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Once upon a time, Americans cared who had their finger on the nuclear button at 3AM in the morning and before that, our gregarious leaders were kind enough to teach the youngest among us how and when to duck and cover.

Today, we are left to wonder, who even gives a damn let alone who is in charge of our nuclear controls, as the lights are on in the Oligarch Usurped Whitehouse, but clearly, nobody sane is home.

By now, regardless of our innate penchant for cognitive dissonance, all Americans should realize there’s a subset in our nation who wanted us dead and gone by yesterday!

In violation to our Constitution, the RICO act and laws against Subversion with the penalty of death, the particular jewISH subset has openly declared their plans for us, from Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, the use of vaccines to deliver Bill Gates’ Depopulation fever-dreams, to Race Bating Planned Parenthood Survivors trapped in Gun Free Zones on every Democrat Plantation where COMPROMIZED and hungry Democrats are the majority among compromised political leaders who have obviously sold their souls for the love of money, fear or lust.

Bottom Line, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL and WE THE PEOPLE can’t bring ourselves to say who (((they))), the so called, Globalists, Oligarchs, 1%, Green New Deal, New World Order or George Soros propagators truly are, let alone STOP THE CABAL IN THEIR TRACKS For FEAR of being called Hitler!!!! 

As WE DO NOTHING but be forbodden to say Soros name, his Subversive Cabal of homogeneous Zionists with long memories and historical scores to settle against targeted Blacks, God fearing Whites and Russia, the one nation that refused to buy and sell Negros (Negus KINGS) turned Slaves, are completely FREE and determined to Engage in Every Way to Systematically Depopulate the Earth at the full expense of COMPROMIZED “Leaders” who have Sold their Souls to Satan!

Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution is now underway in America and Henry Kissinger’s second Coup has gone down with the help of Mark Zuckerberg and his Communist China Cohorts.

Furthermore, the Dead Man Walking in our Oligarch Usurped Whitehouse can’t even remember there’s no one but him on stage on a good day!

Thanks to University of Pennsylvania developments, Fouchi was able to launch his Plandemic, Martin Orne’s pedophilia ploy is paying off in dividends and the Master Mind F’er Gates feel free and clear to say whatever is on his Satanic mind.

(((They))), who now deem us all Hackable Animals worthy only of eating bugs, all know how Stolhom Syndrome, Mass Hypnosis, Propaganda and Mind Control work, more importantly, (((they))) know what’s on our minds via our “smart phones”, as well as , where most of us are on any given moment for as long as we are , relatively, addicted to our devices.

Now many around the world are injected by (((their))) gene editing, carbon based, mRNA concoctions so that resulting Hackable Animals can be practically owned by their, so called, AI god’s wanting to follow up with Nazis styled tattoos!

Until then, (((they))) are beating the Ukrainians like a dead horse and fashioning their Russian DNA having corpses into (((their))) pretense for WWIII at the expense of Martin Luther’s German brethren,first and foremost, before (((they))) circle back to finish the rest of us, as planned!

UNTIL THE WORLD, COLLECTIVELY REALIZES REV 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL, (((they))) will simply have (((their))) openly stated way with us! 

Wake Up Saints or eat bugs and dirt!!!!!


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Henry Kissinger and George Bush Sr’s Communist China cohorts learned every nation-toppling ploy from the very best subversives post Bolshevic America has to offer.

Now, after America’s SECOND COUP (the First being Kissinger’s systematic double crossing of President Nixon with the help of Bob Woodward et al) those who were used by Kissinger and George Bush Sr. as proxies for plausible deniability now have General Milley and Joe Biden for plausible deniability.

Hence, while America is reeling over the American tyrant’s man made Covid19 “accomodations”, Dr. Fouci, Bill Gates’ and NIKE’s Communist China is now left Billions of Dollars worth of American weapons t right along with the Complete Control over America’s trained Marxest and Useful Idiots, ISIS, ANTIFA and ISIS X, alike, which is Biden’s bright “idea” and Barack Obama’s latest CIA Styled invention.

The good news is, nothing the crafty, hidden handed, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned fake Jews do is anything new under the sun…

From (((their))) long history of poisoning wells or spreading smallpox, manifest into Dr. Fouci’s Gain of function viruses slated to go directly into our set upon veins to Starting Every modern War since the Bolshevik Revolution using Fake News and False Flags, we can’t say were not already warned!

The bad news is, most Americans are no longer armored up in the word of God, thanks, in part, to America’s post Bolshevic era burocracies.

