Watch “Latinos HECKLE AOC After She Calls Her Voters ‘Homophobes’ As She Gets HUMILIATED In New Poll!” on YouTube
Tag: Black Boule

Welcome to the mind-set of the auditioned Black BOULE GATEKEEPERS who portend to care about their fellow Blacks, when nothing can be further from the truth! #Busted
When chosen celebrity Blacks give quarters to our sworn and proven ENEMIES, targeted Blacks suffer the most.
Watch Ricky Manner’s obligatory video titled, “Now You’re Seeing the Truth About The Officer Tatum” on YouTube.
I say Manner’s video is obligatory for two reasons…
1) YouTube is how its allowed content creators get paid, and in order to stay paid they must post about relevant topics.
2) Manner must now come after the kneecaps of a Black man with a shared audience, not because of his signature Confederate flag and affinity towards the Dukes of Hazzard, Manner ‘s favorite White Men who were always at odds with Cops, but he is openly attacking Officer Tatum for other nefarious reasons, in my opinion.
Do notice, not only can we see what Crabs in a Barrel metaphor looks like in the, so called, “Black Community”, but we also see why the, so called, Black Community looks more like Ricky Manor’s next YouTube video, featuring Juneteenth victims and relatively predictable Black Predators, within.
When analyzing colorful Blacks like Ricky Manner, a certain agency becomes apparent to me. While some Blacks watching Manner’s Youtube channel may see a common White “Bootlicker”, the same term Manner, ironically, used to describe Brandon Tatum in the above video, I notice something far deeper.
Like Mark Zuckerberg indicated, so eloquently, and well before his hidden handed jewISH ilk paid Stacie Abrams handsomely to deliver massa Joe Biden back into our Oligarch Usurped White-house, “it’s complicated”.
You’d have to be as faithful as Noah and Abraham or at least as knowledgeable as a Bible scholar to fully understand what is happening, both, to and among targeted Blacks in America with the full backing of the hidden handed fake jew.
I do thank God for his Prophecy and the Wisdom to interpret God’s Prophesy for the most part and as God sees fit, yet I also realize most will never know what has hit us, as planned.
Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.
With that said, here’s what I wrote in direct response to Ricky Manner’s YouTube attack on Officer Brandon Tatum this week. Admittedly, my YouTube Comment is more for Manner’s audience than for Manner’s eyes. It’s my take on everything wrong in the targeted Black “community”.
Black woman from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia here, and owner of Blog page…
Respectfully, it is quite clear to me that you are EVERYTHING you accused Brandon Tatum of in this curious, yet, PREDICTABLE dispatch.
I say this, not because I am a Blind and Devout Tatum loyalist, but I say this due to a familiar character type and form which is quite prevalent among American Blacks, particularly, since the making of the first Black Boule, “Vanguard” (otherwise known as the Black Gatekeepers).
Tatum’s assessment of the latest, False Flag school shooting seemed to be an honest assessment from an ex cop’s perspective, not just a blanket give to all Cops, no matter what.
I too was compelled to comment in Tatum’s comment section, reminding him and his audience of the Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Farce, now underway in key cities and states that are practically Owned by the Subversive Cabal of jewISH Oligarchs operating under the umbrella of Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION.
I have warned Americans of the Infiltration of key Police Agencies working hand hand hand with Soros funded DA’s and our rogue Justice Department, CIA and FBI.
With your, obviously, scripted performance, you seem to be more like an opportunistic Agent who now smells blood in the water after seeing Tatum’s fans disagreeing with him.
To me your behavior is much like the, so called, “Tree of Life” and her bad attitude towards Candace Owens (Tatum’s BLEXIT Partner) and your behavior is also like Brandon’s other opportunistic hater who called himself, “The Amazing Lucas”.
Both types showed us their true colors on YouTube, while Tatum and Owens, on the other hand, manage to stay True to Form.
I followed the Tree and Lucas too, until I could no longer handle the stench of such Stage-Crafted race traitors who revealed themselves in similar form as you.
What your White Fans may not know is the pervasive Dynamics among God chosen Blacks and the foul Agency Some have historically served in behalf of their hidden handed HANDLERS, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9 <— #GoogleIt SAINTS!
Your dedicated followers should be aware of all of Black Moles who serve as quintessential assets for longstanding Agencies, such as, the CIA and FBI who ran programs like CoIntelPro which relied heavily on sellout Blacks just doing their job.
Such agency goes way back to the first ankle biting BOULE, with founding members like W.E.B. DuBois, who’s primary job was to systematically discredit any Self Made or Self Determined Black who managed to amass a notable, large and diverse Audience, such as, Booker T Washington and Marcus Garvey.
The Black Boule was Developed after Nat Turner’s last stand and after Black Greats, like Fredrick Douglas won over much needed Whites in time for a favorable Civil War Outcome and effective Emancipation of Black Slaves.
As we know, forever Targeted Blacks are an ongoing commodity in America, not just in Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood offices where Dead Black babies are now being sold for more than the price of a Boatload of Slaves, but, thanks to men like Joe Biden and his for profit prison filling crime bills, etc.
For such Agents, it’s not enough to disagree or debate ideas with their fellow Black man, but to Drive a wedge between a Black man’s audience and supporters whenever such a free Thinking Black in America rises in Stature and relative Importance. eem to be more like an opportunistic Agent who smells blood in the water after seeing Tatum’s fans disagreeing with him and your behavior is now much like, The, so called, Tree of Life towards Candace Owens/ Tatum’s BLEXIT Partner and Brandon’s other opportunistic hater, The Amazing Lucas.
I was a follower of Tree and Lucas too, until I could no longer handle the stench of such Stage-Crafted race traitors who revealed their true colors in similar form.
What your White Fans may not know is the pervasive Dynamics among Blacks and the Agency Some have historically served in behalf of their hidden handed HANDLERS (See Rev 2:9 and 3:9)
Your dedicated followed should be aware of all of the Black Moles who are a quintessential asset for longstanding Agencies, such as, the CIA and FBI who ran programs like CoIntelPro which relied heavily on sellout Blacks just doing their job.
Such agency goes way back to the ankle biting BOULE, with members like W.E.B. DuBois who’s primary job was to systematically discredit any Self Made or Self Determined Black who amassed a large and diverse Audience, such as, Booker T Washington and Marcus Garvey, particularly after Black Greats, like Fredrick Douglas won over needed whites in time for a favorable Civil War Outcome and Emancipation.
Indeed, Blacks matter far more than most will ever realize, so for such Black Agents working OT for our hidden handed mortal enemies, it’s not enough to disagree or debate ideas with their fellow Black man face to face, but from their own platforms they work hard to Drive a wedge between a Black man’s audience and supporters whenever such a free Thinking Black in America rises in Stature and relative Importance.
Again, no blatant disrespect here, just an open assessment….
I just want to let you and your, unsuspecting, audience know, we see you “DOING YOUR JOB” here on YouTube Sir.
I realize also, Only God knows, for certain, what is in your heart. Be well and do better please.

