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I see what you did Mark Dice!

As per Rev 2:9 & 3:9 you sprinkled a little Ben Shapiro and Peppered a whole lot of Candace Owens to help build your brand on a higher foundation in time for the inevitable Trump Administration.

B R A V O !!! You have come a long way from being simply race bated and I, for one, am glad.

I’ve been warming as many Americans as I could reach about the clear and present dangers systematically manifest in London, America and now in Palestine by the man who wrote “The Second Bounce Of The Ball” as if Bankrupting America’s pension coffers in time to swap our Republic for full blown Oligarchy was nothing more than a game!

Perhaps we’ll see you emerge out of the kitchen like a Phoenix, swarm over the deadened heads on the boardwalk and into the 2024 White-house to address the dangers of weaponized propaganda under the banner of Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION.

Meanwhile, I’ll chronicle this genius act and other important civic breakthroughs needed to right our wronged nation in my or blogs.


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Gotta Love Mark Dice the Man With His Finger on the Pulse of Fake News

Besides Donald Trump, Mark Dice and We The People are what the deep state Oligarchs hate most.

I learned this well before Mark Zuckerburg banned me from Facebook, giving my informative Group Pages, such as, my False Flags and Fake News group over to complete strangers.

While President Trump is said to have coined the phrase, my False Flags and Fake News group page was developed in 2014, well before “Fake News” became news.

Black Woman from Oligarch Usurped Philly here….

A++ Research Mr Dice!!! Spot-on About BET and what Rev 2:9 and 3:9 Mentioned ghouls have done to my fellow blacks through media and tech tyranny.

I’ve no doubt Blacks are now subject to a Collateral Beauty styled situation after seeing HBO’s “The Wire” MANIFEST in my hometown, Philadelphia. The results of installing Paradigms from “the wire” was then featured on the HBO’s, “Drug Inc.” (Kensington).

On “The Wire” Oligarchs showed their Compstat policing plans for Soros’ , so called, “Open Cities”.

After visiting the set of “the Wire” in Baltimore along with members of the Philadelphia City Council, Mayor Michael Nutter (a Hillary Clinton sycophant turned Bloomberg’s Campeign “water-boy”) allowed the Oligarchs’ to “upscale” Open Air Prison System components of Compstat Policing in Philly, along with their “Future Crimes” plans , which are now manifest in our Nation’s “first” capital and Bill DiBlazio’s (Bloomberg’s) NYC too. NY Officer Adrian Schoolcraft and California Officer Chris Donnar tried to warn us. Donnar tried to whistle blow against Bill Bratton, the “father of Compstat”, before he was taken out in a “blaze of glory”.

Mayor Nutter was then tasked to turn other Bankrupt cites into the hidden handed Oligarchs’ , “early adapter” cities/states via his chairmanship of the Oligarch Usurped, Conference of Mayors. :/

Philadelphia suffered a series of False Flags and Fake News episodes, includind the incredible “Philly Flash Mobs” situation.
I’ve no doubt the Staged events were Technocratic ally spawned.

Likewise, Philly featured the “Two Black Men Arrested in Starbucks” situation.

I recognized how both, events were STAGED as a pretense for the Oligarchs’ future plans. One, to help usher in Bill Ayers’ Edison Schools with all day Comcast/CNN PROGRAMING, and one to forward Starbucks’ #RaceTogether Ploy, a precursor to the Oligarchs’, wide-spread, Critical Race Theory.
Note how Eric Holder was tasked to forward Starbucks’ Staged Scheme.

Likewise, Philadelphia’s, Patience Carter, became a Pulse / Florida nightclub, mass shooting victim. She first worked as a Fox News intern in Philly. Her consequent book was released the same week another STAGED Mass shooting in Philly occured , also, in the midst of Bloomberg’s Gun Grab Campeign w/Mike Nutter.

The North Philly debocale is still on YouTube and like the Pulse affair it featured another FBI informant who was STAGED to engage most of the Philadelphia Police in a day-long shootout.

The Harvard School of Business trained Police Commissioner, Richard Ross Jr. Was effectively honneypotted after the botched event, and the Portland & Mossad trained Police Commissioner, Daniel Outlaw was brought in to FINISH the Transformation in Philly, where a George Soros DA, presides over utter Kayos in the long shadows cast by Bill Gates’, Microsoft School of the Future.

Read more by searching “False Flags” at

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GREAT WORK Mr. Dice. I’m buying your book today!