Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION is well underway!
The Unmentionable jewISH CABAL of American Oligarchs’ have launched (((their))) Asymmetrical Warfare, that includes a spysycological means of paralyzing and demoralizing us into being sitting ducks that can be Purposefully DEPOPULATED by systematically desensitizing us via preemptive illustrations of our foretold fait on their Media networks, like NETFLIX, DISNEY or HBO.
Our consequent Cognitive Dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome is effectively achieved when the hidden handed ENEMIES of our nation Show Us, then Do Deadly Attacks, then Get Away with them time and time again.
We are no longer surprised, so our Fight and/or Flight instinct is effectively Dismantled psychologically.
This fact and method is illustrated in Dean Koontz’s “Eyes of Darkness” written about the hidden handed Oligarchs’ manufactured (Gain of Function) and A.I.D.S.basrd Bioweapon in 1982 and (((their))) highly Accurate “Contagion” movie was followed by Wistar-Fouchi’s “Wuhan 400” Pandemic in 2019, as indicated years prior to the “predictively PROGRAMED” , FALSE FLAG attacks and consequent Deadly Events in the form of Deadly Pharmaceuticals that are yet to be Recalled or Challenged beyond the highly persecuted strawman and Deep State whipping boy, James O’Keefe.
We are left to realize how we are Attacked and Destroyed Daily by Busy Enemies who OVERTHREW OUR GOVERNMENT Algebraically!
Due to the psychological aspect of (((their))) MIT Game Theoried Asymmetrical war, it takes the critical mass of our systematically ravaged population and nation, days, weeks, months, years, or decades to fill in the blanks.
As Noah Harari’s Hackable Animals WE do not need Mark Zuckerberg’s hoped for VR Goggles as WE THE PEOPLE are still easily SOCIALLY IMPACTED via Satanic GRAMMYS, UFOS & NFL Based Bread and Circus Events so much that WE THE PEOPLE can’t see who (((they))) are Deadly Enemies Within are more beyond our collective, psychological blinders.
Having attended three Funerals of, relatively, young family members in less than a year serves as my own psychological blinder, while knowing the unfettered, American purveyors of the plandemic and consequent, January 6th, Usurpation of my Nation from within are responsible!
Bottom Line, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 is as REAL as Bill Gates and George Soros among the hidden handed Cabal of jewISH Oligarchs who indicated, publically, (((They))) wanted US dead, eating bugs not meat, and/or Utterly Destroyed (DEPOPULATED) by yesterday!!!
And… Like Ukraine, in behalf of George Soros etal. Mark Dice’s, rightly perceived, WAR ON WHITE PEOPLE is also a jewISH Proxy war developed and sustained to DIVIDE GOD Fearing White Americans, who have historically fought to the death, side by side with the mighty Buffalo Soldiers to help end SLAVERY.
The Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned Fake Jews who pretend to be so sensitive to Racism are the ones who loath GOD’s Chosen People, who still do suffer Every Curse prophesied in our relatively disregarded Bibles, including Confusion of Face and 400 years worth of Captivity, hence, (((their))) dubious 1619 project as a bookend to 2019, the year President Donald J. Trump passed his celebrated First Step Act, essentially reversing Joe Biden’s, Black Community destroying Crime Bills that has countless Blacks toiling in for profit Prisons for life over as little as one joint. Que up Kamala Harris evil laugh as the prosecutorial hypocrite that she is.
Dear Mark Dice and White People, at large, YOU ARE BEING PURPOSEFULLY TRIGGERED AND BLACKS ARE BEING PURPOSEFULLY RADICALIZED to become Deadly TOOLS for the hidden handed fake jews, who openly state how badly they want and need most of us Dead & Gone by yesterday!
Sadly, after the Institution of Slavery was Brought Crumbling Down by the first REPUBLICANS in the Party of Lincoln, the balance of my fellow Blacks have been systematically subjugated for the better part of a Century, beginning with the making of the First Black Boule gatekeeper.
