As per Rev 2:9 and 3:9 the Cabal of jewISH OLIGARCHS are all cosigned to Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION Paradigms, ie “Toppling the World”. #NWO
Tag: NWO
Once upon a time, Americans cared who had their finger on the nuclear button at 3AM in the morning and before that, our gregarious leaders were kind enough to teach the youngest among us how and when to duck and cover.
Today, we are left to wonder, who even gives a damn let alone who is in charge of our nuclear controls, as the lights are on in the Oligarch Usurped Whitehouse, but clearly, nobody sane is home.
By now, regardless of our innate penchant for cognitive dissonance, all Americans should realize there’s a subset in our nation who wanted us dead and gone by yesterday!
In violation to our Constitution, the RICO act and laws against Subversion with the penalty of death, the particular jewISH subset has openly declared their plans for us, from Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, the use of vaccines to deliver Bill Gates’ Depopulation fever-dreams, to Race Bating Planned Parenthood Survivors trapped in Gun Free Zones on every Democrat Plantation where COMPROMIZED and hungry Democrats are the majority among compromised political leaders who have obviously sold their souls for the love of money, fear or lust.
Bottom Line, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL and WE THE PEOPLE can’t bring ourselves to say who (((they))), the so called, Globalists, Oligarchs, 1%, Green New Deal, New World Order or George Soros propagators truly are, let alone STOP THE CABAL IN THEIR TRACKS For FEAR of being called Hitler!!!!
As WE DO NOTHING but be forbodden to say Soros name, his Subversive Cabal of homogeneous Zionists with long memories and historical scores to settle against targeted Blacks, God fearing Whites and Russia, the one nation that refused to buy and sell Negros (Negus KINGS) turned Slaves, are completely FREE and determined to Engage in Every Way to Systematically Depopulate the Earth at the full expense of COMPROMIZED “Leaders” who have Sold their Souls to Satan!
Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution is now underway in America and Henry Kissinger’s second Coup has gone down with the help of Mark Zuckerberg and his Communist China Cohorts.
Furthermore, the Dead Man Walking in our Oligarch Usurped Whitehouse can’t even remember there’s no one but him on stage on a good day!
Thanks to University of Pennsylvania developments, Fouchi was able to launch his Plandemic, Martin Orne’s pedophilia ploy is paying off in dividends and the Master Mind F’er Gates feel free and clear to say whatever is on his Satanic mind.
(((They))), who now deem us all Hackable Animals worthy only of eating bugs, all know how Stolhom Syndrome, Mass Hypnosis, Propaganda and Mind Control work, more importantly, (((they))) know what’s on our minds via our “smart phones”, as well as , where most of us are on any given moment for as long as we are , relatively, addicted to our devices.
Now many around the world are injected by (((their))) gene editing, carbon based, mRNA concoctions so that resulting Hackable Animals can be practically owned by their, so called, AI god’s wanting to follow up with Nazis styled tattoos!
Until then, (((they))) are beating the Ukrainians like a dead horse and fashioning their Russian DNA having corpses into (((their))) pretense for WWIII at the expense of Martin Luther’s German brethren,first and foremost, before (((they))) circle back to finish the rest of us, as planned!
UNTIL THE WORLD, COLLECTIVELY REALIZES REV 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL, (((they))) will simply have (((their))) openly stated way with us!
Wake Up Saints or eat bugs and dirt!!!!!
So you see all of the ZOMBIES on display in Kinzington and all you can say in response is, “That would Never be me”.
Great Sir! Me neither! But, go tell dat to EVERY impressionable Young Spout with a I’ll TRY ANYTHING once attitude, or ANYONE who had a “legitimate” Dr. over prescribe a “legitimate big Pharma Pain killer”, with no pro exit method or methadone to stop thee inevitable Withdrawal Syndrome nobody warned you about in the first place.

At 54 yrs of age and well after the CIA and Clinton’s helped SHOWER the TARGETED BLACK Communities with Crack (Bill Clinton’s Favorite Cocaine), ON PURPOSE, I am not as Naive as some who cannot see the forest for the trees.

