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Ambassador Yovanovitch’s Preimptive warning to Simply Ignore the Evermore Obvious, wont make the Evermore Obvious go away.

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While Hungary was the first Nation to openly recognize and combat the phenom, that is George Soros, it is important to realize the old adage also, that no man is an island.

The Nazi SS needed enthusiastic young adults like Soros, as much as Soros needs us. Soros’ hopes we will all mindlessly comply with his objectives with as much furvar and glee.

Soros and his, hidden handed, revolutionary cohorts need us to blindly comply with the Bernie Bros’ insergentcy, Bill Gate’s Vaccines tied to CDC (e.g. Coronavirus Patents), Greta Thunberg’s UN Promise of 12 Years til Dead, Nigerian Mercinaries in CHIRAQ, ANTIFA Sleeper Cells Nationwide, the Walton’s FEMA Camps, the 9/11 Dancers, Euro born/ISIS Shills, George Soros’ Ukraine, Deadly Open Border plans, Kissinger’s post Opioid China plague, WWI, WW2, Hopes for WW3, etc, etc, etc…

Like George Soros’ Ukraine, Yovanovich warned us never to mention, the #NPR reporter who gave Mike Pompeo the run around is part and parcel to the Cabal that was mentioned in Martin Luther’s incredible book, “The Jews and Their Lies” personified. 

America gets pummeled by a Colluding Gang of Subversive from within, the world is waking up to the fact that Rev 3:9 isREAL!

Our minds are made up by the same burocrat masters George Orwell wrote about, therefore, we can no longer see the forest for all of the trees.

The Colluding Cabal made Henry Ford’s warning, penned with Boris Brasol, as irrelavent as they made Vladimir Putin, even though it was A-ok for their democrat minions to sell away American assets to Putin himsef.

They even covered up the New York Times headlines stating that Askenazi DNA was merely R1b, rather than anything special as claimed.

Ford called them Bolskeviks, Putin calls them Oligarchs, they are know as the 1%, and the Deep State too, however, a Fake Jew by Any Other Name is Still Just a Fake Jew, as Per Rev 3:9

To Confuse matters further, Another Brand Name is added to the heap of Deep State concerted Paradigms.

As cover, an endless plethora of Brand Names are bandied about. We see this strategy manifest by way of the Cabal’s ANTFA goons.

Furthermore, for plausible deniability compromised shills like Bill Ayers and Barack Obama are Paid to forward objectives in behalf of the Cabal of hidden handed jewISH Oligarchs vying to Topple Our Nation.

Obama’s G8 mentor, Sir. Ronald Cohen, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Robert Craft all shrould their Singular, Social Impact Bond Revolution objectives behind hand select Black Minions who are as unassuming and devious as Obama.

After reading Rev 3:9 in your disregarded Bibles, the relative dichodomy should become quite clear

The guest on the American Thought Leaders show, the Epic Times, called the Cabal’s, Deep State paradigm “Woke Capitalism”, however, the hidden handed Oligarchs undermining our nation from within first call it their “Social Impact Bond Revolution”, ie, Sir Ronald Cohen’s “Second Bounce of the Ball”.

The Colluding Oligarchs’ need each and every American to buy in, as SIB stakeholders, weather wittenly or unwittingly, therefore, Obama called it “Pay for Performance”while Bill Ayers called it “Social Justice”, however, Henry Ford and Boris Brasol WARNNED us all about the Trotskyist’s disruptive, nation toppling, strategies over 100 years ago and, likewise, a student of a Troskyite, Hillary Clinton who called the Deep State’s Paradigms, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform, would consider herself a Alinskyite.

Centuries before Ford or Orwell, the venerable Martin Luther warned us all about the same Jews and their Lies, such as the ones blatantly hurled around the world and back again from our nation’s Usurped Capital under the dubious “leadership” of Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff.

More importantly, our disregarded Bibles tells us Rev 3:9 isREAL.

Their new American Opium war, as illustrated on the Cabal’s TELLING Trial Balloon show, “The Wire”, along with their followup show, HBO’s “Drug Inc.” Proove the metaphysical nature of the Deep State Cabal’s utter deception.

Moreover, the never to be named, Sor0s’ has all of the cover he needs to alingn America’s Usurped cities under the dubious guidance of lawless D.A.s that remain, relatively, untouchable.