Can Someone please tell the Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned OLIGARCH Hacks working overtime to topple our nation from within to STOP TRIGGERING AND RACE-BATING exacerbated White Men, like my good friend, Mark Dice!
(((They))) the Race Bating fake jews haven’t even rolled out their Black Communist Shills for February, which is the Race Bating fake jews’, so called, BLACK HISTORY MONTH, as if we wont be subjected to the same damned Socialist Shills who killed the Marcus Garvey Plan or the Booker T. Washington Plan in behalf of the Rothchilds etc!
Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION is well under way and George Soros etal will not Stop using My Fellow Blacks for Race-Bate, and they wont stop Troubling Our Nation from within until they have their hoped for Civil War, Race War or AMERICAN SPRING… whatever comes first!
Soros’ hope for Divided Nation is Triggered, thanks to Fed Up American’s like Mark Dice and the TRAINED MARXIST Shills, alike, who are systematically misled by the hidden handed jewISH Oligarch’s China funded BLM!!!
The biblically mentioned fake jews are now TARGETING White Christians, as profoundly as, they have TARGETED PLANNED PARENTHOOD SURVIVING BLACKS and finally there is something so profound that will be ultimately realized according to the book of Revelations, as WE THE PEOPLE of all stripes and races are FINALLY WAKING UP in each an every nation (((they))) the unmentionable fake jews as per Rev 2:9 are waging the same kind of asymmetrical war!
Then, and only then will your fellow Whites be returned to the Oligarch Usurped Airwaves, sooner than later Sir!!!
The Protestants inspired by the true Martin Luther were all attuned to GOD’s Chosen People and like the Mighty Quakers, they all had a Certain affinity with the Captive Israelite SINCE THEIR DECISIVE VICTORY IN PA, LEADING TO THE CONSEQUENT ESTABLISHMENT OF OUR NATION IN MY HOME TOWN, PHILADELPHIA, all with the help of Richard Allen during a Pandemic, no less.
Please Google, Richard Allen’s Eulogy for George Washington our Nation’s first president
In spite of the fake jew’s complete buyout, and consequent Usurpation of BET programing and every major TV Outlet in America, now WEAPONIZED to Divide and Propagandize Our Troubled Nation, Let’s pray Mr. Dice and EVERY AMERICAN will soon realize, Together, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD!
Dear Black people, White people and all with eyes to see …
Black planned Parenthood Survivors have No Idea the Deep State Satanists have developed Corporate Mercinaries Who’s only JOB is finishing what Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood (Chaired by Bill GatesJr) failed to do.
One would only have to remember Chuck Schumer and all who did the late-term abortion happy-dance in NYC to realize and remember that there is a Cabal on Earth who wanted targeted Blacks trapped on the Democrat plantations nationwide, dead and gone by yesterday.
This reality is why the Jews model NAACP headquarters in Baltimore MD is also called MURDER CAPITAL U.S.A. Hence, free Black Philadelphia is now called Killadelphia and Barack Obama’s Chicago converted to CHIRAQ on Barack Obama’s watch.
While cognitive dissonance gets in the way of such a hard and troubling reality, everyone should know, by now, that Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood was strictly developed for the purpose of murdering targeted Blacks in womb, as she and her fellow purveyors were not shy about their openly stated, Black Euthanasia program that still exists today.
What many fail to realize is Sanger et al could never pull off such a Satanic feat without the help of the, so called, Black Boule.
The Black Boule are hand-select Black shills from Fraternities, Sororities and Other Secret Societies that are otherwise known as the Vangaurd or Gate-keepers.
This implausible REALITY of Blacks helping the hidden handed jeeISH Oligarchs’ who have Usurped America’s Democrat and RINO’ run Cities, is the case WHEREVER a George Soros’ funded/installed DA is in power!!!
Sadly, with the help Black shills like Lightfoot and Foxx, running a Block and providing Murderers protections, (((They))) the hidden handed jewISH OLIGARCHS on charge of our fallen cities will oversee the Murder of as Many sitting duck blacks as they can get away with.
As the Black Boule serve the hidden handed fake Jews for the purpose of probable deniability the Michael Bloomberg’s of our nation will Murder as many hapless Blacks as needed to “justify” taking legal guns away from EVERY AMERICAN, sooner than later…
For the biblically foretold SATANISTS it’s a Win, Win, Win situation…
Bottom line, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL. #GoogleIt and nothing changes until American SAINTS finally WAKE UP!!!!
Untill then, GOD HELP US ALL!!!