First, there were my best friends who thought giving me crack on my 16th birthday was a good idea.
Then there were my Stepmother’s nephews and nice who started doing Crack after their lil bro got introduced to an entire cocaine economy by the Philadelphia Stock exchange traders he was so “blessed” to work with as a brilliant young adult.
Less than ten years later, the home my Stepmother’s relatives inherited was raided by the Philadelphia DEA, thus rendering each occupant as practical wards of the Deep State.
One (niece) was deemed utterly disabled and relocated on section 8 in a scheme to populate former “Green Sites” in Chester Pa, One (nephew) was placed on perpetual probation and “assigned” to do taxpayer subsided labor as a “Janitor” in Obama’s emerging 24 hour daycare centers, etc. One nephew, the former Stock Exchange employee, was granted the rite to become a Clinton 21st Century Justice REFORM, ROUGE COP, who clearly was not properly vetted, thanks to quasi governmental vetting agencies now working with MOSSAD and behind the scenes of our Oligarch Usurped justice system nationwide.

Can you say neo- Black Code Laws?
Thanks,in part to the Michael Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation, now crime in major cities like NY and Philadelphia is monitized.
Schemes like the so called Anti recidivism ploy were Cooke up by hidden handed subversive Oligarchs and (((they))) are the same Cabal of subversives that are using Criminals to Occupy Portland.
Perverse criminals are being used after False Flag Events, such as, the stage-crafted murder of , the Deep State, diafied, George Floyd.
Most of occupied Americans fail to realize Mossad trained Minneapolis Police the kneel on the head technique long before the prison released Pedophiles and ANTIFA psychopaths set out to Burn Down Kyle Rittenhouse’s Community.
When Soros is not busy buying American DAs he’s busy bussing Criminals and/or FBI informants tasked to Wreak Havock wherever modern day shock-troops are needed, just like the released criminal scypant in Justin Trudeau’s Oligarch (Klaus Schwab etal) troubled Capital, where Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA “Myth” and/or Joe Biden’s “Idea” just plowed his jeep into peaceful protesters who’d dare demand their, Livelyhood, Dignity and Freedoms back.
Add to these new Social REALITIES the tacit Permissiveness openly Codified into law metered out wherever there is a George Soros funded DA.
Including, the Oligarchs’ farcical #Reform Alliance with JayZ and Meek Mill as front-men, there are nefarious Legal paradigms, YOU AND EVERYONE AUGHT TO REALIZE, but, relative cognitive dissonance won’t allow.

Besides Game Theory, NUDGE, Behavioral Economics, C.O.R.E. learning and S.T.E.M. research etc, the hidden handed Oligarchs who need to convert the so called “Vulnerable” populations into Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond cash-cows by yesterday, have implemented many devious ways to get “the job” done including Depopulation.
Thanks to all of the CRT/Useful Idiots turned Social Justice Warriors bake up in places like Gate’s BMe and/or his Microsoft School of the”Future” Permissiveness is the name of the game.
American Politicians, Whole Cities , and State Owned Institutions have been Bought off by hidden handed Oligarchs, for the making of Useful Idiots like the Biden family. Thereby, far too many Americans are now completely enveloped by a dubious “Not for Profit” economy , where, so called, Stakeholders are practically Owned and tooled. Unsuspecting Americans are being given daily marching orders that will amount to their own systematic demise.
We can now witness the full extent of the Deep State paradigms playing out in Canada in real time where most of the Oligarchs’ goals are being forwarded quite easily thanks to Dr. Fouci’s Plandemic.
In Oligarch troubled America our woes are now compounded by China supplied Fentynal first helped along by NGO’ supplied “free” needle programs that were already rolled out in key (sanctuary) cities nationwide before Dr. Fouci’s taxpayer funded Plandemic rendered Big Pharma’s countless billions.
With post Project Paperclip paradigms Martin Orne’s mass hypnosis and mind controll methodology afoot and unfettered there is, indeed, an American Version of the Ancient Chinese Opioid War taking place in America’s ravaged inner Cities.
While most of us are mired in a form of denial like proverbial frogs in boiled water, Klaus Schwab’s, so called, “Stakeholders” are now poised to Profit off of the inevitable trainwreck by Deep State design, and they will be doing so in the same manor Hunter Biden and “the Big Man” Joe Biden are profiting; to their own demise.
While sacrificing his own son, Biden got at least ten percent of whatever his Crack whore of a Son brought in from Communist China and elsewhere, so imagine what Biden is getting for sacrificing all of our American son’s and daughters?
Frankly, you’d have to live in a hermetically sealed, sterile environment or some sort of Ivory Tower not to realize a single person who has became Hooked and Ravaged by way of an illegal substance, by now…
As a commercial school-bus Driver it hurt my heart, to no end, as I listened to my bus aid transitioning from Dr. Prescribed pain pills onto hard street drugs, and that was more than ten years before Fentynal arrived.
Likewise, a former Boss and a fellow coworker of mine who was also a close friend of my boss were utterly hooked on pain-pills. Needles to say, my former boss died before sixty and his underling still struggles daily to stay “clean” for his own kids who already suffered so long.
Being from from w/ Philly, I can easily recall how I was surrounded by fallen family members and friends from elementary, “middle” and high school. By the 80’s so many of them were either Drug Sellers, Drug Users (still chasing da ghost) or Dead and Gone way too soon.
By the time I graduated highschool, our lives became like mini versions of the movies “Scarface”, “Blue Hill”, or “New Jack City”, while emerging “Gangsta Rappers” were tooled to supplied us with Confirmation Bias on the jews’ monopolized media platforms, including Rob Johnson’s former BET, where the evermore depraved, Video Vixens, we’re systematically borne from whole cloth.