Much like the Spy, W.E.B. DuBois , who helped to devolve the potency of Black Patriots in Free Black Philadelphia, where Great Blacks like Richard Allen and his Black Militia and AME Church helped to turn the tide of the Revolution, there have been SOCIALIZED Blacks developed from whole cloth to follow in DuBois’ footsteps via the fake jew’s NAACP.
Using the Same Marxist formulas that helped to make the fake jew’s NAACP Headquarters, otherwise known as the Baltimore MD. Murder Capital, the Ideological Model for all Democrat run Plantations nationwide, a new generation of targeted Blacks have been made subject to the Deep State jew’s, Sal Alinsky principals in order to delivery the makers of the Marxist paradigm, yet, another Free Lunch had on our hapless backs.
Via formulaic principals targeted Blacks have been Systematically Brainwashed via the Satanic fake jew’s BLM Curriculum.
Hapless Blacks are essentially being made subject to highly developed Race-Bate Training inside of their ELI BRODE and WALTON OF WALMART USURPED PUBLIC SCHOOLS, and very few American’s are standing up against it, as we are all intrinsically inclined to believe that hapless Blacks deserve to be handled, managed and virtually cadged, as if we truly have zero agency or self control, when nothing can be further from the truth.
For nearly a Decade, Targeted Black youth have been KIDNAPPED, out of their purposefully Broken Homes (see Biden’s Crime Bills) and systematically radicalized by way of DHS/CPS paradigms. The deep state fake jews have Usurped our Cities where a plethora of foster care agencies are expressly designed to meter out MK-ULTRA programing, developed by Dr. Martin Orne, another University of Pennsylvania development just like the socialist BOULE hack, DuBois and Dr. Fouci who got his start with A.I.D.S. in the Wistar Institute at UPEN.
After Barack Obama’s training and pracctical development at the side of his CIA tied Mentor, Bill Ayers, of the Weather Underground Terrorist Group their jewISH Deep State handlers unleashed their Educational Principals into all of our targeted School Systems and Universities, alike.
It was PA Governor Tom Ridge who worked to help get Ayer’s Edison Schools started in Philadelphia before the 911 False Flag event served as the pretense to make Ridge the first Home Land Security Czar and Maker of the dubious DHS.
Today DHS and CPS are working to Radicalize Our Kids along with the Oligarch Usurped Schools and Universities that are now all tooled to garner hidden handed jew’s their, so called, Social Justice Warriors and an entire army of DISAFFECTED YOUTH that can be Weaponized and Marched on Demand thru a series of False Flag Events, Social Media INCITES, and Fake News managed by George Soros’ Media Matters at the helm.
Under the Unbrella of Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Revolution, the hidden handed CABAL of Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned fake jews have learned how to develop Socially Weaponized Youth via our nation’s MONOPOLIZED Urban Radio Channels and their AI based Social Media Gamuts and Algorithms.
This is why the Satanic Cabal member, and third generation student of Henry Kissinger, Noah Harari, calls us all Hackable Animals.
In their business and banking circles, we are called the Vulnerable Population, and we are both, Targeted Blacks and Targeted Whites are being Rendered more and more vulnerable, thanks to the hidden handed fake jew’s long standing CCP Partnership.
Their systematically subjugated Chinese Population, still suffers to DELIVER us Dr. Fouci’s COVID-19, Fentynal being Supplied over the Deep State Oligarch’s Wide Opened Border, and they have developed Plans for Open Aired Prisons and Organ Harvesting metered out on their own repressed population in behalf of Henry Kissinger and the resulting AI god’s of Silicon valley who helped deliver China out of it’s third world status.
Thanks to techniques developed by their CCP partners and Planned Parenthood, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned Satantists who say they are jews are essentally the leaders in illegal Organ harvesting, as made evident in the arrest of the Organ Harvesting Rabbi’s in NYC. Not only are they becoming wildly rich on the Federally Funded Planned Parenthood Market for Late Term Aborted Organs, the jews are now chomping at the bit in Oligarchs Usurped Universities like Boston University which is now gladly harvesting of the Uterus’ of Targeted Youth who are systematically indoctrinated in our Oligarch Usurped Schools. Now the head of the justice department and FBI are threatening Parents who are fighting back against Mind F’ing teachers who are tasked to brainwash are targeted youth with SJW, CTR and nation destabilizing Gender Dysphoria paradigms.