Well dressed BOULE Agents are just like the first. These are hand-select Blacks who are USED to make the jew’s Baltimore based NAACP and the surrounding Baltimore MD exactly what it is today.
As the HBO hit “the Wire” has illustrated, the paradigms developed out of the jew’s NAACP have been very profitable for some,but forever deadly for targeted Blacks, indeed.
Since W. E. B. DuBois helped to deliver his fellow Blacks Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood fever-dreams of murdering targeted Blacks inside of the womb, the GOD damned Black Boule have a long history of systematically taking down any and all authentic, self-made Blacks, such as, Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey before us!
The Boule are the ones who appear on the hidden handed task-master’s Media Monopolies and they are the ones who stay busy training gullible Blacks to call highly successful and talented black Men like Kanye West a house Negro, simply because he had President Donald Trump’s ear and a seat at he table as he appealed for a government supported Manufacturing Hub in Barack Obama’s downtrodden Chicago turned CHIRAQ on the Democrat’s watch.
Because, the Multi Million dollar visionary, West, wanted to have his clothing line manufactured by his fellow Blacks who reside in his home-town Chicago, the Black Boule were set upon him to destroy him in the exact same way Booker T. Washington was attacked when he dared to pay a visit President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the White-house.
The sad fact is, Blacks do not feel as if we have achieved Equity well over one hundred years since slavery ended because the hidden handed hacks are so successful at use the God damned Black Boule.
The Black Boule gatekeepers are as devious and dangerous to Blacks as the Democrat’s KKK. They are made in the same mold as the first one that was made in America. Much like Bill Gate’s Black Male Engagement Members who were assembled in Oligarch usurped Philadelphia and beyond, Sanger’s Boule besty, DuBois is the one who was used to sell Blacks on the idea of euthanizing ourselves.
Fast forward, it was my fellow Blacks who have welcomed Gates into Philly with his Microsoft School of the Future. Few so glad to go along with his Cabal’s secret plans realize Gates is a second generation chairman of Sanger’s Planned Parenthood and they do not realize Gates’ openly stated depopulation plans or the fact that he and Dr. Fouci have very specific plans for us as they work ot to topple our nations.
DuBois finally woke up, but the formula used to make the Black Boule so effective lives on to this day.
After DuBois’ epiphany he was let go from his roll as the quasi “founder” of the NAACP and he was promptly replaced by another hungry Black Boule shill who gladly helped the hidden handed jewISH overlords finish the mission we see manifest in the heart of the NAACP headquarters, the same place Klacik became a house-hold name overnight. Most believed her rise into relative fame as a Black Conservative was just for her stellar performance in stating the obvious, but insiders who proclaimed to be Black conservatives before her commercial saw something more nefarious upon meeting her in person and doing a deep dive into her personal life after she turned into a Public figure.
The infamous Donna Brazile admitted live on air, if she were not elevated by her hidden handed (Democrat) task-masters, she would have been a high class ho, much like Kamala Harris, relative to Willie Brown, the Black Boule Gatekeeper from a family of prolific West Cost Pimps.
The most evil woman in Congress built her entire reputation on her father’s Baltimore Political career, and it is Nancy Pelosi who illustrates just how much compromised Black politicians are necessary in order to keep targeted Blacks down and forever downtrodden in America.
Maryland, the State that is situated just above the Mason Dixon line, is where Blacks like my own Baltimore MD based Family, had far more dignity and chances of survival during the Slave era than targeted Blacks do now.
If Blacks are feeling like Slaves about to have Chains rapped around our necks exactly like Massa Joe Biden publicly warned his Black Boule audience, then it’s because WE have allowed Compromised, Nasty Black Women and Nasty Black Men to help their deep state task Masters rule over us.
Thanks to Owens and Tatum, the founders of BLEXIT, we can see that there are indeed Black Boule shills in both parties who are willing to deceive us. As they turn against their fellow Blacks they will stop at nothing to garner more dollars and votes while running for office under the auspices of providing far better representation than what we have now.
To see the foul dichotomy illustrated by the Black Boule, one would only have to watch Harris cackling over her “brilliant” truancy law.
It is clear Harris takes great pride in persecuting and Jailing targeted parents for having kids who may have dropped out or missed too many classes in America’s Democrat failed schools and it is clear that Harris enjoyed locking Blacks up as much as Mr. Three Strikes Biden did, hence, it is they who were chosen to run in behalf of their hidden handed task-masters who are actually calling the shots.
By Harris’ estimation, both, of my parents could have been locked up in the Oligarchs’ for-profit prison system and, furthermore, just like Harris called out Biden’s abject racism, it was Harris’ own Democrat running-mate, Tulsi Gabbard, who cited all of the Black people Harris left in jail to toil long after their sentencing recommendations were served.
