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American Blacks Have no Clue President Trump is Thwarting Our “Globalist” Enemies , With God’s Help and Speed on Every Front

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Regarding Covid 19 era fake news and TDS Triggers, my fellow blacks in Philly are so BRAINWASHED, the FACT that so many of Our Mother’s, Father’s, Brothers and Sisters, Millitary, etc etc etc are , indeed, FEDERAL WORKERS is completely lost on them today!

After being TOLD to launch their ire and attacks against Jered Kushner, UNDERSTANDING that the Fed is in EVERY STATE in our nation serving as DISTRIBUTION Points Nationwide is Lost!

They are clueless that its is the Fed is who’s Signing the Checks that the Mind F’ing ingrates will Recieve nationwide after Republicans knocked Nancy Pelosi’s greedy dead knuckles off the emergency Bill she sat on and loaded up with BS!

The Revolutionary Oligarchs who have Usurped our nation’s”first” capital GOT MY PEOPLE SO BRAINWASED they act like they’d be completely satisfied if President Trump failed right now.

They are so BRAINWASHED they sit social media Celebrating deep state Pushback against the Anti melerial Drug President Trump made us aware about, that is amounting to a CURE powerful enough to stop the Enemies’ Premeditated, Pronounced, Patented , war-time BioWeapon , with their virtual Philly MASTER’s fingerprints all over it, dead in it’s tracks!

Their new “Master”, being Bill Gates , of the Microsoft School of the Future ( his future) parked in Philly. It is Bill Gates, Bill Ayers, Eli Brode and George Soros who practically OWNS the minds of the Philly “THOUGHT” LEADERS , via BME “organizing” our Gullible kids after the Walton’s of Walmart help Oligarchs take our schools over. Likewise, black thought “leaders” are practically Owned via Gates’ Black Male Engagement investment in the systematically Brainwashed and NUDGE Science Weaponized minds of our mind f’cked local “leaders” now doing the enemy Oligarchs’ bidding in Philly!

Meanwhile, the Oligarchs who Tooled our nation’s Usurped first capital, are Using their Planned BioWeapon as a pretense to MURDER ( Gun Down) as many Black Planned Parenthood Survivors in Philly as they can Get Away with. They are also destroying lives in Philly by way of Opioid Pushing managed by the George Soros’ installed D.A. and worse, enabled by their newly installed, Portland / ANTIFA/ Isrealite TRAINED Police Shill, Danielle Outlaw!

The Wartime Brainwashed blacks are TRAINED to fight to keep KILLADELPHIA and CHIRAQ status quo for Targeted Blacks.
They do not TRUST ME when I tell them All you are doing for us and our nation, they simply call me names like they are told. ( Like Kanye and Steve Harvey thanks to their thought leaders on fake news)

I know our nation is at war! I made a False Flags and Fake News group page in 2014 to sound the alarm in Philly, to no avail.

I try to explain that President Trump is the ENEMY of our ENEMIES who want Population Control and blacks displaced via Gentrification, Abortions Opioids, Hosted Gangsta Rappers ( Meek Mill who teaches Don’t Snitch as Chicago/Israeli based Corporate Mercenary forces Gun us down in Gun Free CHIRAQ , KILLADELPHIA etc.)
The same Cabal Attacking you daily want targeted Blacks Dead and Gone by now as per Rev 3:9!

It is no Accident that your 2019 FirstStepAct ended 400 years worth of Captivity for Blacks, as per Deuteronomy. (Re: Slavery from 1619-2019)

We are basically being Enslaved in America all over again, thanks, in part ,to the Oligarchs’ Social Impact Bond Revolution, which was Obama’s Dubious pay for Performance farce amounting to slavery, as profound as the Slave Trade he relaunched in Libya or the Robert Kraft engaged/enabled Human Trafficking Trade in the US.

Do Note, Kraft’s , Sir Ronald Cohen & Havard-made SIB’ is part and parcel to Meek Mill, Van Jones and Jay-Z’s #REFORM ALLIANCE .

It’s simply a work around keeping Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform alive and well as it pertains to new, Surveillance based, open air prison Systems sponsored by Michael Bloomberg and his overreaching, Compstat data mining, & his Associated, NYC based Center for Court Innovation that wrote Philly’s Unconstiutional Criminal Court Laws, not to mention his Soda Tax test run.

Those who are not despensed with on the Gates funded, Planned Parenthood cutting floor, those not yet Diabetic enough, those on Dialysis machines, those who are not shot during feigned Gang Wars in da Hood are slated to be DEAD and Out of the way by now!

Do see the high mortality rates for blacks traped in Covid19 clusters where the Usurping Oligarchs’ set up Shop with their Taxpayer fleecing American NGO’s an non profits organizations since their systematic Bankrupting of America began.

They all work much like the ones in Oligarch Usurped Philly, where the plans for handing out Free Needles like lollypops and cop free drug zones was all spelled out via a deep state’s “trial balloons”

Much like the government sanctioned murder in he movies, Purge and Meet the Blacks, ase blacks failed o et e oicture, the nation usurping Oligarch shared their plans for us via HBO’S THE WIRE, with their follow up HBO series Drug Inc- Kenzington addition showing us the fast results.

Likewise, they told us Everything we needed to know about their timely, Bill Mahar prayed for, Gates Practiced and Patented, Bioweapons attack!


They have no clue He is Thwarting the Globalist Enemies , With God’s Help and Speed on Every Front!

They have no idea President Trump is the only thing that stands in the way of Systematically, Brainwashed BLACKS “THINKING” that CHIRAQ, Baltimore’s Latest MURDER CAPITAL and KILLADELPHIA is a good and Sustainable thing for us!

My shadow banned Group Pages like False Flags and Fake News that I published in 2014 is not enough to get blacks the FACTS!

The same Subversive CABAL who Owns the Monopolized U.S. Media and the CoronaVirus Patent/s , alike, are LYING THEM DAILY ABOUT Trump!

No doubt, with the HELP, of Brainwashed blacks the Cure for Covid19 will be Sidetracked by imbedded #Resistance and purposefully delayed!!!!!

OUR DISREGARDED BIBLE SAYS PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS, yet Blacks are so powerful Brainwashed they’d Champion Three Strike Crime Bill Joe Biden, if all people.

They can’t deliver GOD Almighty’s most basic “request” to Pray for our leaders who are now up nights to HELP Save Our Lives, Liberty, and Lively-hoods that Bill Maher said he Hoped Would be brought to a Halt.

Like Yvonnavitch warned, we can never say what is happening to Blacks and White Christians anywhere because the Cabal of Rev 3:9 mentioned Jews, are just like the ones who have already Taken Over Philly!
They are crafty, they own our minds and thoughts thanks to Project Paperclip investments and just as Martin Luther, Henry Ford and Boris Brasol, George Orwell and many more who were thwarted have already Warned Us, the Bernie Bros and holdout Bolsheviks and their Communist minions needed us all Dead by now!!!!

Please help me better serve you sir. Use Antitrust laws, FCC laws and or Wartime Acts to Stop the Weaponized Propiganda suited to get us all killed and the unmentionable jewISH Oligarchs their successful American Spring as planned, at any and all costs.

Lastly, THANK YOU Sir! Do Stay Armored up in the word of God no matter who the Truth shall hurt! ~Selah

Author: ecofer