After researching Tupac’s relative pedigree I realized the ,so called, gangsta rapper was nothing more than a second generation textbook case developed from whole cloth by Angela Davis’ Franklin School mentor etal.

Just like the hidden handed benefactors of Cardi’Bs “Wet Ass Pussy”, jewISH Owners and lable/MASTERS profit greatly when the rest of us are courted into utter depravity.
We saw the wicked dichotomy play out in the movie Ray Charles or in the Movie Strait Outta Compton, featuring (((their))) platinum chained, red carpeted rappers who lied when they said their Art Imitated life during Congressional testimonies, no less.

One could simply search the term “JayZ and Marie Abromavich” or “Celebrity Blood Bath” to quickly dispell the longstanding lies emanating from the modern-day Bread and Circus Acts, themselves.

Now, we are being brought to the last stop before the Biblically foretold Sodam and Gomorrah as made evident by (((their))) highly celebrated, “pregnant” fuck-boy featured on Lauren Michaels, Saturday Night Live.

Today, I realize far too many of my Adult Children’s former Classmates are DEAD AND Gone well before they reached their Stride.
While the Oligarchs’ use their Auditioned ones to make us forget about (((their))) hoped-for war against Russia, I will never forget that so many of this generation’s young adults were first turned on when the evermore infamous, Joe Rogan, sung the praises of DMT with no filter or public shame whatsoever.
Even while the CDC has an entire section on pending Zombies, Americans, at large, fail to realize the full nature of CIA Assets used by usurping Oligarchs, including Predictive Programers, Mockingbird Media Presenters, Straw-men, Honey potters, and so called “Thought-Leaders”, alike.
After seeing Ed Rendel and DA Larry Krazner work tirelessly to give taxpayer funded quarters to old and new drug addicts in Philly, including inner City youth, far more Americans should have realized the Democrat Plantation strategy.
Even in hindsight the whole world can see, HBO’s “Drug Inc”, the telling show that served the Oligarchs as a follow up to their Deep State trial Balloon, first featured on HBO’ s, “The Wire”.
Even after the jewISH Oligarchs, such as the Walton’s of Walmart and Eli Brode managed to takeover America’s urban schools, it is imperatve that we get out of (((their))) hoped-for “Woke” mode long enough to realize there’s a whole New Wave of DEMOCRAT Sanctioned Fentynal POURING INTO Our Cities ON PURPOSE VIA BIDENS OPENED BOARDERS!
Before I was removed from Facebook, I wrote extensively about the field trip taken by Mayor Nutter and the Philadelphia City Council, who’s members were spirited away to visit the set of “the Wire” in Baltimore MD.
Basically, “the Wire” fanboy, Nutter, was directed to funnel taxpayer dollars into the Deep State test site in Kinzington where dubious NGOs set up shop in order to SUPPLY pending and existing addicts with Tax Payer Funded (free) Needles to use.