The systematic Damnation of our Black Youth and the World Star Hip Hop chronicling of the Results of our Systematical RADICALIZATION in real time serves the fake, Satanic, jew’s as Further Justification for our PLANNED PARENTHOOD Annihilation.
Teaching Blacks that we murder our own and we should never ever snitch gives all of the cover needed for murderous CIA developed hit-men in Masks and Open Borders Mercenaries to MURDER us in record numbers on Every Democrat Plantation in which a George Soros INSTALLED D.A. Allows.
Furthermore, if they can Trigger social media commentators like Mark Dice and his fellow Whites, as effectively as they can Trigger less than a fraction of our 12% of the Black American Population, they can further justify their hoped-for UN Intervention and Martial Law should any modicum of their Civil War (see their Portland Organ training grounds for Jerry Naddler’s ANTIFA Myth) or Race-War pop off, as planned.
In short, the same hidden handed fake jews INSTALLED their highly compromised freak, Joe Biden, to help them FINISH, both, TARGETED WHITE CHRISTIANS since he’d SACRIFICE his only son, AND TARGETED BLACKS, alike.
Mark Dice wants us all to Watch “The Craziest College Professor in America!” onYouTube, but, he’s not alone. In fact, his “participation” hals already been Game Theoried by the George Soros ilk who want to foment an American Spring on the backs of Black Freaks who are essentially following up the rear of Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA myth.
I’m a Black woman from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia , yet, I am so sick of fake Jew TRAINED Black Shills and the TRAINED Black Marxists TOKENS who get Paid Six Figures, or more to Trigger White Protestant Gentiles who’d otherwise Emancipate us all, all over again!
Have you knoticed how the dumbest Black BITCHES are set up in strategic positions to systematically help their Hidden Handed Fake Jew HANDLERS DESTROY Us all, particularly the mere 12% of the Black population, now under Siege in every Democrat stronghold!?
Simply, find the white jewISH hand that Signs All of their I’ll gotten income checks to learn how they all are working in Behalf of the FAKE JEW Depopulation Mongers AS PER REV 2:9 AND 3:9.
You’ll find these same two dollar hoes fighting on the front lines to keep Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood euthanasia clinics delivering dead Black babies now being sold for far more than the price of Black Slaves! It’s clear they can’t give two F’ks about any Black person besides themselves!!
They all run cover for all of the Black carnage rendered on every Democrat Plantation “Murder Capital”!
While they are TRAINED to Blame everyone but themselves for Deadly Paradigms like Abortion and Obesity, they also portend to H∆TE the fake jews’ Targeted White Christians as much as their hiden handed Fake Jew Taskmasters Hate GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE and Christ himself!!!
Can Someone please tell the Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned OLIGARCH Hacks working overtime to topple our nation from within to STOP TRIGGERING AND RACE-BATING exacerbated White Men, like my good friend, Mark Dice!
(((They))) the Race Bating fake jews haven’t even rolled out their Black Communist Shills for February, which is the Race Bating fake jews’, so called, BLACK HISTORY MONTH, as if we wont be subjected to the same damned Socialist Shills who killed the Marcus Garvey Plan or the Booker T. Washington Plan in behalf of the Rothchilds etc!
Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION is well under way and George Soros etal will not Stop using My Fellow Blacks for Race-Bate, and they wont stop Troubling Our Nation from within until they have their hoped for Civil War, Race War or AMERICAN SPRING… whatever comes first!
Soros’ hope for Divided Nation is Triggered, thanks to Fed Up American’s like Mark Dice and the TRAINED MARXIST Shills, alike, who are systematically misled by the hidden handed jewISH Oligarch’s China funded BLM!!!
The biblically mentioned fake jews are now TARGETING White Christians, as profoundly as, they have TARGETED PLANNED PARENTHOOD SURVIVING BLACKS and finally there is something so profound that will be ultimately realized according to the book of Revelations, as WE THE PEOPLE of all stripes and races are FINALLY WAKING UP in each an every nation (((they))) the unmentionable fake jews as per Rev 2:9 are waging the same kind of asymmetrical war!