Now, the hidden handed taskmasters are making, so called, Black Conservatives who can go up against the Grass Roots version of themselves.
The hidden handed taskmasters who give the Black Boule daily marching orders work exactly like the Agents who once paired bare-fisted Black prize fighters on the back streets of Harlem for the profits they could glean. No matter what side the Black Boule shills appear to be on, their only job in life is undermining their fellow Blacks.
Black prize fighters of old appeared to be different, independent, and/or oppositional, yet, both, practically sold their their souls to the same managing entities, and thereby, both, were bound to make their hidden handed handlers rich , all while they remained embattled thought-leaders who, much like Philadelphia’s Joe Frazer, are relatively expendable.
We could see the prize fighter dichotomy between Frazer and Muhammad Ali, as one was highly celebrated and richly supported by the entire world for his sound principals, while the other found himself alone, broke and practically abandoned by the entire world for relying on his hidden handed task-masters most of his career.
Much like DuBois dying in, relative, obscurity, Frazier’s fate is the fate of Black Boule go alongs. Every unprincipled Black will suffer to some degree for as long as there’s no shortage of more two dollars ho’s big on talent and short on sound principles. Each and every one of them will find out sooner or later that they are utterly replaceable.
We will inevitably take sides, thinking taking sides is necessary, so it matters not to the hidden handed task-masters who back the Boule for as long as Status Quo on the Democrat Plantations remain. We shall be forever divided and the best among us will continue to be softened up and attacked the hungry Black Boule.
Blacks will remain a easy race to suppress, abort, murder and conquer for as long as Blacks can’t recognize the, mostly Democrat, formula now being applied in the realm of Black Conservatives.
To see what is happening within the Black Conservative movement we must understand the formula used in Democrat party of the KKK.
The Democrats are Masters at leading gullible Blacks into selecting all that is not in our best interest. We can research this phenomenon and analyze the situation surrounding the Democrat Darling, Jim Jones.
Jones was just two degrees separated from Kamalah Harris, and he was also a CIA tied agent who worked closely with Nancy Pelosi and Dian Feinstine, alike. Using willing, Politically tied Black Boule, those who want us dead and gone by yesterday were able to help recruit gullible Blacks for his death Cult.
Thanks, in part to Harris’ bo, Willie Brown, Jones managed to take as many gullible Blacks out as possible.
In order to get Blacks to stay stuck on stupid on the damned Democrat Plantations or following all that is wrong like a bunch of mindless lemmings the hidden handed taskmasters keep a stable of Black Boule Pretenders. These are the ones who will smile in your face as if they got your back, when the only thing they got is your stollen Bag in their coffers!
In the spat between Klacik and Candace Owens, the Black Conservative Klacik is suing for 2 million dollars, imma have to take Owen’s side, as Owens has proved herself to be true to self, and lord knows I was skeptical of her at first.
Likewise, Brandon Tatum, Owen’s BLEXIT Partner is now facing passive aggressive attacks by Klacik. Tatum is one I know I can trust, and I trust both Tatum and Owens primarily because both openly profess GOD, whereas, their detractors do not.
Among Tatum and Owens’ detractors there are other social media influences who called themselves Black conservatives. While each of these figures were vetted by me from the time I discovered them on Youtube, etc, I found those who are the most disingenuous are the ones who do not openly profess Christ.
Like clockwork, their ire and evil ways against fellow Black conservatives bled through like a burst damn and it was as if they were possessed by demons and they could no longer contain themselves. Sheer jealousy and mania was made apparent in public and their false accusations spilled out like vomit, as if they needed us all to join their team in opposition to their targeted fellow Black conservatives.
Consequently, each one of the derange pretenders fell in subscribers and popularity, all while the wealth and popularity of their targets continued to rise.
The saddest part of the Black Boule tradition is the fact that the hidden handed Pimps who are using them to keep targeted Blacks down and out on the Democrat Plantations managed to find the, either, the Smartest or most Charismatic ones to use against their own people.
Much like two dollar ho’s shallow Black shills manage to keep suckers cumming, much like the Black Boule shill that Klacik was elevated to replace.
Sadly, most of my people haven’t a clue why Nancy Pelosi loved herself some Elijah Cummings or any of the, so called, Black radical Civil Rights icon who got us nothing but record deaths year after year.
What the Black Boule gate-keepers have done for us is empirically evident in every urban community that Blacks Vote Democrat in droves. Sadly, cognitive dissonance and a form of Stockholm Syndrome rules the day in the ravaged Black community.
Most can’t figure our the formula used to keep the best of the Black Community down, yet, the telling pick below might well give us all a clue. There are hidden handed task-masters who have managed to make the best of us, take out the best of us in their behalf.
Michael Eric Dyson Reveals The “Science” Behind the Mind F’ing Black BOULE