Even when Gates, Fouci or the NIKE CEO admits to us their deadly goals and plans WITH Communist China, thanks to Stockholm Syndrome and Cognitive Dissonance, alike, We The People behave as if we haven’t a clue.

Without the full armor of God (((they))) will continue on with Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution plans, and (((they))) will get away with it, simply because We The People “can’t” say George Soros’ name.

We the People are so we’ll TRAINED and , relatively, oppressed (((they))) know We the People cannot or call out any of the Satanic CABAL, no matter how formulaic Kissinger’s evermore brazen cabal of deep state, nation-toppling hacks become.

Note: If General Millie is not now dealt with Constitutionally, Bob Woodward’s purposeful TAKEAWAY MESSAGE (predictive programming SPYOP) is that his hidden handed cabal of Communist China cohorts, ie, Kissinger et al, are still in FULL CONTROL OF OUR NATION and thereby there is NOTHING, whatsoever, that WE THE PEOPLE will do or Can Do to Change it!!!

As We the People Wait for Nothing to be done to a Treasonous General, Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA MYTH, UN-NATO and Bernie Bros are all standing by to VACCINATE & REEDUCATE You just as the hidden handed (jewISH) “American” Oligarchs see fit!!!!

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George Soros’ Role in United States’ Kayos was Stated here First!

It is why the Conspiring Cabal kicked me off of Facebook and Twitter long before the Fox News outting by the forbodden Meet Gingrich!

That is, I have not only reported what I know about George Soros ties to the Philly D.A. to the Trump Administration, I have also reported the Oligarchs’ conspiratori everyone who could see my posts on Facebook and Twitter, the fact that George Soros is no way alone

For a clue, do take a good look at the picture above or better yet, please read Rev 3:9 in your, relatively, disregarded Bible.

My longstanding Facebook Group pages, “S.O.S. George Soros…” PhillyThink”, “Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform” and “False Flags and Fake News” are now without an Administrator all because they were spot-on and quite telling of Soros’entire, hidden handed, Oligarch network that also includes Mark Zuckerburg and Jack Dorsey.

While the shackles are off regarding the mentioning Soros’ name, he is in no way alone.

Both, Soros and Zuckerburg forged dubious ties in Cory Booker’s Newark, and Zuckerburg’s relationship with Bruce Boykins in Chicago is chilling. Their relationship with a high profile murder Victim gives us a glimpse into the Oligarchs’ UN-NATO Takeover Plan using Murdered Blacks as the primary Pretense.

For a time I couldn’t even post my blogs about Soros here on WordPress, lest I substitute the letter “O” in Soros for a “0” to overcome a AI algorithm or whatever it was that prevented my uploads.

Admittedly, I could be mistaken in my assertion, but ultimately, changing his name slightly always did the trick!

At last, it was Newt Gingrich’s Fox News tell that has the attention of Americans who’d otherwise continue suffering Cognitive Dissonance and/or Stokholm Syndrome all at once.

We all have a relative blindspot when it comes to the hidden handed CABAL who is getting away with MURDER, in Compromised cities/states as I write.

Likewise, countless Americans, including, Newt Gingrich, were in on Soros etal complex Open City ploys, wich were hatched in London by Sir Ronald Cohen, and launched via Cohen’s Usurped Harvard/Kennedy School of Business.

Gingrich’s Fire all of the Janitors speech helped the hidden handed Oligarchs’ usher in Bill Ayers’ curriculum and Eli Brode’s Complete Usurptation of Philly Schools in behalf of Cohen’s dubious Social Impact Bond ploys.

Cohen’s SIB paradim includes the systematic monitization of targeted blacks in cities that were Quazi Privatized under the umbrella of Barack Obama’s Pay for Performance farce as cover.

Besides Gingrich, Republicans’, Tom Ridge, named first DHS Czar, and Mitt Romney were also instrumental in the Deep State Oligarchs’ post 911 Usurptation of whole Cities, the American education system, and Justice Systems, therein.

My question is, What did Newt Gingrich know about George Soros etal’s ploys, and when did he know it?

Imagine my surprise seeing Gingrich standing in the hall of my former Junior High School in the middle of Oligarch Usurped Philadelpha!

Please use the Search-bar to find all that I have revealed about George Soros, based on my own research, gleaned from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia’s Point of View!

Search both, Soros and S0ros for best results. Or browse topics to see what else happened in Oligarch Usurped Philly.

Another great way to search primary sources or my other online commentary is to select any of the telling photos below and right click to Google Search them.