Then, and only then will your fellow Whites be returned to the Oligarch Usurped Airwaves, sooner than later Sir!!!
The Protestants inspired by the true Martin Luther were all attuned to GOD’s Chosen People and like the Mighty Quakers, they all had a Certain affinity with the Captive Israelite SINCE THEIR DECISIVE VICTORY IN PA, LEADING TO THE CONSEQUENT ESTABLISHMENT OF OUR NATION IN MY HOME TOWN, PHILADELPHIA, all with the help of Richard Allen during a Pandemic, no less.
In spite of the fake jew’s complete buyout, and consequent Usurpation of BET programing and every major TV Outlet in America, now WEAPONIZED to Divide and Propagandize Our Troubled Nation, Let’s pray Mr. Dice and EVERY AMERICAN will soon realize, Together, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD!
Fact is: President Donald J Trump won the stolen election with a Record Number of VOTES from Blacks and Browns in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, but Dyson is not paid to share such evidence based facts with our purposefully troubled world!!!
The Black BOULE are the, so called Vanguard, much like the Builderberg Shill, Stacie Abrams.
The BOULE are the Mind F’ing black Gatekeepers tooled to maintain a Deadly Status Quo on America’s God Damned Democrat Plantations, where TARGETED Planned Parenthood Survivors are being Gunned Down in record numbers in America’s Gun Free Zones.
The slick talking Dyson is on par with Auditioned Rappers who are busied teaching Sitting Duck black Children to stay stuck on Stupid and he is clearly not functioning like a renown scientist, but rather, he is brought onto the MSNBC stage to function as a Race Bating tool, exactly like Don Lemon, Joy Reid or Charlemagne tha god.
For the best job description of the, so called. “Go Along to Get Along Gang”, search for Kwame Brown’s Mamma’s Cooking on YouTube and take a listen to how Great Blacks are systematically felled and failed in America, by the Gatekeeping Black BOULE.
The Black BOULE are rolled out in time to occupy the deep state Oligarchs’ highly monopolized media bandwidth.
They are pumped into American psych like a slow a dripping IV and and they all stay on message with the prevailing deep state narratives.
No matter how brilliant or what title they have earned, all members of the Black Boule have one job and one job only. Like every Auditioned propagandists on the Fake Jews’ payroll they are the ones who are talking out of the side of their necks on any given day and they are the ones who are Gaslighting gullible Blacks and gullible Whites on the Oligarch’s Urban Radio Monopoly and Fake News airwaves all damned day and every damned day.
He touts himself a Scholarly professor, yet, Dyson’s only job in life is to Obfuscate the ongoing Urban Black Genocide, all while BLAMING the Ubiquitous “White Man” for full affect. (See George Soros’ American Spring).
Meanwhile, Targeted Blacks trained to Never Snitch by the fake Jews’ Auditioned ones are being Gunned Down in American streets, unfettered.
First the CIA Shill, Barack Obama, delivered Chicago up as ground zero for utter genocide that goes unfettered by the other Black Shill Overseers, including the Soros funded Kim Foxx. Blacks trapped on the democrat plantation shills like Dyson are tasked to maintain, are now under siege by way of Corporate Merci nary forces, including compromised Justice Department officials that were systematically introduced into the Oligarch Controlled Justice System under the banner of Clinton’s 21 St Century Justice Reform Farce.
In Chicago, Blacks were systematically stripped of their right to own weapons in, so called, Gun Free Zones, all while targeted black Planned Parenthood Survivors became ravaged by a series of False Flag Cop kills that served the hidden handed Deep State as a pretense for making Black Lives Matter Marxists from whole cloth.
Making Way for the U.N. Aided Deep State Takeover on the Backs of TARGETED and “PURGED” Blacks.
By way of James Comey’s FBI informants orchestrating False Flag Mass Shooting Events and MOSSAD Infiltrated American Police forces our nation was set on a George Soros and Sir Ronald Cohen funded, PATH TO UTTER DESTRUCTION.
