Complete Usurptation of Philly Schools in behalf of Cohen’s dubious Social Impact Bond ploys.

Cohen’s SIB paradim includes the systematic monitization of targeted blacks in cities that were Quazi Privatized under the umbrella of Barack Obama’s Pay for Performance farce as cover.

Besides Gingrich, Republicans’, Tom Ridge, named first DHS Czar, and Mitt Romney were also instrumental in the Deep State Oligarchs’ post 911 Usurptation of whole Cities, the American education system, and Justice Systems, therein.

My question is, What did Newt Gingrich know about George Soros etal’s ploys, and when did he know it?

Imagine my surprise seeing Gingrich standing in the hall of my former Junior High School in the middle of Oligarch Usurped Philadelpha!

Please use the Search-bar to find all that I have revealed about George Soros, based on my own research, gleaned from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia’s Point of View!

Search both, Soros and S0ros for best results. Or browse topics to see what else happened in Oligarch Usurped Philly.

Another great way to search primary sources or my other online commentary is to select any of the telling photos below and right click to Google Search them.

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Neo-Slavery & the Oligarch’s Social Impact #REFORM Revolution, Brought to You by Hungry, Gullible, Blacks Sold Just Enough Rope to Hang Us All.

Do any of you realize the full extent of Sir Ronald Cohen’s new Social Impact Bonds, or his direct ties to Robert Kraft, Goldman Sachs’ Social Impact Bonds, George Soros’ Open Cities, and the Michael Bloomberg associated , Center for Court Innovation, who are all pushing behind the scenes to Sell #REFORM to all blacks via their hand-select Black Minions, such as, Van Jones, Jayz, and Meek Mill’s???

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Philly-Ground-Zero-Justice-Reform-Shills-1024x741.jpg

Did you realize Cohen’s, dubious, Venture Capital ploys that Bankrupted the Coffers of American City, State and This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is images2-1930296761-1.jpegInstitutional Pensions, Nationwide, was followed up by Goldman Sachs’s, Black Middle Class Targeting, Prime Rate lending schemes in order to perpetuate a consequent Stock Market Bust and further American Bankruptcies?

Do you realize these successive financial events were in no way a mistake, but as calculated as Cohen’s, so called, “Second Bounce of the Ball”?

Did you realized Cohen financed his latest Social Impact Bond schemes with the Unclaimed Assets that were practically Stolen from British Citizen’s who likely still haven’t a clue?

Did you realize, The Clinton’s 21st Century Justice #REFORM, spearheaded in Oligarch Usurped Philly by the Chicago native, Commissioner Raymond Ramsey is one and the SAME as Meek Mill’s, so called, #Reform?

Do you realize, just like the Walton’s of Walmart Helped to make Tom Ridge’s Push to PRIVATIZE Philly Schools, after Bill Ayers’ Edison School FAIL, a Cabal of Hidden Handed Oligarchs thought to make their Urban School Takeover plans, A BLACK CAUSE via their dubious BAEO group which was spearheaded in the Walton’s Behalf by Black Shills, such as, Howard Fuller, Anthony H. Williams and Dwight Evens, who easily delivered Philly Schools and the kids, therein, into the hands of the Oligarch Hedge-funder, Eli Broad et al?

My fellow Blacks, I hate to rain on your Prestigious Parade, but the Cabal of oligarchs who Usurped Harvard as their Central Social IMPACT Bond Headquarters for Cohen’s (of the former G8’s) REVOLUTIONARY dream of CAPITALIZING Upon All Urban Blacks, are the same as the ones who have Usurped Philadelphia with the help of Michael Nutter soon after he publicly declared that All Philly Youth, were “A-Holes”.

Cohen’s Social Impact Bonds ploy is a part of the Same City Disruption Paradigms featured on the Deep State’s trial Balloon show, HBO’s “The Wire”, which included an episode on the Oligarch’s Plans for introducing Bill Bratton’s Comstat Policing and Police free Opioid Zones that was systematically deployed inside of Philly’s rapidly deteriorated Kensington section, for which the oligarchs thought to chronicle on their HBO special, Drug Inc.