Michael Eric Dyson is no, Bill Nye, but he is just as important to the hidden handed Cabal for whom the Auditioned ones work their Magic…
Fact is: President Donald J Trump won the stolen election with a Record Number of VOTES from Blacks and Browns in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, but Dyson is not paid to share such evidence based facts with our purposefully troubled world!!!
I say, To hell with this Auditioned, Ungodly, Soros-funded Race Bate Hack and here’s why… Dyson behaves much like a SNL caliber Black SATANIST and it is clear that he is highly celebrated member of the infamous Black BOULE!!!
The Black BOULE are the, so called Vanguard, much like the Builderberg Shill, Stacie Abrams.
The BOULE are the Mind F’ing black Gatekeepers tooled to maintain a Deadly Status Quo on America’s God Damned Democrat Plantations, where TARGETED Planned Parenthood Survivors are being Gunned Down in record numbers in America’s Gun Free Zones.
The slick talking Dyson is on par with Auditioned Rappers who are busied teaching Sitting Duck black Children to stay stuck on Stupid and he is clearly not functioning like a renown scientist, but rather, he is brought onto the MSNBC stage to function as a Race Bating tool, exactly like Don Lemon, Joy Reid or Charlemagne tha god.
For the best job description of the, so called. “Go Along to Get Along Gang”, search for Kwame Brown’s Mamma’s Cooking on YouTube and take a listen to how Great Blacks are systematically felled and failed in America, by the Gatekeeping Black BOULE.
The Black BOULE are rolled out in time to occupy the deep state Oligarchs’ highly monopolized media bandwidth.
They are pumped into American psych like a slow a dripping IV and and they all stay on message with the prevailing deep state narratives.
No matter how brilliant or what title they have earned, all members of the Black Boule have one job and one job only. Like every Auditioned propagandists on the Fake Jews’ payroll they are the ones who are talking out of the side of their necks on any given day and they are the ones who are Gaslighting gullible Blacks and gullible Whites on the Oligarch’s Urban Radio Monopoly and Fake News airwaves all damned day and every damned day.
He touts himself a Scholarly professor, yet, Dyson’s only job in life is to Obfuscate the ongoing Urban Black Genocide, all while BLAMING the Ubiquitous “White Man” for full affect. (See George Soros’ American Spring).
Meanwhile, Targeted Blacks trained to Never Snitch by the fake Jews’ Auditioned ones are being Gunned Down in American streets, unfettered.
First the CIA Shill, Barack Obama, delivered Chicago up as ground zero for utter genocide that goes unfettered by the other Black Shill Overseers, including the Soros funded Kim Foxx. Blacks trapped on the democrat plantation shills like Dyson are tasked to maintain, are now under siege by way of Corporate Merci nary forces, including compromised Justice Department officials that were systematically introduced into the Oligarch Controlled Justice System under the banner of Clinton’s 21 St Century Justice Reform Farce.
In Chicago, Blacks were systematically stripped of their right to own weapons in, so called, Gun Free Zones, all while targeted black Planned Parenthood Survivors became ravaged by a series of False Flag Cop kills that served the hidden handed Deep State as a pretense for making Black Lives Matter Marxists from whole cloth.
By way of James Comey’s FBI informants orchestrating False Flag Mass Shooting Events and MOSSAD Infiltrated American Police forces our nation was set on a George Soros and Sir Ronald Cohen funded, PATH TO UTTER DESTRUCTION.
While we the people were being Trained to Forget Joe Biden’s Racist Role in filling up the Oligarchs’ Wall Street traded, for profit Prison Industrial Complexes, Our American Cops, who’s hands are now tied were being Swapped out by Chicago’s Raymond Ramsey… before President Trump put an abrupt end to it all.
That is, the Deep State planned to use Corporate Mercenaries who look much like Jussie Smollett’s attackers in Chicago, as a pretense for a planned NATO led Takeover of our entire Nation beginning in Mark Zuckerburg financed Chicago!!!
Thanks to Race Baters like Dyson, Oligarch hope Americans forget how, and why Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks are Being Gunned Down in Record Numbers, and just in time for the jewISH OLIGARCHS to call on NATO intervention, as planned!
This was the plan before President Donald J Trump’s surprise election and Soros’ forward momentum was culled by half or more.
In America, Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION is well underway!
As we are all trained to gawk at Dyson, the professional Race Baters, the Subversive, jewISH Oligarchs’ Hagalian Dialectics ploys prevail, particularly, in places where Rhalm Emanuel vowed, “Never Let a Crisis go to Waist”.
In the Spirit of Richard Allen, who was a great help to George Washington, our Nation’s first President, American Patriots of every color realize, TOGETHER, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD… but then there’s the Cabal of Hidden Handed Jews who are paying the Stage-Crafted Dyson to Perform.
