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My Open Letter to President Donald J Trump at a Time of War and Covid-19

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Black Woman from Oligarch Usurped Philly here…

I made my False Flags and Fake News group page on Facebook, in 2014, based on Research and Intellegence gleaned from the standpoint of an independent blogger tracking Sir Ronald Cohen’s, so called, Social Impact Bond Revolution.

Essentially, our Usurped “first” Capital and our Constituon therein is now under siege.

For my knowledge, alone, Mark Zukerberg has determined to censor my voice until April 26, 2020, yet, by then, it may already be too late.

My fellow Blacks trapped in evermore Lawless Philly must know a Cure is on the way.

From the Clinton Sycophant, turned Bloomberg advisor, Michael Nutter, who is one of the the first deep state shills tasked by CNN to Call Our Great President an A-Hole just like he called all of the Black Youth in Philly, to the Clinton/Obama effort to Federalize our nation’s undermined Police forces from the Oligarchs’ Philadelphia strong-hold, using the black shill from Chicago, Raymond Ramsey, culminating in Rogue , deep state, “federalized” Police Force with members trained by Israeli’s Mossad, I have been Chronicalling it all!

Sadly, we’ve been subject to a one sided war since Globalist Oligarchs like George Soros , Michael Bloomberg, Sir Ronald Cohen, et al, made their Social Imoact Bond Revolution Declaration to “Topple the World”!

Now, the man who parked his Experimental, Microsoft School of the Future in Philly, durring the time Bill Ayers began his Edison School in Philly, Bill Gates’ clandestine work with China is becoming known the hard way (ie, outbreak).

Sad to say, Philly Blacks are so BRAINWASHED now, I can’t convince them to WakeUp!

As deadly as the Deep State’s BioWeapon is, their Wartime Propiganda may be the actual death of America!

As much as you are a great help to Blacks, great minds who Called out the Fake News first (sorry sir, I beat you by a few years) must also find a way to coalesce somehow, as per our Constitutional Mandate in the face of Tyranny.

In the face of the Deep State’s, declaring their SIB Revolution, please make a broad based way for Patriots to Pull together info and Intellegence before it’s too late.

Based on what I’ve known for a while, their every moves are becoming PREDICTABLE.

The Weaponized News Monopolies in America Must be treated like the Unconstiutional Subversives that they are.

I can’t win the information war in Oligarch Usurped Philly without your help.

The #BMe Network, began by Bill Gates, the Soros infiltrated #NABJ Shills like the one from PBS (A Taxpayer fleecing Subversive Outlet) are but a few ORGANIZED fassets I can not overcome alone.

Antitrust and FCC laws must be evoked and enfoced again in order to break up the media monopolies blocking out All Facts in Philly.

There is No Urban News Outlet that has not been Usurped and Weaponized at this time of Insurgency and War!

In the Spirit of Richard Allen, I and my company, Empress Signs LLC, is ready and able to Help!

Allen’s Eulogy for George Washington and the Rev 3:9 Bible verse are my greatest inspirations!

Your First Step Act on the eve of 400 years worth of American Captivity, 1619-2019 is Divine!

See my email address in your roles and know I’ve been with you from the very beginning, and I hope to be here with a Trump in office until the very end!


The day a Black man parading as Jay Z was was accused of adorning Blackface while walking a dog Parading as Mayor Jim Kenney. Black Philadelphia City Councilman president, Darryl Clark is outraged. Mayor Kenney, not so much.
Author: ecofer