If you watch just a few minutes of “the View”, you will see the systematic convenience of Permissive Policing, Hapless Drug Addicts invited and allowed to Do as they wilt, and a newly manufactured China Product, all STARTED ON PURPOSE In Kensington under the guise of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice REFORM!
Of course YOU and I Will NEVER Touch Such Powerful Substances On Purpose, but you will have to Admit We The People are being SURROUNDED, on Purpose, with a highly addictive substance which will guarantee our Chances of being “touched” in many ways by the escalation of Addicts and Fiends who may well be Your Own Child, Your Own Friends, Your Own Family member/s, and Your Ywn Loved one/s!
Those who are in Denial now, keep telling yourselves, the Deep State Elites and Big Pharma have no plan for us…

You are, relatively, high on your own Cognitive Dissonance when you can’t realize the “efficacy” of Biden’s Crackpipes policy, yet, I’ve no doubt you’ll remember to Lock ya Cars, Secure your Copper Pipes, and Batten Down your Hoods too, as easy targets will be going down first and foremost(see DA Krazner’s push for legal Prostitution) .
Just know, for certain, your clean as a whistle Grandmas and Children just happen to fit the bill as (SIB profitable) “victims” in a society that is purposefully being turned out!
For those with Eyes to See and Ears to Hear… Bill Gates Depopulation fever-dreams, Fouci’s Compromised Immunities and Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution is well underway!
UN-Nato martial “law” and Bernie Bros are Standing by!!!! That is, IF WE THE PEOPLE FAIL TO WAKE UP!!!!!
#CashCows #WardsOfTheDeepState

I have been saying that we are at war the moment I learned about SIR RONALD COHEN’S SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION.
I am the one that made a FALSE FLAGS and FAKE NEWS Group page on FB in 2014, well before Fake News was news and once again, President Donald J. Trump and I are on the same page.
I realized that the CABAL of Conspiring OLIGARCHS were ALL working under the banner of Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION from my Philadelphia point of view while working to understand the Rhetoric coming from my own Democrat City Councilman first Cousin and the political Rhetoric coming from the Hillary Clinton Sycophant, Philadelphia Mayor Michal Nutter, turned Michael Bloomberg’s Campaign manager after helping to Rig the Philly DNC in Clinton’s favor, After Handing Over Venture Capital Bankrupt Philly to Bloomberg etal and After launching the first salvo against candidate Donald J. Trump well before Trump won the 2016 election.
WHILE PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS HINTED THAT WE ARE AT WAR, I AM GRATEFUL THAT OTHER AMERICANS HAVE COME TO THE UNDERSTANDING THAT WE ARE INDEED AT WAR ALSO, HOWEVER, it remains quite clear to me that most still haven’t a clue, as MOST are not Willing or Able to Correctly identify exactly who has declared war against our various nations and thereby WE THE PEOPLE Remain mere REACTIONARIES during Sir Ronald Cohen’s Openly Declared SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION.
Sadly, I am seen as a NOBODY FROM NOWHERE as a Black Woman from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, our nation’s first Capital where the Best and Brightest have been practically HYJACKED to deliver All the SOCIAL INCITE AND SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Purveyors want and need from us using EVERY LESSON LEARNED Since the jew’s BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION!!!
Not only are we subject to an asymmetrical war, Cohen has managed to Fleece Our Nation’s Pension Coffers in order to Build Up, Henry Kissinger’s Communist China right along with the Silicon Valley hacks who have declared themselves AI gods among men.
By Bankrupting our Nation from within the Oligarchs managed to USE the Bloomberg Waterboy, Nutter to spread the Oligarchs paradigms nationwide via his position as Chairman of the Oligarch Usurped Conference of Mayors.
Beginning with a council of 200 jewISH American OLIGARCHS a toolkit and frameworks for TAKING OVER OUR NATION was manifest with the help of the Clinton Sycophant’s who allowed our Oligarch usurped first capital become the primary Command Center for Satanic Hacks like Bill Gates’ who’s Microsoft School of the Future emerged just as Governor Tom Ridge worked to Install Bill Ayers Edison Schools as a PART OF THE OLIGARCHS DIABOLICAL PLANS.
After parents revolted against Edison Schools, Oligarch Eli Brode and the Walton’s of Walmart took up the Cause of MAKING OUR KIDS INTO RADICALIZED, SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS AND DUMBED DOWN BLM Shills.
After the 911 False Flag Event with the lone Plane in the PA field, Gov. Tom Ridge would go on to become our nation’s First, LIBERTY ROBBING, Homeland Security Czar, parted ways with his Weather Underground pal leaving his Ayers to install his Life-Long Lackie Barack Obama into the seat of ultimate power.
Obama would become Cohen’s most important, Harvard tied protégé when he was the Chairman of the since devolved G8.
After robbing the Brits of all of their Unclaimed Assets, with the help of Tony Blare, Cohen expanded his SIB agenda stateside by using his Alma-matta, Harvard School of Business as a key hub for TOPPING OUR NATION from within.
Cohen even managed to get his Harvard classmate, Robert Kraft of the New England Patriots on-board and shortly after the ENTIRE NFL would become systematically WEAPONIZED and used to forward, both, Cohen and George Soros paradigms, namely, Open Cities and BLM themed Social INCITES used to evoke Riots in our troubled streets.
I could go on as I always do at, but it’s dinner time now and for as long as we still have food at the onset of Biden’s DARK WINTER.
Portland’s Prodigal Proletariats & Black Blocked Blacks in “The Red House” Are USED to Deliver George Soros’ Planned American Spring, Albeit, Well Over Three Years Late!
Today, mere Words in the hands of George Soros’ Media Matters and ProPublica TRAINED Minions, who occupy America’s usurped Fourth Estate are as deadly as Communitst China’s weapons, now placed on reserve just beyond the Globalist (Oligarch) Usurped Canadian Border.