While we the people were being Trained to Forget Joe Biden’s Racist Role in filling up the Oligarchs’ Wall Street traded, for profit Prison Industrial Complexes, Our American Cops, who’s hands are now tied were being Swapped out by Chicago’s Raymond Ramsey… before President Trump put an abrupt end to it all.
That is, the Deep State planned to use Corporate Mercenaries who look much like Jussie Smollett’s attackers in Chicago, as a pretense for a planned NATO led Takeover of our entire Nation beginning in Mark Zuckerburg financed Chicago!!!
Thanks to Race Baters like Dyson, Oligarch hope Americans forget how, and why Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks are Being Gunned Down in Record Numbers, and just in time for the jewISH OLIGARCHS to call on NATO intervention, as planned!
This was the plan before President Donald J Trump’s surprise election and Soros’ forward momentum was culled by half or more.
In America, Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION is well underway!
As we are all trained to gawk at Dyson, the professional Race Baters, the Subversive, jewISH Oligarchs’ Hagalian Dialectics ploys prevail, particularly, in places where Rhalm Emanuel vowed, “Never Let a Crisis go to Waist”.
In the Spirit of Richard Allen, who was a great help to George Washington, our Nation’s first President, American Patriots of every color realize, TOGETHER, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD… but then there’s the Cabal of Hidden Handed Jews who are paying the Stage-Crafted Dyson to Perform.
Since the funding of Project Paperclip the Nation Toppling Cabal, including the Monopolistic owners of MSNBC and Blacks like Dyson thereof, realize scientifically, DIVIDED WE FALL!
#TeamKwameBrown here bringing the hard facts about the Black BOULE…
Of course, the usual suspects are all being called up to defend “Big Daddy”.
It is “Daddy” who puts the, so called, “Talented Tenth” , “Vanguard” on to virtually “kill” fellow blacks slow, when one is found to be a competent, self-made millionair who thinks and thinks for himself.
Kwame Brown, the first teen recruited directly into the Deep State Cabal’s weaponized NBA, reminds us, there are plenty of videos and recipes available to analyze the, so called, analysts who work for the same hidden handed Oligarchs that champion us all Dead and Gone by yesterday.
We know all Brow is saying to be true by watching who the hidden handed overlords have turned into their cream of the crop.
These are the Talented Tenth “players” embedded within every Usurped Areana culminating into evermore Satanic Red Carpet Award Shows highlighting the Bread and Circus Acts for which Ricky Gervais so poignantly called out in 2020!
The so called “BOULE” are Puppets for the Deep State who Use them as Race Bate and Evil Role Models for our unsuspecting youth who are never taught the efficacy of subsistence living and land ownership.
Kwame Brown exemplifies Black Manhood, so in contrast we can clearly see the machine at work.
The Black BOULE had been deployed and now they must work tirelessly to take him down and out, just like they did to Kanye West for “suggesting” CHIRAQ be returned to it’s Manufacturing Glory.
The Black BOULE was deployed to take Kanye West Out, not just for doing what Steve Harvey for a used and accosted for doing, West was stompped for taking out DeBeers, the Company that routinely hired Black militia to shoot diaomond keeping children between the eyes should they dare keep a Gem to themselves.
West’s last straw was suggesting to an American president, We The People should be Breaking Ground to make Manufacturing Hubs worthy of reproducing West’s genius.
Kwame Brown is now being dealt with by the same BOULE takes to put Steve Harvey or Candace Owens “back in place”.
They sound and do much like Charlemagne that god, who simply smiled with Joe Biden’s jizz on his face after being reminded who is there to determine who is black.
It’s the Black BOULE who are paid to remind Blacks the implausible notion that all who are Black ain’t Black.
These are the ones who are tooled to beg, grovel and march to get into places unhinged Blacks are not wanted (See Chris Rock’s clear distinction).
Since the NAACP’s first Black, Socialist Shill, W.E.B. DuBois was used to Deliver Booker T Washington’s Tuskegee Institute into the grips of the scheming Rothschilds, a formula abounds and is manifest by the likes of Mark Lamont Hill.