Since the funding of Project Paperclip the Nation Toppling Cabal, including the Monopolistic owners of MSNBC and Blacks like Dyson thereof, realize scientifically, DIVIDED WE FALL!
ESPN’s Steven A. Hole Keeps Getting Wider and Wider with Kwame Brown’s “Momma’s Cooking”
#TeamKwameBrown here bringing the hard facts about the Black BOULE…
Of course, the usual suspects are all being called up to defend “Big Daddy”.
It is “Daddy” who puts the, so called, “Talented Tenth” , “Vanguard” on to virtually “kill” fellow blacks slow, when one is found to be a competent, self-made millionair who thinks and thinks for himself.
Kwame Brown, the first teen recruited directly into the Deep State Cabal’s weaponized NBA, reminds us, there are plenty of videos and recipes available to analyze the, so called, analysts who work for the same hidden handed Oligarchs that champion us all Dead and Gone by yesterday.
We know all Brow is saying to be true by watching who the hidden handed overlords have turned into their cream of the crop.
These are the Talented Tenth “players” embedded within every Usurped Areana culminating into evermore Satanic Red Carpet Award Shows highlighting the Bread and Circus Acts for which Ricky Gervais so poignantly called out in 2020!
The so called “BOULE” are Puppets for the Deep State who Use them as Race Bate and Evil Role Models for our unsuspecting youth who are never taught the efficacy of subsistence living and land ownership.
Kwame Brown exemplifies Black Manhood, so in contrast we can clearly see the machine at work.
The Black BOULE had been deployed and now they must work tirelessly to take him down and out, just like they did to Kanye West for “suggesting” CHIRAQ be returned to it’s Manufacturing Glory.
The Black BOULE was deployed to take Kanye West Out, not just for doing what Steve Harvey for a used and accosted for doing, West was stompped for taking out DeBeers, the Company that routinely hired Black militia to shoot diaomond keeping children between the eyes should they dare keep a Gem to themselves.
West’s last straw was suggesting to an American president, We The People should be Breaking Ground to make Manufacturing Hubs worthy of reproducing West’s genius.
Kwame Brown is now being dealt with by the same BOULE takes to put Steve Harvey or Candace Owens “back in place”.
They sound and do much like Charlemagne that god, who simply smiled with Joe Biden’s jizz on his face after being reminded who is there to determine who is black.
It’s the Black BOULE who are paid to remind Blacks the implausible notion that all who are Black ain’t Black.
These are the ones who are tooled to beg, grovel and march to get into places unhinged Blacks are not wanted (See Chris Rock’s clear distinction).
Since the NAACP’s first Black, Socialist Shill, W.E.B. DuBois was used to Deliver Booker T Washington’s Tuskegee Institute into the grips of the scheming Rothschilds, a formula abounds and is manifest by the likes of Mark Lamont Hill.
Sadly, Saul Alinsky perfected the grift which is carried forward by Democrats like, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden who love to define Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks with the help of their full stable of Black BOULE spycopants.
The Democrat wing of Alinskites have been enjoying a free lunch had off of the backs of intrinsically talented Blacks, and this includes the ones tasked to flip CIA harvested Crack brought up through Bill and Hillary’s Arkansas ports and the ones who are tooled with a bottle of hot sauce to help regulate and/or take out our Best.
With Kwame Brown’s help had by way of his momma’s recipe, we can clearly see the stable of, so called, “Talented Tenth”.
With the Kwame Brown recipe sprinkled about we can see how the Black BOULE have been lending their talents to hidden handed taskmasters who use them to keep blacks in a certain place forevermore.
We can see, no matter how talented, the hand-select Black BOULE’s only real contribution in life is making more profits for jewISH Owned multi-corporations who have been Profiting off of the backs of Black Greats, all along.
Sadly, the exploited Black Boule, includes Michael Jordan, Brown’s first incite into a NIKE Slave who may or may not have Sold His soul to the same hidden handed Satanists who have perfected keeping the Best of our Black Men Down.
In an age where trained Marxests are tasked to show Blacks, at large, the recipes, less the obvious come-up made by Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, alike, who BENEFITED the most in the wake of the Urban Spoils garnered by wayward BLM Goons led by Biden’s ANTIFA “Idea”, we will come to realize just how much of our Black talent is harnessed and Kept by hidden handed (white/jewISH) “Daddies” for far greater Profit than the entire, used, black Community will ever know.
Go #TeamKwameBrown
Biden Confirmed: Yes, Indeed, BOULE, You Are Black & That is all; Goodby…
Suffering a severe case of Stokholm Sydrom, BOULE blacks who bent over bass akwards to deliver Biden the, so called, “black vote”, zoomed in to grovel with hat in hand for a promised come-up from Massa Joe.