Enter in, the contrast between our contested Whitehouse, now under siege once again, and the, so called, Redhouse in Portland after Nasty Women in Pussy Hats failed to deliver and/or burn out our Great Leader, therein.
Just as RINO Republicans stage their televised concessions to the improbable & compromized proxy “king” and his well-known floozie queen, first crowned via Jim Jones’ Besty, Willie Brown, and again by way of America’s Rigged Voting Machines, here we go again.
While we watch in horror, an unfit old man elevates himself from a counterfeit President Elect, to the self proclaimed President of the United States of America spawned directly out of lesser Venezuela, a Communist Proxy of the American based deep state , who made America their Bitch overnight.
Now the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Continue right where they left off , staging the unthinkable in their Oligarch Usurped Cities and States, such as, PA, NYC, Georgia & Portland Oregon.

Portland Oregon is the Oligarchs , long-standing Staging Ground, where they are free to USE their ANTIFA goons, Trained Marxest assets, Newly Minted Social Justice Warriors & or STAGED Blacks (when they’re not being Ordered Arround like CornPop slaves or Shot to death in Autonomous Zones like dogs) for the latest series of Stage-Crafted False Flag Events designed, expressly, for the sake of Generating more AI Agregated Fake News.

Fake news generated in Stage-Crafted Portland is then forwarded via the jewISH Oligarchs’ AI developed & moderated channels for the sake of evoking a knee jerk, visceral responses by the Oligarchs’ systematically frustrated, TARGETED AUDIENCES.
Such, staged events in key Oligarch Usurped cities are being used to garner the hidden handed Oligarchs, all that they ever wanted, via tried and true, hagalian dialectics paradigms, first brought to our attention by Henry Ford and Boris Brasol in their Dearborn Press’ published, Protocals of Zion.

It’s not enough that Henry Kissenger just staged his Second Coup during my lifetime, but, the hidden handed,jewISH Oligarchs, all on board with Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, are now garnering needed pretext, in yet another Hagalian Dialectics styled ploy, perfected by the Satanic Cabal who hope, like hell, to FINISH US ALL.