Sadly, Saul Alinsky perfected the grift which is carried forward by Democrats like, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden who love to define Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks with the help of their full stable of Black BOULE spycopants.
The Democrat wing of Alinskites have been enjoying a free lunch had off of the backs of intrinsically talented Blacks, and this includes the ones tasked to flip CIA harvested Crack brought up through Bill and Hillary’s Arkansas ports and the ones who are tooled with a bottle of hot sauce to help regulate and/or take out our Best.
With Kwame Brown’s help had by way of his momma’s recipe, we can clearly see the stable of, so called, “Talented Tenth”.
With the Kwame Brown recipe sprinkled about we can see how the Black BOULE have been lending their talents to hidden handed taskmasters who use them to keep blacks in a certain place forevermore.
We can see, no matter how talented, the hand-select Black BOULE’s only real contribution in life is making more profits for jewISH Owned multi-corporations who have been Profiting off of the backs of Black Greats, all along.
Sadly, the exploited Black Boule, includes Michael Jordan, Brown’s first incite into a NIKE Slave who may or may not have Sold His soul to the same hidden handed Satanists who have perfected keeping the Best of our Black Men Down.
In an age where trained Marxests are tasked to show Blacks, at large, the recipes, less the obvious come-up made by Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, alike, who BENEFITED the most in the wake of the Urban Spoils garnered by wayward BLM Goons led by Biden’s ANTIFA “Idea”, we will come to realize just how much of our Black talent is harnessed and Kept by hidden handed (white/jewISH) “Daddies” for far greater Profit than the entire, used, black Community will ever know.
I want to thank the gentleman at High Impact Flix for his restraint and heart-felt sympathy in the era of purposeful Racial animus and divide by the hidden handed Oligarchs, now working tirelessly to socially disrupt and topple our Nation, via race bating for the purpose of fomenting a race-war and/or George Soros’, hoped for, #AmericanSpring.
Please note the FACT that there’s just one race on earth who’s hair woes renders others billions of dollars as well as evokes Horror Movies and/or Documentaries that signify our lonely plight, wich is, indeed, foretold in our Bibles, as sure as Rev 3:9 isReal.
Indeed, God works in mysterious ways, yet, he will Never let us down or foresake us in any way.
After, yet, another “curious” NFL Superbowl stage-craft by the hidden handed curators of a hoped-for hell on earth, this story you are bringing to our attention is edification that our mighty God is a Promise Keeper for better or for worse.
“Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts.” ~ King James Version
It is no accident that, yet another, Racial Narrative is being Hatched Together in Philly this month, starting off with stories of Mummers in Blackface and the Supposed Racist Graffiti painted by a Black-Home-Targeting-White-Man who wrote the, now, racist word “ACORN” on corner homes for blocks.
Do note: many of the Oligarch Ilk’s historical False Flags can be realized with ties to Allegorical factors, such as, the Guy Fawks figure that suddenly appeared in the Soros INFILTRATED Occupy Wall-street movement just in time to recruit members for ANTIFA, BLM, etc. A long-standing Mummers “tradition” is no diff. What is new, however, is NUDGE Behavioral Brain Science and an American Revolution that depends on the Bolshevik style tactics for destabilizing whole nations to work.
Since our entire nation was set upon by a well known Cabal who is determined to “Tip the World”, It is no accident that the Philadelphia Mayor, Michal Nutter, was credited with the Occupy Wall-street’s movement breakup, just as the deep state swooped with a Frame Work and Tool Boxes , likely developed to reclaim post Venture Capital and Prime Rate Loan Bankrupted territory already riddled with PREDATOR organizations, such as, Acorn which was outed and practically dismantled by James Okeefe’s brilliant Project Veritas expose.
Some Americans are, rightfully, scratching their heads, trying to understand the reasoning behind the Wealthiest Jews’ fawning over a cereal petty criminal who just so happens to have a string of MURDERED Rappers associated with his Brand, nonetheless, it is clear to me the FIX is in!
