After writing about Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Farce and the Oligarch usurpation of Philly for nearly a decade, it’s pretty much PREDICTABLE at this point, yet, it’s our relative cognitive dissonance that is costing us copious lives.
Watch “Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner defends his policies, says he will not resign” on YouTube
It’s what Larry Krazner and his Biblically foretold ilk is depending on, as (((they))) continue to deliver Record Deaths of Countless Black Planned Parenthood Survivors in every, so called. Gun-free zone on every Democrat Plantation, nationwide with the help of, do-nothing, I Black democrats.
With just a modicum of thought and research into Donald Trump’s illustrious past, compared to the Dixicrat now Occupying our Oligarch Usurped Whitehouse, President Trump is practically a modern day ‘Nigger lover.
I hate to break it to all of the Brainwashed Useful Idiots in America, but President Donald J Trump was NEVER our problem!
Take a hard look in the mirror Black Democrats!!! basically you were TRAINED, like docile pets, to Vote Blue No matter Who and In lies the PROBLEM!
Don’t believe me??? Then open your eyes and ears this time and watch/listen to the attached video again!
Besides realizing why the Democrat Jim Comey, the former head of the FBI used his Deepstate Weaponized agency to entrap Philly’s first Black D.A, Seth Williams, particularly after he scored critical indictments against the Pennsylvania Archdiocese, the George Soros choice D.A. is in Philly, turned Killadelphia with a Vengeance.
Trust Larry Krazner when he tells you, “IT’S WORKING”! Then ask yourself, based on Empirical EVIDENCE, what does he mean, “it’s” working???
Bottom Line, Black Philly, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, the jewISH Cabal who Usurped our free-Black cities nationwide wanted Planned Parenthood Survivors dead and gone by yesterday, hence the Record numbers of death each year on (((their))) watch while you and most hapless Blacks stay wondering why!!!
Here’s a takeaway lesson equating to a life or death decision…
Watch “MSNBC Lunatic Claims ‘Minority’ Voters Will Never Be Able To Vote Again If They Don’t Vote Democrat!” on YouTube
It’s easy to discount MSNBC pundits as the apparent lunatics that they are, yet, can we truly discount anything said and revealed on any “fake news” platform in America?
Now, I’m being told I will relinquish my vote as a former Democrat who determines to Vote Republican. Sadly, the ilk associated with the MSNBC hack has already proven his statement to be 100% true.
After being kicked off of evey social media platform owned by Jack Dorsey and the elections meddling Mark Zukerberg, I TRIED TO NEVER VOTE DEMOCRAT AGAIN, Starting with the 2020 election held on November 3rd 2019. Needless to say my vote for President Donald J Trump is still not counted.
In Phil Murphy’s Democrat swamp, the hidden handed jewISH Oligarchs, who have effectively Usurped our Nation from within, have managed to squelch my votes, two times in two consecutive votes.
They have effectively Usurped our Justice Department, likely with the help of Bill Barr, so who will hear my case, even when I reported it to every assumed authority on the day my vote was first denied then stollen on the single voting machine afforded to my polling place in Philly Murphy’s Democrat swamp!
Indeed, the Biblically foretold Satanic, fake Jews are now in the catbird seat steering our respective nations into (((their))) hoped-for WWIII, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, and after attempting to murder us all with (((their))) Fouchi funded Plandemic, served up cold blooded with the help of Henry Kissinger’s Communist China underlings, Americans aught to know that (((they))) will Stop at NOTHING to keep Status Quo on Every Democrat Plantation, nationwide, for as long as they can use us to get away with it, or for as long as Americans fail to realize Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL !!!
As much as Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 prophecy should be taken seriously, so should the sick and twisted Cabal of America toppling Satanists who are mentioned therein.
Imagine how the Slave Merchants, who Thrived on the Trans-Atlantic Trade felt about
Read about this Historical Event & why Atlanta is home to the Some of the Most Wealthiest Blacks, to date, to understand why Hidden Handed Oligarchs work Over Time to “Kill” Black Men who can Look EVERY MAN eye to eye, like Tiger Woods
EMANCIPATING White Christians, who saw to it that Blacks in America could some day Live Free, Work Hard and Get the RESPECT We All Deserve???
