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Democrats are Far More Deadly Against Their Gun Purged Black Communities than Most of You Know.

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I am truly greatful that President Trump has expanded the Republican Tent, so much that my voice can be heard on important matters often.

President Trump has not only made himself available on Twitter, he has successfully reached out to Countless Americans via our smart phones, and if push comes to shove, President Trump’s Administration has even had the foresight to retool the National Emergency Alert system, as if they know the full extent of the Danger Americans face, due to a certain Cabal’s actual Revolution that is now under way.

Since the beginning of his administration I have sent many messages, either on the page, or the relevant departments with form pages designed to submit Citizen concerns.

Prior to President Trump’s election, I was emerged in research pertaining to the Usurpation of my hometown, Philadelphia. What I found was a damning testament to the Democrats’ concerted effort to, not only Murder us by the numbers, but also to re-enslave those who were systematically targeted by way of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform mechanisms that were designed to work hand in hand with the Deep State’s objectives to Cull and profit off the backs of Bill Ayers radicalized blacks in Cities controlled by a Revolutionary Cabal of jewISH Oligarchs, such as, George Sor0s, Michael Bloomberg, et al.

To disseminate what I learned via cursory research, I developed several Social Media Group Pages, such as, “Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms“, “PhillyThink“, “S.O.S. America“, and the “False Flags and Fake News” page, started in 2014, well before the term “Fake News” was in the news, thanks to President Trump’s similar observations.

Today President Trump’s team asked Americans about the Democrat’s impeachment farce and today I took the occasion to warn the Trump administration of the murderous predicament taking place in George Sor0s’ , so called, Open Cities, all while the News cycle is purposefully clogged up with Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schift and the Demonic Democrat’s ongoing impeachment circus.

Here is my open letter to President Trump’s pro-active administration below.

While the facts I shared are quite damning to the Sor0s ilk who now constitute a warring Cabal working to topple our nation from within, the problems America and the World now faces in concert to all of their busy work are no accident and they are no less than Biblical in nature as well.

The only way to end the countless Wars abroad, along with the Record number of Murders of America’s Urban Blacks, alike, is to fully understand one Biblical passage that explains all of the daily kayos culminating at this most tenuous impasse, both at home and abroad at once.

Let’s hope my message gets through to POTUS, once again, as Philly gets hit by the Subversive Cabal now working overtime in earnest. Their race to Impeach our duly Elected president is second to their race to euthanize black American Planned Parenthood Survivors who remain CNN brainwashed for the sole purpose of forwarding the jewISH Oligarch Cabal’s deadly cause.

While there is nothing I can do to save the deep state casualties from Philly, such as, Mrs. Roxanne Grinage who lost her life at the hands of James Comey’s Rouge FBI, for her diligent reports of CPS and DHS Kidnappings of Urban Kids who were separated from gullible American Families, then systematically abused and exploited inside of a plethora of for Profit Foster Care agencies established all around Philly for our systematic radicalization and demise, I can see clearly that my reports to the newly established Administration and State Department has not fallen on death ears.

Read my latest message to POTUS below.


This matter is far greater than the Subversive Cabal’s Impeachment Distraction. The Oligarchs paying Corrupt Politicians in both parties are Owning our Usurped Cities, none worse than our Nation’s early Capital and Home of our Disregarded Constitution, Philadelphia, my hometown.

Besides Soros funded D.A.s, Philly just Received it’s Third Police Shill to forward Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform, and to Allow ANTIFA Goons to rise up along with the Murder Count brought on by Open Border exploiting Mercenaries.

Cops like Danielle Outlaw from Portland are Mossad Trained.

Likewise, Nigerians and Somalians Trained in Israel may be Involved with False Flags beyond the Jussie Smollett case.

Chicago is home to countless Mercenary firms, and I have no doubt, Planned Parenthood Survivors are being Targeted for Mass Murder in Soros Owned Cities nationwide.

The Murders of Blacks aren’t due to Black on Black Crime in Gun-free America but a Concerted Ploy along with Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Slavery Ploys forwarded by the Michael Bloomberg ilk, including, Robert Kraft.

Philly is slated for a Blood Bath and Utter Kayos, just like Henry Ford and Boris Brasol Warned Us.

Bolshevism 2.0 is Under way and the Oligarchs plan to evoke UN and NATO based Martial Law was to be Justified After the False Flag Murders of Countless Blacks, first by Mossad Trained Police and MS13 EX Farc Gangs, now by Mercenaries Never Jailed where D.A.s work to Topple Good Police daily!

Help Us Sir!!!! Jim Jones’ old friend, Nancy Pelosi is just the tip of the rogue CIA/DeepState/Cabal’s ice-burg. Bottom Line is, Rev 3:9 isREAL.

American Saints must wake up to this hard to fathom Truth if we hope to Save Our Nation now Under Siege by a Cabal of Colluding Oligarch’s from Within.

Author: ecofer