Their emerging Portland story is being developed in “real-time” for the further manipulation of compromized Politicians who serve as, both, sympathetic thought “leaders”, and Oligarch proxys, alike.
The Portland asswipe, Ted Wheeler, is now pretending to be FORCED into going along at the bequest of a “Victimized and Pathetic” black family portrayed as thee foil in the center of Portland’s latest, Orchestrated, Distraction!!!!!
Thus, the busy and unfettered, hidden handed Oligarchs continue using their emerging Brain Science based paradims, such as, “NUDGE” .
To Nudge Americans via to the Rev 3:9 mentioned jews’ Hagalian Dialectics paradims, False Flag events are being Stage Crafted in combination with Media Matters, perfected, Social Incites wich were developed to TRIGGER Unsuspecting Whites (they are now luring the Unprepared Proud Boys) and Unsuspecting Blacks (Emotional BLM Freaks) into George Soros etal’s PRE PLANNED and hoped for, Race War, Civil War and/or American Spring.
Thankfully, Soros’ American Spring is late by nearly three years, because President Donald J Trump won the election Hillary Clinton thought she had in the bag!
Initially, Sir Ronald Cohen and the hidden handed Cabal of jewISH Oligarchs here wanted America cimpletely toppled by the 100 Year Anniversary of their Bolshevic Revolution, hence, the Bolshevic Bernie Bros are now Standing By to ReEducate us & Bill Gates’ Forced Vacinnes, effectively, diverted by President Trump, will be back on track in no time.
Thus, the Rev 3:9 foretold saga playing out in our troubled Nation is forwarded with the help of America’s triggered & Useful Idiots.
The Satanists folly, as seen on SNL continues on, in stride, until American Saints finally Wake Up!

While what has happened to our nation should be OBVIOUS to all, the metaphisical nature of Rev 3:9 has Americans hesitant to say George Soros’ name & much less able to Stop Bill Gates and Dr Fouci’s paid for Plandemic Plans.
We the people can’t bring ourselves to recognize Revelation 3:9 in our, relatively, overlooked or discarded bibles, so conspiring jewISH Oligarchs’ are free to Topple our nation, from within.
With the help of Henry Kissenger’s Communist China cohorts , our own cognitive dissonance, relative Stokholm Sydrom and Fentanyl pushing D.A.’s , nationwide (see Killadelphia’s free needle supplied drug dens), Mr. population control, Bill Gates and the AIDS virus mavon, Dr. Fouci, hope to go far beyond the well-known history of Poisoned Wells this time around!

To end the, madness and the Oligarchs’ triggered infighting, to no avail, AMERICA’S PATRIOTS AND SAINTS MUST WAKE UP IN THE NAME OF GOD!
Otherwise, we can all Kiss this One Nation Under God, as we know it, goodby forevermore!
The KKK and a “Racist’s” “Home Visit” to Meek Mill’s Granny is Nothing More than Another Philly FALSE FLAG Fail!