In keeping with the true spirit of the Democrat Plantation and Biden’s Democrat mentors, (the Strom Thurmond types), so called, “black predators” were left in the dust by ole Joe who musta had a, relatively, good day, as far as his selective cognitive decline goes.
For all of their Bootlicking, black BOULE should realize, by now, that they are 100% expendable, just like the rest of American blacks screwed over by Joe and Barack.

With nothing more to loose, Biden, simply, yanked the chain on his pets, who now find themselves on a much shorter leash at the end of their, respective, careers.
Sadly, blacks are cosigned by default to the Democrat’s stable of hand-select BOULE who serve their masters as our quazi “leaders”.

The BOULE are the ones who are tasked to run Interfearance and/or stand guard should their masters dare to offend.

The BOULE get overtime pay on election years and as a result of their dedication blacks who want better continue to be hurt the most.
The question is, when will these BOULE numb nutz finally learn how expendable they actually are?
After eight years worth of Bill Ayers’ designed BLM Curriculum, delivered upon Sixteen Years worth of Saul Alinsky informed “leadership”, starting with the Three Strikes signing Bill Clinton, chances are blacks will never learn!
The dumb a$$ black BOULE formula is how Chicago was transformed into Gun Free CHIRAQ full of mercinary targeted blacks who will be aggrieved forevermore should we fail to wake up.

We can thank greedy, myopic, elitist BOULE, such as, Kim Foxx, the Soros shill or power hungry freaks like Chicago’s, bug-eyed, Beetlejuice Mayor who can be tasked by others who need them to do the heavy lifting, all while the rest of us get the shaft.
Should the Sharpton led black elites get what they were paid for, Blacks will certainly see the abrupt end of Trump’s Opporation Legend and the much needed Relief Trump vowed to bring via his gracious policies in contrast to more of the same from Biden and Harris.

Biden may overturn full funding for HBCUs, continue the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Open Aired Prisons end-run around Trump’s First Step Act wich reversed the ravages of Biden’s Three Strikes Crime Bill, Opportunity Zones will be brought to naught just like Clinton’s failed urban development zones of old, and a Platinum Plan will be traded for led pipes that never get fixed as American infrastructure continues to take a backseat to China’s Belt and Road priorities.
Thanks to the hard working BOULE who did all they could to deliver Biden’s farcical victory, the Libya Slave Trade will be picked up right where Barack Obama left off.

Worst of all, the Democrats would realize Margret Sanger’s fever-dream of black Euthinasia with a modern-day caveat of Selling murdered Black Baby Body Parts for far more than a who Black slave was worth!

The powers that be will get away with the murder of black children in the womb up to nine months of gestation and/or eventual birth using Taxpayer Dollars, no less!
Should, trained Black Marxests & the Dumb A$$ BLACK #BOULE get everything their task masters hoped they played the Victim for, we are all doomed!!
While I am saddened Biden may be in charge of our sold-out nation, it makes me glad to see the Al Sharpton types hovel back to the street corners where they came from with their tails tucked between their weak knees and legs, now that Biden reminded them of the Democrat’s, Open Borders replacement schemes in behalf of Soros etal.

Yet, and still, GOD Help Us All if Biden actually gets the chance to put CornPop back in Chains!
Tiger Woods’; G.O.A.T. Slaughtered for & By the Sheeple
Imagine how the Slave Merchants, who Thrived on the Trans-Atlantic Trade felt about