Then, Research What happened after Booker T. Washington was Honored as a special Guest to Theodore Roosevelt in the Whitehouse.
Besides the Black #BOULEs, such as, D.L.#Hugly’s Verbal Attacks which are now required of every Democrat Plantation Overseer Working for Merchant class Oligarchs, will Tiger Woods be physically attacked by a Black Shill or Bludgeoned in the head in NYC shortly after his being Honored at the White-house too?
Who can remember, Don Lemon and his Black Boule guests on CNN ? Why were they bringing up Kanye West’s dead mother, who was a public school educator, or laughing like fools while stating West’s affinity for President Donald J. Trump is a result of Negro’s who don’t read soon after West’s productive visit to the White-house where he advocated for Manufacturing based Opportunity Zones for Blacks?
Perhaps Lemon’s CNN guests truly believe all of the intellectual property and rap lyrics that West has ever written never had to be read back or annotated by West, himself. Perhaps, blacks Manufacturing on a scale foreseen by Booker T. Washington is a funny joke to them.
Either way, we are now witness to the tried and true Crabs In Barrel mentality that is so well known for decades as one way to keep our entire race down and out of our full potential.
Instead of Celebrating Tiger Woods’ actual, ground breaking achievements and accomplishments in his chosen field, we suffer to be “lead” by Auditioned black shills who are systematically placed at the fore-front as Merchant Made Straw-Men. They are, indeed, hand-selected like Black Overseers an placed on jewISH OWNED forums to systematically, besmirch the rest of us.
It’s no accident, on the same week that the Tiger Woods “outcry” is launched by known players tasked with BRAINWASHING America for the fomentation of Social Impact based Division and Unrest, a PA State Representative was busy harassing, what he thought were all White Christian prayer warriors respectfully standing outside of Philadephia’s primary Planned Parenthood center to give support for the unborn.
They were there praying for the aborted babies who have no say in the matter, when the outraged and Indecent, Democrat ,Brian Sims, was posting his Planned Parenthood defense rant onto his social media platform. His is to to ensure that Margret Sanger’s initial, primary, objective, the systematic euthanasia of targeted blacks will remain tax payer funded and completely unfettered.
As usual, no Black Man or Woman who is hand selected and Auditioned to Thought Lead Blacks into a fit of outrage on cue broke their BOULE rank to tell the story. They’re only tasked to to keep Status Quo for blacks and that includes never mentioning certain Facts or any details pertaining to the murderous status quo for targeted blacks that has been occurring in democratic strong-holds nationwide for decades. Now there are more babies Murdered by Planned Parenthood than they are born in New York City the State that just made Late Term Abortion legal.
Indeed, it will be a snowy day in hell before Don Lemon et al read aloud nationally Known details that are now going viral on social media concerning the Vocally Outraged Democrat Senator, Sims, nor will they report on the works of their fellow BOULE at the forefront of an ever more brazen Abortion debate.
Though Leading Black Shills will simply keep doing what they have always done since the days W.E.B. DuBois was so Used to call Booker T. Washington’s plan for Successful Black Greats a mere compromise. Like DuBois, the first BOULE prototype, they are all tasked to work in lock-step with Mocking Bird Talking Points and thereby delivering Every American Blacks into the the hidden hands of the vicious and hate filled cohort now better known as the Deep State.
Margaret Sanger and her like minded comrades would be quiet proud of their devious plans for targeted Black Americans which have come into fruition inside of Democratically maintained Hell Scapes that are still being modeled within Baltimore Maryland’s depraved NAACP Backyard. (See ongoing plans featured on the Deep State’s Trial Balloon show, HBO’s The Wire, Drug Inc, etc.
If you like the video review above be sure to buy the book , GUEST OF HONOR .
The Black BOULE’s only job is to make the world FORGET BLACKS WERE once NEGUS’ KINGS and, indeed, God’s Chosen as per Deuteronomy 25… Just follow the money to discover they all work for the CABAL that is better known as the Rev 3:9 Liars that they are… WAKE UP SAINTS!!!!