It is no accident that, yet another, Racial Narrative is being Hatched Together in Philly this month, starting off with stories of Mummers in Blackface and the Supposed Racist Graffiti painted by a Black-Home-Targeting-White-Man who wrote the, now, racist word “ACORN” on corner homes for blocks.
Do note: many of the Oligarch Ilk’s historical False Flags can be realized with ties to Allegorical factors, such as, the Guy Fawks figure that suddenly appeared in the Soros INFILTRATED Occupy Wall-street movement just in time to recruit members for ANTIFA, BLM, etc. A long-standing Mummers “tradition” is no diff. What is new, however, is NUDGE Behavioral Brain Science and an American Revolution that depends on the Bolshevik style tactics for destabilizing whole nations to work.
Since our entire nation was set upon by a well known Cabal who is determined to “Tip the World”, It is no accident that the Philadelphia Mayor, Michal Nutter, was credited with the Occupy Wall-street’s movement breakup, just as the deep state swooped with a Frame Work and Tool Boxes , likely developed to reclaim post Venture Capital and Prime Rate Loan Bankrupted territory already riddled with PREDATOR organizations, such as, Acorn which was outed and practically dismantled by James Okeefe’s brilliant Project Veritas expose.
Some Americans are, rightfully, scratching their heads, trying to understand the reasoning behind the Wealthiest Jews’ fawning over a cereal petty criminal who just so happens to have a string of MURDERED Rappers associated with his Brand, nonetheless, it is clear to me the FIX is in!
That is, Oligarchs who have stolen our nation’s first Capital are using their Martin Luther King doppelganger and many other high profile black “Thought Leaders” for purposes not understood by most American’s who do not realize, 1) Our Nation is Under Siege by a Cabal of American Subversives, 2) The American Subversives have Monopolized our Usurped American Media for Brainwashing Purposes, 3) Gorge Soros et al are plying Behavioral Brainwashing Ploys, including NUDGE in order to evoke general Kayos and a, so called, American Spring by any means necessary 4) the CABAL’s post Revolution Plans include Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond SLAVERY for Blacks and hated Whites, alike, and the UN Takeover of America all on the Backs of Beleaguered Blacks and Whites who are being NUDGED Daily and SOCIALLY INCITED to “Pop-Off” in the Streets in concert with the many FALSE FLAG and FAKE NEWS Ploys designed, expressly, to be blamed on either American Black or American Whites.
That Meek Mill is being handled by Jewish Oligarchs , an Ilk that is Well Known for their pre Bolshevik False Flags that not only kicked off WW1 but for “inspiring” , if not directly funding Hitler, as well should be a clue within itself. But more telling of all is the FACT that they are know for Spraying Swastikas on their Own Doors, Walls, and Graves !
These are the same hidden handed players that Used Philadelphia to foment their, so called, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice reforms, which merely served as a cover for the Michael Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation to come in and Retool the entire Philadelphia Justice System, including the rewriting of Philly’s Criminal Court Laws that now work exactly like Post Slavery Black Code laws did.
Children trapped in Eli-Brode managed schools may now be Criminally Adjudicated inside of Targeted Schools and sentenced to fulfill the Newt Gingrich introduced paradigm that were, essentially, hatched at the Sir Ronald Cohen Usurped Kennedy School of Business under the auspice of his “Fire All of the Janitors speech”.
While Blacks were beginning to catch on to the well documented Schools to Prison paradigm, the crafty Oligarchs thought to simply rearrange the entire system in Philly using Eli-Brode Trained Minions, such as, William Hite to practically Bury the School to Prison Pipeline.
Under their dubious SRC arrangement, the School Superintendent became the Head of the Juvenile Justice center too so that Philadeplhia’s Juvenile Prison and Schools could be, practically, INTERCHANGEABLE .
The Oligarch’s new Prison Reform paradigms fully developed in Philadelphia, were first rolled out , tried and tested against Bloomberg’s unsuspecting black citizens trapped in the HUD Housing Projects in Red Hook, NYC.
It is also no accident that PA was selected after it was discovered that Judges could get paid, handsomely, for Every Child they managed to Send to Privatized Prisons as in the case of the Lazern County Cash for Kids scandal.
In the same city the Oligarch King-Makers worked so hard to elevate Meek Mill into a relative deity and public icon on Every Stage including their Usurped NBA , a conscientious Attorney General, Kathleen Kayne, was all but Tared and Feathered inside of the corrupted D.A. Seth William’s office, just before the Oligarchs systematically took him down too.
Thereafter, a George Soros’ Minion, Larry Krasner, was installed into the office of the Philadelphia D.A. in order to OBSTRUCT justice more thoroughly than their first, expendable, Black D.A. could.
Now they hope to keep their Parallel Justice reforms in place and unfettered, that is, their highly PROFITABLE Social Impact Bond ploys that work exactly like Black Code Laws that were otherwise known as Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms or Obama’s Pay for Performance.
