All Useful Idiots, far too many blacks are foolish enough to Deliver George Soros’ & Bernie Sanders’ BOLSHEVIK 2.0 fever-dream, complete with UN-NATO forces standing by, deserve to be met with our 2nd Amendment Rights and our Right to keep LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS forevermore in our own Great Nation.
They have no idea how badly they are Brainwashed, and how they are being diabolically moved by False Flag Events designed, expressly, to trigger blacks and other, so called Social Justice Warriors who were systematically Mind F’ed for eighty years in Obama’s, Bill Ayer’s inspired schools.
They have no idea the extent for which Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Cops , ie, Israeli Mossad Trained assets, are willing to go to deliver all that the hidden handed oligarchs hope for.
Instead, Useful Idiot Blacks, like Grand Master Jay, who pretend to be Revolutionaries and not hired Bat Mitva entertainers, are hell-bent to destroy any credibility blacks have on the eve of our 400 years worth of captivity, from 1619 to President Trump’s First Step Act in 2019.
Most blacks still don’t have an idea how much BLM Money they are Raising for their hidden handed Task-Masters!
At last, they were all warned… PATRIOTIC AMERICANS know full well, when the Tyrants rise up an begin using gullible blacks to Go on, so called, Peaceful Protests that are in no way Peaceful or Protests, nationwide, there’s but one law that matters the most.
Now that they were met will bullets, in one fearless community on their established war-path strait into DC. Perhaps the TRAINED MARXISTs will begin to take pause.
As they consider weather Suicide is worth it. perhaps they will also take the time to realize their hidden handed MASTERS are relying on the their USEFUL IDIOT Blacks, Spoon-fed a BLM Curriculum in Eli Brode etal’s Oligarch Usurped Schools, to deliver the Oligarchs objectives which are not truly their own. Perhaps they will finnaly realize that the push Defunded urban Police is the hidden handed Oligarch’s Hagalian Dialectic derived Pretext To Murder Us All!
Meanwhile, the ones Fiona Hill says we can NEVER Mention are working Overtime to REVERSE EVERYTHING RICHARD ALLEN helped to make for Us in 1776 in Free Black Philly.
They are behind the scenes directing the kayos without concerning themselves with death or INEVITABLE injuries that will be sustained not only to our Nation, but in also in the form of more Murdered Blacks and the burning down of Black Owned Businesses such as the ones that were already fallen as Collateral Damage.
The warring Oligarchs realize it is worth it to Cop Kill more blacks, because the Oligarchs who infiltrated our Police Systems with their Mossad Forces in the first place will be able to Pimp Out even more dumb black Proleteriats as they go.
For as long as we are willing to do all of the heavy lifting for them, there is no need to show their hand or muster up a single nuclear weapon against our nation.
Those who are busy managing Sir Ronald Cohen’ s Social Impact Bond Revolution, including Robert Kraft of the tainted NFL are all sitting back in their cozy homes just like the Bernie Bro’s. They are, no doubt, making more plans to Cop Kill more blacks while waiting on the spoils.
Bernie Bro’s are chomping at the bit to deliver thinking blacks into Gulags along with Republican Whites who dared Emancipate Blacks in the first place. Bill Gates is chomping at the bit to deliver his forced Vaccines to blacks first and foremost.
Ralm Emannual is chomping at the bit to continue the Corporate Mercinaries, CHIRAQ Styled Deaths, without fearing Donald Trump’s FBI involvement and direct interventions.
And while their UN-NATO forces are chomping at the bit to see Donald Trump fail before stepping in as planned, the hidden handed oligarch’ who trained their first, Useful Idiot Marxists are steering the most dumb ass blacks to enter into the Suburbs where they will most likely be shot.
They are running their Bolshevick 2.0/ Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution from their cozy digs afforded to them by way of fleeced citizens, both here and in Great Britain, alike, where Cohen stole all of the citizen’s Unclaimed Assets after George Soros practically broke the bank of England.
Cohen, Soros and his ilk of co conspirators will stop at nothing to continue the madness he launched via his Usurped Kennedy School of Business, including the dumb a$$ blacks in Europe who were yelling at cops the same mindless mantra, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, while knowing full-well British Police Never carry Guns!
Sadly, members of my own family fail to see what’s happening because the hidden handed Oligarchs Own every Urban Media Outlet from coast to cost. These are the same ones who own the Six Corporations who have Monopolized Every Major News Outlet of note.
You would think, basic intuition or common sense would kick in, but at last, the Subversive Oligarchs have been planning their Bolshevik Anniversary antics for Decades.
They are the same ilk of hidden handed jews who funded the both sides of every war, every Middle East Arab SPRING and the Overthrow of Countless Nations from within via their deep state CIA, a biproduct of the Rothchild funded Project Paperclip holdouts.
With Manhattan Project like urgency, the hidden handed Oligarch’s have tooled and/or Usurped every institution for the cause of Brainwashing Us all.
They have managed to Weaponize Ignorant youth, along with the most well intention blacks who haven’t a clue of the full scope of militancy, war-craft, and war time propaganda that is now being used to overthrow our nation from within.
Far too many gullible blacks are being systematically beguiled by the hidden handed ilk mentioned in Rev 3:9, suggesting they truly have nothing more to loose. You see, Sir Ronald Cohen and George Soros’ goal for Toppling our Nation on Hillary Clinton’s watch, is already over three years late, thanks to President Donald Trump’s Victory.
Nothing troubles them more than the fact that Trump is on the verge of, not Only taking the White-house, once again, but also FLUSHING the entire swamp of DEMONIC Democrats. With the help of Desperate and Depraved Hillary Clinton, the oligarchs are now manufacturing new and creative ways to Rob American’s of our votes.
The Demonic Democrats are even bold enough to drop hints during their VP Nomination speech.
Kamala Harris’ protest antidote was a Dog Whistle to BLM.
She was forwarding the new strategy of Bringing our Kids to the Riots, as cover, just like they began to do inside of the ANTIFA Goons’ training grounds in Portland.
The Oligarch associated White faced ANTIFA jews yelling Black Lives Matter while Fire Bombing whole city blocks, know they are TRIGGERING Scared Whites who are now moved to fight, or else. They are working harder each day to deliver America strait into George Soros; hope for Race War, so having our Babies on the Front Lines, as Harris put it, when the VICTIMS of RIOTS finally get fed up , it will only amount to a Win Win for Bill Gates’ ilk.
Gates and the rest of the jewISH Oligarch types loath having to work so hard to forward their long standing plans that are decades in the making.
Now Dr. Fouchi’, the WHO and the Oligarch’s who launched their bio-weapons based assaults against America are beginning to feel demoralized. The entire world is beginning to wake up. even while Useful Idiots fail to realize their own task masters are the same the ones who developed Planned Parenthood and the Genetically Modified Vaccines slated to be administered to targeted blacks, first and foremost.
The sad FACT is, none of what the Oligarchs want can happen without BLM Brainwashed Blacks.
These Useful Idiot have no idea they are working for Subversive Oligarchs like Bill Gates who wanted Planned Parenthood Survivors Dead by Yesterday and they certainly have no clue that their every move has been planned in advance by George Soros’.
It will be Sir Ronald Cohen and the rest of his BLM Cabal who will make certain that we are all SIB enslaved and or SJW annihilated wholesale if Trump get’s out of the way.