Like the Slave Master’s hand select Overseers, of old, the Black BOULE will do exactly as they are trained to do. As always, they take their job of Attacking Wrong Thinking , Independent Minded Blacks, very seriously . The BOULE will do all in their Deep State given power to keep TARGETED blacks who do no not think the way their Hidden Handed Masters desire, in their Place.
The ultimate goal for the hidden hands behind every high profile black Though Leader is keeping all blacks completely Brainwashed and Socially Incited to be RACE BATED, Reactionary Victims.
Since the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. strategies for ORGANIZING blacks have been devised so that black could serve as Useful Idiots in America. Just as in Russia, Useful Idiots are Organized and Motivated, including Brainwashed to do the biding of Socialist and Communist Leaning Overlords.
In America, just as in Russia, a certain ilk of Jewish and Oligarchical cohorts largely constituted the upper echelon of Bolshevism, Menchivisim, Troskyism etc and the entire paradigm of Communisim and Socialism in America relied on a rank and file consisting of Willing BOULE and their relatively unwitting Useful Idiots who could be socially incited to act out, protest and disrupt the opposing power structure and social order in general to deliver the Saul Alinsky types a Free Lunch.
Black BOULE who espouse Socialist paradigms are their to ensure the hidden handed Overlords who Pay these Hand Select BOULE so well, maintain complete Power and Control. Via the Bureaucratic response to Incited Blacks who will be used to BURN DOWN whole Swaths of their Own American Communities an entire Tax Laundering industry is borne.
The vast amount of Tax Payer funded Profits that can be had on the backs of systematically disaffected Blacks is what they hidden handed Oligarchs have thrived on all while Blacks have been Repressed, Suppressed and Molded into the deep state’s so called Vulnerable Class .
Sadly, Blacks Spreading this latest Staged Propaganda piece don’t know they are America’s Natives (Moors) because Dutch Mutt Cherokee and Apache “Indians” SLAUGHTERED and RAIDED Us nearly Out of Existence FOR Enslaving Trade PARTNERS who kept many Drunk and on Reserve for the “favor”!
Likewise, Partnering with Saul Alinsky Types, America’s Destabilizing Jews (see Rev 3:9) Get their Free Lunch, as per “Rules For Radicals” which is the play-book that is dedicated to Lucifer. Saul Alinsky, himself , spells out how “Indians” should be so USED.
Fast forward and we can simply turn on CNN or read the Wall Street Journal on any given day after Hillary Clinton’s defeat to learn how badly the Mind F’ing Subversives HATE American developments, such as, Full Employment for Blacks and a Justice Reform Remedy against Clinton’s Three Strikes Hell.
You could have watched CBS’s Blackish Season 2 Episode 11, or the Supper-bowl 50 Half -Time “Show” to lean how badly the Crafty American Oligarchs needed their American race war in time for their 100 year Bolshevik Revolution Anniversary, but the good news is, their next Deep State Puppet “Leader” did not win to deliver.
Sadly, the stench of Hillary Clinton’s malice still resounds in America’s first capital, where her DNC Crimes were allowed by the anti-Trump sycophant, Michael Nutter ,who allowed the Oligach’s to gain full control of our Nation’s first Capital in exchange for over 30 Post Manorial Jobs so far.
From Bill Gate’s, so called, school of the Future, Bill Ayer’s Edison Schools Experiment to Bloomberg’s Nationwide Soda Tax scheme the Oligarchs still have big plans for our Nation’s STOLEN first Capital and the Gentrified Black Citizens therein.
With every Protest the hidden handed Oligarch’s Stage, weather by way of Ongoing False Flag Murders of Unarmed Blacks by Rogue Cops installed during Barack Obama’s Administration like clockwork, or via their scheduled protest for Straw-men, Pussy Hats, and the like, they feel they are just one step closer to toppling this nation which happens to be George Soros’ dying wish.