Using Meek Mill is critical to the American Oligarchs who have effectively Usurped our Nation’s first Capital. They must elevate him in order sway public opinion in their favor and in order to keep their Post Three Strikes Social Reforms in place for blacks which are now at odds with that Actual Justice System Reforms signed into law by President Donald J. Trump without input from, the personally consulted, Meek Mill.
It is time to closely examine every well timed, high profile event happening in and around our Nation’s Usurped first Capital, and it’s also time to Understand the Bolshevik history that is directly connected to recent events.
Besides understanding the fact that the Cabal who has Usurped the American Media lied when they accused President Donald Trump’s father of being a member of the KKK we must also Research Dan Burros and ask ourselves why a NYC JEW would reconstitute the KKK??? The fact is, thanks to Fred Trump and others defending their home, there are two less KKK Members who Dared to march down his block.
Research Lou Frank and ask yourself why the KKK got formed in the FIRST PLACE to serve JUSTICE Against a PEDOPHILE MURDERER who First Blamed and Framed their BLACK Neighbor for the Crime before he was Exonerated by Suspicious Whites who Lost their Little Girl!
To my Philly Peeps and Targeted, Brainwashed Blacks Nationwide, Yes, IT’S TIME FOR YALL TO WAKE-UP!!!
Sadly, OLIGARCHS who have Usurped Philly have been Using Such FALSE FLAG EVENTS to EVOKE RACE WARS etc. since the kickoff of their FAKE and PHONY Philly Flash Mob BS…
The Philly Flash Mob Phenomenon happened soon after The First NSA/HOMELAND “Security” Czar, Tom Ridge FAILED to Deliver Bill Ayers his Philly Edison Schools Plan, complete with CNN BRAINWASHING in Every Captive Class Room.
They (the Cabal of Jewish Oligarchs such as the Walton’s of Walmart and Eli-Brode) Pivoted the Initiative as a Democrat Cause by Buying Off Key Corrupt Black Politicians, Dwight Evans and Anthony H. Williams who were given Boatloads of Millions and their own schools to run for their “effort”.
With the help of Philly’s hungriest black shills the Oligarchs managed to USURP the entire Philadelphia School system, completely.
Effectively, (Bill Ayers’ Bestest Friend) Barack Obama’s fellow Chicago comrade, Raymond Ramsey became the Principal Police Commissioner used to deliver Hillary Clinton’s followup to her husband’s Three Stikes ploy under the title of “Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform” , which was simply a Cover for the Michael Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation reforms, the Israeli Infiltration into the American Police Forces, and the DEEP STATE FEDERALIZATION OF America’s Cops who were Militarized and to Used as their Personal Militias, upon a planned U.N. Takeover after Martial Law was declared.
The Well Timed False Flag MURDERS of TARGETED Black Men was a part of their Deep State Campaign to Grow the Ranks of their BLACK LIVES MATTERS Shills. The newly trained Useful Idiots where to be had by way of a new Philly School Curriculum. Along with Philly’s Usurped Media Staged Events were coordinated to Spark Riots, Kayos as per The Protocols of Zion, and overall Discontent with Governmental Authorities Nationwide just in time for the 100 Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution and in order to Usher in the UN forces who were waiting in the wings for their hoped for, Hillary Clinton to Arrive.
Yes Indeed, Keep your Eyes on Meek Mill, one of their Chief Thought Leaders USED BY JEWISH HANDLERS now Staging various False Flag Events in Philly with his help and the help of other Black Shills. Note their, recent, Love Hate Relationship with, Philly native, Kevin Hart, who appears to be reluctant, at times, to conform to the Cabal’s , in your face, “Stage-Craft” as if he OWES THEM SOMETHING Now. (Do note, after Signing up as a charter member of the Church of Satan, Bill Cosby Owed the Cabal that Made Him, his Life, his Son’s life and the life of his daughter… The High Cost of selling ones soul to the Synagog of Satan, as per Rev 3:9).
Their Timely False Flag events are designed to get traction On their Platforms including the recently USURPED NBA Stage. Philly’s Staged RaceBating Events are to function just like the Oligarch STAGED False Flag Event Hatched Together by Starbucks et al under their #RaceTogether banner that was already three years in the making.
The two Black Greek Society Shills (BOULE) forever attached to Starbucks’ Stock News, the Jewish REALTOR “friend” who is busy buying Usurped School Properties for pennies on the dollar, and the Harvard School of Business (Usurped by Sir Ronald Cohen and tooled to Forward SIB Bond Paradigms nationwide) Trained Police Commissioner who is the successor to Raymond Ramsey, were all in on the Starbucks PLOY in Philly where Eric Holder was waiting in the wings to Implement Starbucks High Profile, RACE BATING Corporate Paradigms all while the Hedge Funding CEO types associated with of Starbucks USED BLACKS to justify the Systematic IMPLOSION and Cannibalism of the Unsustainable, Overpriced, Company (see what Insider Traders are going Short)!