EMANCIPATING White Christians, who saw to it that Blacks in America could some day Live Free, Work Hard and Get the RESPECT We All Deserve???
Then, Research What happened after Booker T. Washington was Honored as a special Guest to Theodore Roosevelt in the Whitehouse.
Besides the Black #BOULEs, such as, D.L.#Hugly’s Verbal Attacks which are now required of every Democrat Plantation Overseer Working for Merchant class Oligarchs, will Tiger Woods be physically attacked by a Black Shill or Bludgeoned in the head in NYC shortly after his being Honored at the White-house too?
Who can remember, Don Lemon and his Black Boule guests on CNN ? Why were they bringing up Kanye West’s dead mother, who was a public school educator, or laughing like fools while stating West’s affinity for President Donald J. Trump is a result of Negro’s who don’t read soon after West’s productive visit to the White-house where he advocated for Manufacturing based Opportunity Zones for Blacks?
Perhaps Lemon’s CNN guests truly believe all of the intellectual property and rap lyrics that West has ever written never had to be read back or annotated by West, himself. Perhaps, blacks Manufacturing on a scale foreseen by Booker T. Washington is a funny joke to them.
Either way, we are now witness to the tried and true Crabs In Barrel mentality that is so well known for decades as one way to keep our entire race down and out of our full potential.
Instead of Celebrating Tiger Woods’ actual, ground breaking achievements and accomplishments in his chosen field, we suffer to be “lead” by Auditioned black shills who are systematically placed at the fore-front as Merchant Made Straw-Men. They are, indeed, hand-selected like Black Overseers an placed on jewISH OWNED forums to systematically, besmirch the rest of us.
It’s no accident, on the same week that the Tiger Woods “outcry” is launched by known players tasked with BRAINWASHING America for the fomentation of Social Impact based Division and Unrest, a PA State Representative was busy harassing, what he thought were all White Christian prayer warriors respectfully standing outside of Philadephia’s primary Planned Parenthood center to give support for the unborn.
They were there praying for the aborted babies who have no say in the matter, when the outraged and Indecent, Democrat ,Brian Sims, was posting his Planned Parenthood defense rant onto his social media platform. His is to to ensure that Margret Sanger’s initial, primary, objective, the systematic euthanasia of targeted blacks will remain tax payer funded and completely unfettered.

As usual, no Black Man or Woman who is hand selected and Auditioned to Thought Lead Blacks into a fit of outrage on cue broke their BOULE rank to tell the story. They’re only tasked to to keep Status Quo for blacks and that includes never mentioning certain Facts or any details pertaining to the murderous status quo for targeted blacks that has been occurring in democratic strong-holds nationwide for decades. Now there are more babies Murdered by Planned Parenthood than they are born in New York City the State that just made Late Term Abortion legal.
Indeed, it will be a snowy day in hell before Don Lemon et al read aloud nationally Known details that are now going viral on social media concerning the Vocally Outraged Democrat Senator, Sims, nor will they report on the works of their fellow BOULE at the forefront of an ever more brazen Abortion debate.
Though Leading Black Shills will simply keep doing what they have always done since the days W.E.B. DuBois was so Used to call Booker T. Washington’s plan for Successful Black Greats a mere compromise. Like DuBois, the first BOULE prototype, they are all tasked to work in lock-step with Mocking Bird Talking Points and thereby delivering Every American Blacks into the the hidden hands of the vicious and hate filled cohort now better known as the Deep State.
Margaret Sanger and her like minded comrades would be quiet proud of their devious plans for targeted Black Americans which have come into fruition inside of Democratically maintained Hell Scapes that are still being modeled within Baltimore Maryland’s depraved NAACP Backyard. (See ongoing plans featured on the Deep State’s Trial Balloon show, HBO’s The Wire, Drug Inc, etc.
If you like the video review above be sure to buy the book , GUEST OF HONOR .
The Black BOULE’s only job is to make the world FORGET BLACKS WERE once NEGUS’ KINGS and, indeed, God’s Chosen as per Deuteronomy 25… Just follow the money to discover they all work for the CABAL that is better known as the Rev 3:9 Liars that they are… WAKE UP SAINTS!!!!
Like the Slave Master’s hand select Overseers, of old, the Black BOULE will do exactly as they are trained to do.
As always, they take their job of Attacking Wrong Thinking , Independent Minded Blacks, very seriously . The BOULE will do all in their Deep State given power to keep TARGETED blacks who do no not think the way their Hidden Handed Masters desire, in their Place.

The ultimate goal for the hidden hands behind every high profile black Though Leader is keeping all blacks completely Brainwashed and Socially Incited to be RACE BATED, Reactionary Victims.
Since the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. strategies for ORGANIZING blacks have been devised so that black could serve as Useful Idiots in America. Just as in Russia, Useful Idiots are Organized and Motivated, including Brainwashed to do the biding of Socialist and Communist Leaning Overlords.
In America, just as in Russia, a certain ilk of Jewish and Oligarchical cohorts largely constituted the upper echelon of Bolshevism, Menchivisim, Troskyism etc and the entire paradigm of Communisim and Socialism in America relied on a rank and file consisting of Willing BOULE and their relatively unwitting Useful Idiots who could be socially incited to act out, protest and disrupt the opposing power structure and social order in general to deliver the Saul Alinsky types a Free Lunch.
Black BOULE who espouse Socialist paradigms are their to ensure the hidden handed Overlords who Pay these Hand Select BOULE so well, maintain complete Power and Control. Via the Bureaucratic response to Incited Blacks who will be used to BURN DOWN whole Swaths of their Own American Communities an entire Tax Laundering industry is borne.
The vast amount of Tax Payer funded Profits that can be had on the backs of systematically disaffected Blacks is what they hidden handed Oligarchs have thrived on all while Blacks have been Repressed, Suppressed and Molded into the deep state’s so called Vulnerable Class .