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Covid19, Kanye West & We the Victims of Henry Kissinger’s Communist China Cohorts Aided Second Coup

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If ever the Fouci ilk ever carried a plague to forward (((their))) AGENDA, the Kanye West Concert in Gun-Free CHIRAQ will be such a place.

The, so called, Deep State and/or CIA releasing deadly Bioweapons upon targeted American Citizens is not Unprecedented!!!

Not to mention the Rockefellers’ Syphillis “Studies” on targeted Tuskegee students, my fellow Blacks should see the writing on the wall.

Never forget, Kanye West was treated exactly like Booker T Washington was treated after Washington’s sit down visit with the President of the United States!

I’ve no doubt West’s upcoming Chicago concert will not be treated the same as the Cochella event the troll of a mayor Lori Lightfoot went to or Barack Obama’s Birthday bash!

Based on past events, the  “supper spreader” headlines are already written.

Author: ecofer