Ironically, we were all supplied with powerful hints of Bratton et al’s dirty plans via the outcries from two whistle blowing police officers on opposite sides of our nation. First by California Police officer, Christopher Donner, who mention the plans of his Police Chief, Bratton in his manifesto before being taken out by fellow officers out in a blaze of vainglory, and then by New York City Police officer, Adrian Schoolcraft, who’s heralding story aided by his thoughtful recordings of rogue NYC Police, served as a Clarion Outcry against the Deep State’s devious plans which were forwarded with the help of Philadelphia’s Mayor Michael Nutter and the New York City based Oligarchs who wished to to Targeted and Police State MONETIZE blacks under the banner of Cohen, Soros, Bloomberg et al’s managed Social Impact Bond Scheme’s.

It’s true, the Oligarchical Cabal who have determined to Usurp American Cities under the Banner of George Soros’ Open Cities plan, are now working to CAPITALIZE (Re Enslaving and Monetizing) Blacks under the auspice of Cohen’s Social Impact Bond scheme now promulgated inside of the Usurped Harvard, Kennedy School of Business.

Listen closely to Newt Gingrich, who delivered the news that Urban Blacks should, indeed, be Cleaning their own schools after all, but one, Master Janitor is fired as a convoluted way to Teach targeted Blacks Work Ethics.

Soon after Gingrich’s, Harvard School of Business speech he just so happened to appeared inside of my own Jr. High School, Shoemaker, located in the heart of West Philly, just a few blocks away from Bill Gates, so called, School of the Future and minutes away from Bill Ayers of the Sixties Terrorist Group the Weather Underground’s failed Edison schools.

The Oligarch’s Harvard School of Business spearheaded Social Impact ploys include, Newly Arrayed Criminal courts, some of which are now embedded inside of targeted Urban High Schools throughout Philly, so that our Targeted Youth will become accustomed to the Criminal Court Systems that are now conveniently placed inside of EVERY BLACK Neighborhood, after Philadelphia’s Centrally based Criminal Court was disbanded and radically restructured.

Note the language that is a blatant slap in the face to the American Constitution’s, Life and Liberty snd Justice clauses, in that according to new Laws that were imparted by Usurping Oligarchs under Michael Nutter’s Democratic watch, TARGETED Blacks Citizens are now to be afforded a “LASTING Relationship Between Local Communities and the Criminal Justice System”.

See the full version here:

Targeted black youth now held up in Philly’s Oligarch Usurped Schools are to submit to Compstat Police Tracking, Constitutional Rights Voided Police Zones where targeted black men aged 15-35 are deemed Gangs by association. Targeted blacks in Philly are now subject to Data Mining for life and in hope of Batch Indictments as the Social Impact Bond mavens even wish to use Data Mining to adjudicate targeted Black American’s for future crimes.

While black American’s do serve as the low hanging fruit for Sir Ronald Cohen and his Oligarch Cabal’s Social Impact Bond Paradigms, they hope to gain investing share-holders for, the hidden handed Deep State Oligarchs fully intended to Upscale their newly arrayed Open Cities and Police State Paradigms to, so called, Goyim too who are now being socially maligned in their Usurped Media and targeted heavily by systematically situated Free Needle Location and Police Free Opioid Abuse Dens and various schemes being tested in Philly first.

The plan to monitor targeted blacks and Americans, at large, from Cradle to Grave to serve as Capital fodder for the Oligarch’s newly arrayed Criminal Court System, is now being forwarded by Robert Kraft, as a Oligarch Pet Project delivered to him at his Alma Mata, Harvard, who is working with Michael Rubin along with Meek Mill’ who servers as the Oligarch’s Muse and hand-select Celebrity Figure Head, who can be USED to get unsuspecting blacks on board with their dubious Social Impact Bonds ploys that include their ubiquitously named #REFORM.

The Oligarch’s, New Criminal Court Laws were written by the Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation and, unwittingly, forwarded by my own cousin, Philadelphia city Councilman Curtis Jones Jr., who’s efforts to Place Surveillance Cameras’ in newly arrayed Police Zones, even after being cited for Surveillance Camera based corruption in his own fourth district corridor, was also in behalf of Oligarchs he had forwarded the new criminal court laws for in New York City. Bloomberg would later assert his dominion over city hall by way of his far reaching Soda Tax law which also served as, yet another a test case for the Social Impact Bond Purveyor’s Trippe Bottom Line goals.