In our Nation’s Usurped first capital the Cabal of well Coordinated Oligarchs are now working overtime to STAGE all manor of False Flags and Revolutionary Stunts, including their Starbucks’ three yeas in he making #RaceTogether ploy or Philly Protests in behalf of the Continuance of their dubious Justice paradigms that are designed to preserve Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms that were first developed with the help of Commissioner Raymond Ramsey in Philly in contrast to President Donald Trump’s newly instated Justice Reforms.
With the help of Useful Idiots who are willing to protest for their own demise they can effectively, turn “freed” blacks into electronically monitored Wards, Open Air Prisoners and Chattel Slaves all with the help of their Auditioned Black Shill, Meek Mill by their side every step of the way.
Jewish Oligarchs we know so well not only pull the wool over our collective eyes with the most egregious form of Brainwashing ever to be plied , but because they Want to Takeover all of America (as well as Europe and Africa Too) they’d get far more than a free lunch off of our backs with every ACT of Protest and hoped for Kayos all while staying comfortably hid in the background waiting to take the rest as spoils.
In Oligarch usurped Philadelphia their stationed ANTIFA Goons struggled to supplement their ranks with the Useful Idiots they hoped they would garner in their Eli-Brode managed schools complete with a school curriculum , expressly, designed by Bill Ayers of the Weather underground to make an entire generation into, so called, Social Justice Warrior Minions.
Even after Tom Ridge dropped being the key salesman for the Bill Ayer’s Edison schools plan in time to establish the Deep State Oligarch’s dubious NSA Sham, they continued hopping that Philly’s youth would be moved into their soul sapping Black Lives Matter roles and take up Protesting in the Streets as a part of their daily lives
As Thinking America’s of all genders and color await true Justice under the leadership of our besieged President Donald J. Trump, against the actual American Tyranny and Jewish Oligarch led Subversion, the Saul Alinski followers and Bill Ayers’ set continue to do the most with the plethora of Useful Idiots they managed to muster up through their Monopolized Media manipulation. They are even exploiting the ranks of homeless and hapless members of our nation who would, otherwise, be cared for as patients or in mental facilities that were systematically emptied out, due, in part, to bankruptcy but primarily to forward George Soros et al diabolical plans.
Their Global plans requiring Mass Protests, Social Disruption, and so-called SPRINGS are , indeed, outlined step by step in Boris Braso and Henry Ford’s Protocols of Zion.
Besides their systematic destabilization of Every Nation, America was to be taken down beginning with key bankruptcies caused by Sir Ronald Cohen’s Venture Capital Ploys, followed by Goldman Sachs’s prime rate mortgage schemes, respectively.
While we have mostly forgotten the mechanics of their Jewish plans that led to the troublesome UN and the Balfour declaration, alike, their ongoing historical ploys including the work of the G8’s Sir Ronald Cohen’s who brought it down to 6.
His routing of the Britt’s Unclaimed Assets to finance “the Second Bounce of the Ball” makes it clear for all of us to understand the jewISH continuum is still true to form. We can see how they are forever exacting Vengeance against the same Targeted Groups; the Blacks they want as Slaves and White Cristan’s they Hate for Freeing Us.
Their Cult like venom against White Christians is due to the fact that They Dared End the Merchant Class’ Slave Enterprise and the sale of hapless Blacks such as the ones being Sold Again in Libya thanks to the Deep State Shills Barack and Killary.
Their Venom against Vladimir Putin is due to the Russian Expat, Boris Brasol, who actually warned Americans of the Radicalizing paradigms such as the ones instituted into the, so called, American Indians, by Saul Alinsky.
Alinky’s Rules for Radicals are nothing more than the jewISH ilk’s long-standing Bolshevik revolution ploys that are still being forwarded by Karl Marx leaning Socialists and the Troskiites who stationed themselves in NYC.
The arc of deceit using my fellow blacks and other Gullible Citizens like their own personal battering rams can be assessed first in the Bolshevik beginnings and thereafter in every STAGED AMERICAN PROTEST that have Rendered my fellow Blacks nothing more than All We Complain About today and that is the Hidden Handed ones Social Impact Bond SLAVERY 2.0!.