In Philadelphia, the deep state still relies on their well invested, Project Paperclip, assets and the UPEN stationed CIA assets who Perfected and forwarded a variety of Mind Control ploys.

While America was made subject to all manor of political intregues, we were induced to forget every relative , deep state through-line, including the Franklin Coverup and the Columbian Drugs for Guns schemes that rocked the Regan Whitehouse, primed for the Bush’s ongoing shenanigans.

We can no longer fathom the direct connection between Roger Stone and Richard Nixon, thwarted, thanks to an unsung black shill, who made us practically forget, Henry Kissinger’s, back stabbing largess.

Now we can credit the Cabal’s Unfettered Media Monopoly assets, such as, ABC-MSM-WAPO-CNN-HuffPost-etc,etc,etc, yet, due to their Anti-Semitic third rail, we are renderd hepleds and lawless at once.

Anti-Trust laws matter not, thanks in part to the power of the mind bending Mockingbird Media, itself.

Now, the Bernie Bros can take comfort that no one blinked an eye after Project Veritas’ shocking revelation. Likewise, Bloomberg plots on using the very same Playbook, and Black shill to boot.

Clinton’s Nutter Butter, who garnered George Soros et al our Nation’s first Capital and every, so called, early adaptor City from his Oligarch infiltrated, Conference of Mayor’s perch, is busy rigging the DNC, once again, for the Democrat’s, hidden handed Taskmaster, Bloomberg, who’s stealing the Democrat’s nomination in plain sight.

Besides the Usurped fourth estate, for which I recognized via my 2014 deveoped group page, called False Flags and Fake News on Facebook, perhaps we can credit the Populous’ Utter ignorance to that wich was borne inside of the Oligarch’s Usurped, Eli Brode managed Schools.

We might also credit their Constant efforts to Satanically indoctrinate and/or Brainwash black victims while Aborting the rest for the sake of Population Control.

The troubling dicotomy illustrated in Rev 3:9 is manifest in the Deep State’s, dubious, bread and circus acts, none more shocking than thieir evermore brazen, NFL Halftime Shows.

Knowing many in America were made privy to the Podesta brother’s proclivities, including ties to the Clinton’s and Jeffery Epsteine, and knowing many in America were made privy to Robert Kraft’s Florida pastime with human trafficking victims, we were still “entreated to a stage full of bondage freaks and scantily clad Pussy Grabbers who thought it proper to debute their own kids in cadges just for show.

While the hidden handed cabal is masterful in hiding news of the New York City Rabis’ burgeoning Human Organs trade, or Shiploads of human body parts discovered on the Coast of their California hell-scape, their ability to hide in plain sight changes not one word the bible sets fourth as empirically evidenced prophecy.

So, call their ploys, “Socialism”, “Communism”, “Feminism”, “Satanism”,  “Woke Capitalism” or Intresectionality, it’s All one and the Same to the Jane Fonda types and the hidden-handed Cabal of Social Disruptors working overtime to topple the World.

Fonda, and her dying ilk of fake jews hoped to take America down , by now, or at least in time to witness their own life-work .

No doubt, the hidden handed Oligarchs thought their Bolskevik predecessor’s 100 year anniversary would coincide with Hillary Clinton’s “stollen” presidency.

Certainly, they hopped for their New World Order to be completed, by now, so they may enjoin themselves to their fellow Great Pretenders stuck forward of their loathed Iron Curtain and imbedded in Brussels, since WW1.

Having been caught in the act by President Donald Trump and die hard, investigating, patriots we’re made privy to more and more glimpses of the Cabal’s aggressive Social Impact Schemes and more.

But for Yovonavitch’s dire warning, we can now Reverse engineer the Ukrainian tied usurpers directly to Trump Impeachment Managers, all being Rev 3:9 mentioned, fake jews.

Should we fail to overcome the Cabal’s sycologically assereted Anti-Semitic third rail, we will all doomed just as Bill Gates hopes.

We’ll all be left subject to little Greta Thunburgs, or their AOC Shill & Bernie Bros’ combined.

The good news is, we’re doomed only due to our own willful ignorance after reading Rev 3:9.

Stokholm Syndrome & Cognitive Dissonance be Damned! The hidden handed cabal will only have their way if We Let Them!

Author: ecofer