Bloomberg’s New York City haven is where the Oligarch’s first tested their Compstat Policing schemes and schemes to Monetize systematically TARGETED Blacks via Neo Black Code Laws that were first implemented inside of the Goldman Sachs infiltrated HUD housing units situated in Red Hook .

Philly’s Criminal Court Laws, written by the Michael Bloomberg associated, Center for Court Innovation, headed up by Greg Berman, function Exactly like Post SLAVERY Black code laws so that the Nation’s Targeted blacks who proved to be Less Profitable inside of the Oligarch’s Wall-Street Traded Prisons, initially Stocked by Clinton’s vicious 3 Strike Laws, are being made FAR MORE PROFITABLE in a newly arrayed Open Air Prison system, complete with Data Mining and electronic Surveillance Tracking Systems. I have no doubt that PUMA was selected to promote Meek Mill’s REFORM due to their earlier development into Sneaker Based Tracking Devices.

Their new model has been conveniently renamed #REFORM, rather than Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform, after Hillary Clinton lost to the Oligarch’s ongoing chagrin.

Thanks to Clinton’s Reform efforts, with the help of Barack Obama and Chicago’s own, Raymond Ramsey, She nearly completed her task of Deep State Federalizing America’s Police forces, a ploy that was put on ice after President Donald J. Trump won the 2016 election.

What the deep state is now working to salvage under the banner of REFORM is the fact that Criminally Charged Blacks inside of their Test City, Philadelphia, can now be Harnessed like Black Code Adjudicated Chattel and thereby blacks are being made to engage in Work throughout the city in the place of previous Union and Blue Collar Work-forces.

Clinton’s initial justice Reforms, were all done in behalf of the Usurping Oligarchs and they were forward, aggressively, under the auspice of George Soros’ Anti-Recidivism paradigms, and as Clinton herself stated the importance of Adjusting her own language based on what audience she was speaking to in her infamous Goldman Sachs speech the names the Oligarchs use to forward their greater Empire Schemes are always evolving as needed and in order to further deceive the unsuspecting public.

The Oligarch’s venture into anti-recidivism paradigm is known by many names, including, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform which is now Meek Mill’s #REFORM, w/Michael Rubin and Robert Kraft leading the way. It is the same as the Oligarch’s, for Profit-Open Air Prison Surveillance system using Compstat and the Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation laws to systematically monetize all Urban blacks.

These schemes are one and the same as the former G8’s Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond ploys, a newly hatched financial instrument being managed by Goldman Sachs. Social Impact Bond paradigm expressly sets out to MONETIZE AND CAPITALIZE off of the backs of , hapless, TARGETED, Urban BLACKS in the cities they first systematically Bankrupted.

Thanks to Bloomberg’s new Political Pet, Michael Nutter who also served as Hillary Clinton’s loyal sycophant, All Proceeds generated by the new justice #REFORM arrangements established by Cohen at the helm, go to Bloomberg and Goldman Sachs et al, who are tasked with managing Cohen’s new Social Impact Bond Farce, State-side. It is part and parcel to the Deep State Oligarch’s Push for Open Cities, Open Borders and GLOBALISM .

I know I have posted much to digest, but getting us Happy, Hungry Blacks to do the Oligarch’s heavy lifting is the Hallmark of Sir Ronald Cohen’s latest financial farce, now managed by Goldman Sachs’ who’s Prime Rate Lending Schemes following on the heals of Cohen’s VC Capital Theft of Urban Workers Pensions, managed to set Middle and Upper Class Blacks back at least a Century behind, regarding Black Wealth and relative Progress in the Targeted Urban Cities that are now being aggressively gentrified and brought into utter kayos.

Bottom line, the USURPATION of our Great City of Philadelphia, our Nation’s First Capital and the Social Impact Bond TARGETING of hapless Blacks to Profit Upon in our Gentrified cities and Stolen School Systems, could Never have happened without the ongoing help of Ambitious, yet, Clueless Blacks, who still clamor like Van Jones and Meek Mill’s to Deliver their Hidden Handed OLIGARCH Task-MASTERS a victory and all of the Social Impact Bond Slaves that Goldman Sachs et al ever hope to “manage” under the banner of #REFORM.

