Henry Kissinger and George Bush Sr’s Communist China cohorts learned every nation-toppling ploy from the very best subversives post Bolshevic America has to offer.
Now, after America’s SECOND COUP (the First being Kissinger’s systematic double crossing of President Nixon with the help of Bob Woodward et al) those who were used by Kissinger and George Bush Sr. as proxies for plausible deniability now have General Milley and Joe Biden for plausible deniability.

Hence, while America is reeling over the American tyrant’s man made Covid19 “accomodations”, Dr. Fouci, Bill Gates’ and NIKE’s Communist China is now left Billions of Dollars worth of American weapons t right along with the Complete Control over America’s trained Marxest and Useful Idiots, ISIS, ANTIFA and ISIS X, alike, which is Biden’s bright “idea” and Barack Obama’s latest CIA Styled invention.

The good news is, nothing the crafty, hidden handed, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned fake Jews do is anything new under the sun…
From (((their))) long history of poisoning wells or spreading smallpox, manifest into Dr. Fouci’s Gain of function viruses slated to go directly into our set upon veins to Starting Every modern War since the Bolshevik Revolution using Fake News and False Flags, we can’t say were not already warned!
The bad news is, most Americans are no longer armored up in the word of God, thanks, in part, to America’s post Bolshevic era burocracies.
Even when Gates, Fouci or the NIKE CEO admits to us their deadly goals and plans WITH Communist China, thanks to Stockholm Syndrome and Cognitive Dissonance, alike, We The People behave as if we haven’t a clue.
Without the full armor of God (((they))) will continue on with Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution plans, and (((they))) will get away with it, simply because We The People “can’t” say George Soros’ name.
We the People are so we’ll TRAINED and , relatively, oppressed (((they))) know We the People cannot or call out any of the Satanic CABAL, no matter how formulaic Kissinger’s evermore brazen cabal of deep state, nation-toppling hacks become.
Note: If General Millie is not now dealt with Constitutionally, Bob Woodward’s purposeful TAKEAWAY MESSAGE (predictive programming SPYOP) is that his hidden handed cabal of Communist China cohorts, ie, Kissinger et al, are still in FULL CONTROL OF OUR NATION and thereby there is NOTHING, whatsoever, that WE THE PEOPLE will do or Can Do to Change it!!!
As We the People Wait for Nothing to be done to a Treasonous General, Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA MYTH, UN-NATO and Bernie Bros are all standing by to VACCINATE & REEDUCATE You just as the hidden handed (jewISH) “American” Oligarchs see fit!!!!