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Maxine Waters Admits She’s an ANIMAL, While her Alien Loving Democrat Party Sheds their SOCIALIST Cocoon Full Bore

See here, there’s Nothing New in the Democratic Party, whatsoever, and likewise, there’s Nothing New Under the Sun.

We are witness to the 2016 DNC saga all over again as America remains mired in Corrupt Nasty Women and easy go Socialists, for whom the hidden handed Oligarchs may Feast, thanks to the People – Parasite – Servant – Delicacies they truly are.

REUTERS/Carlo Allegri – RTSA3WR

They represent the symbiosis from hell first spawned by the Rothchilds and they represent the Best Tools, to date, for the practical head of America’s aged “Elders of Zion”, who hope, like hell, to see their Arc of Bolshevik destruction culminate into a Satanic Empire that we were all Warned About on so Many Occasions, but none more profoundly than in biblical Prophecy itself. Read Rev 3:9.

Between the Bookends of Constantine and Barack Obama the, so called, Western World is becoming the threshing floor where unbridled, ungodly ones are organized by the Synogog of Satan into cesspools of frenzy and hate.

As those who, with child-like foolishness, were first brought into the folds of Liberalism, Feminism and Activism  serving as cover for Communism grow up, most fail to take heed of the many Empirical Lessons Learned the hard way.

So many of us are still, duly, entrenched by the mixed messages perpetrated by Usurped Methodist offspring who were Sacrificed as Hypocritical Obstructionists of Facts, as they were indeed made far too busy to spread the most basic words of God for Armor, as follows.

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

Just as our Black Caucus members Volunteer to take a back seat on the civility bus, Bill Cosby is receiving his own Object-Lessons from downtrodden and bare-breasted Cosby Kids in his wake. Now, the truly “woke” among us are metaphysically shown Cosby’s Best Lesson for us to date.

That is, Buying in to Satan’s, Any Means Necessary paradigms means that they Will Do As Thou Wilt with us all for as long as God’s Chosen remain so willing to Sell Out and essentially Sell Our Souls to the hidden handed ones who now wish to be known as your AI Gods or Serpent Race, respectively.

Bilderberg 2018 – Note the Alfa Romeo Logo of the Serpent Consuming the Black Moor and how Fiat-Chrysler is this years Bilderberg host in Turin Italy.

As we get a closer glimpse into the Democratic sausage factory we can see, in real-time, how all of the muscle in the Animal Farm of Control and Deceit is beginning to spoil and Rot.

While the Democratic Spectacle is certainly enough to turn stomachs, it is not enough to stand idly by as the alien loving Obfuscaters are, begrudgingly, cast out.

While the hidden handed Oligarchs still need Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton types to exist as cover for a Titanic that is Going Down Fast, while we only see the Tip of the Ice-burg they still hope to be known as too big to fail just like the wizard of Oz.

We must expect the Hidden Handed Oligarch Overlords, who supply the Corrupt members of our Senate and Congress their Well-Orchestrated Marching Orders, to hit us with their best weapons, albeit, more like Cornered Animals from Hell.


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The Weather Underground Shill, Barack Obama, is At It Again!

Barack Obama’s Official Portrait is all about NUDGE Behavioral Brain Science (STEM) , RaceBating, Hurt Feelings, Media Incites, Weather Underground Styled Terror, Stirring Up the Masses, Utter Kayos and a Hoped For, year late, Rev 3:9 jew’s #Bolshevik Anniversary CHAMPIONED RACE-War in America, NO MORE and NO LESS!

Yes, indeed, the #Hamite Servant of Servant, BARACK OBAMA, is Proven himself to Be the DICTATOR, But, of BIBLICAL Mandates, first and foremost, Upon his failed, and Thinly Veiled, efforts to bring about a Full Blown PROTOCOLS OF ZION Effect, to no avail but Universal REVELATION. :/

TOGETHER, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD, yet, on a Obama Spawned CONTRARY, being the Dedicated COMMUNIST STYLED Servant to Servants that he clearly is, so DIVIDED WE’d ALL FALL!


(Sir Ronald Cohen and Goldman Sachs’ SOCUAL IMPACT Bonds = SLAVERY 2.0 for Blacks and , so called, Goyim, ALIKE!)

#BibleAllegory #BLACKAMoors #Beheaded #RaceBate #RobReiner #CivilWar #TimingIsEverything #ThankObama #Anthrax #MAGA #qanon