That is, Oligarchs who have stolen our nation’s first Capital are using their Martin Luther King doppelganger and many other high profile black “Thought Leaders” for purposes not understood by most American’s who do not realize, 1) Our Nation is Under Siege by a Cabal of American Subversives, 2) The American Subversives have Monopolized our Usurped American Media for Brainwashing Purposes, 3) Gorge Soros et al are plying Behavioral Brainwashing Ploys, including NUDGE in order to evoke general Kayos and a, so called, American Spring by any means necessary 4) the CABAL’s post Revolution Plans include Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond SLAVERY for Blacks and hated Whites, alike, and the UN Takeover of America all on the Backs of Beleaguered Blacks and Whites who are being NUDGED Daily and SOCIALLY INCITED to “Pop-Off” in the Streets in concert with the many FALSE FLAG and FAKE NEWS Ploys designed, expressly, to be blamed on either American Black or American Whites.
These are the same hidden handed players that Used Philadelphia to foment their, so called, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice reforms, which merely served as a cover for the Michael Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation to come in and Retool the entire Philadelphia Justice System, including the rewriting of Philly’s Criminal Court Laws that now work exactly like Post Slavery Black Code laws did.
Children trapped in Eli-Brode managed schools may now be Criminally Adjudicated inside of Targeted Schools and sentenced to fulfill the Newt Gingrich introduced paradigm that were, essentially, hatched at the Sir Ronald Cohen Usurped Kennedy School of Business under the auspice of his “Fire All of the Janitors speech”.
While Blacks were beginning to catch on to the well documented Schools to Prison paradigm, the crafty Oligarchs thought to simply rearrange the entire system in Philly using Eli-Brode Trained Minions, such as, William Hite to practically Bury the School to Prison Pipeline.
Under their dubious SRC arrangement, the School Superintendent became the Head of the Juvenile Justice center too so that Philadeplhia’s Juvenile Prison and Schools could be, practically, INTERCHANGEABLE .
The Oligarch’s new Prison Reform paradigms fully developed in Philadelphia, were first rolled out , tried and tested against Bloomberg’s unsuspecting black citizens trapped in the HUD Housing Projects in Red Hook, NYC.
It is also no accident that PA was selected after it was discovered that Judges could get paid, handsomely, for Every Child they managed to Send to Privatized Prisons as in the case of the Lazern County Cash for Kids scandal.
In the same city the Oligarch King-Makers worked so hard to elevate Meek Mill into a relative deity and public icon on Every Stage including their Usurped NBA , a conscientious Attorney General, Kathleen Kayne, was all but Tared and Feathered inside of the corrupted D.A. Seth William’s office, just before the Oligarchs systematically took him down too.
Thereafter, a George Soros’ Minion, Larry Krasner, was installed into the office of the Philadelphia D.A. in order to OBSTRUCT justice more thoroughly than their first, expendable, Black D.A. could.
Now they hope to keep their Parallel Justice reforms in place and unfettered, that is, their highly PROFITABLE Social Impact Bond ploys that work exactly like Black Code Laws that were otherwise known as Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms or Obama’s Pay for Performance.
Using Meek Mill is critical to the American Oligarchs who have effectively Usurped our Nation’s first Capital. They must elevate him in order sway public opinion in their favor and in order to keep their Post Three Strikes Social Reforms in place for blacks which are now at odds with that Actual Justice System Reforms signed into law by President Donald J. Trump without input from, the personally consulted, Meek Mill.
It is time to closely examine every well timed, high profile event happening in and around our Nation’s Usurped first Capital, and it’s also time to Understand the Bolshevik history that is directly connected to recent events.
Besides understanding the fact that the Cabal who has Usurped the American Media lied when they accused President Donald Trump’s father of being a member of the KKK we must also Research Dan Burros and ask ourselves why a NYC JEW would reconstitute the KKK??? The fact is, thanks to Fred Trump and others defending their home, there are two less KKK Members who Dared to march down his block.
Research Lou Frank and ask yourself why the KKK got formed in the FIRST PLACE to serve JUSTICE Against a PEDOPHILE MURDERER who First Blamed and Framed their BLACK Neighbor for the Crime before he was Exonerated by Suspicious Whites who Lost their Little Girl!
To my Philly Peeps and Targeted, Brainwashed Blacks Nationwide, Yes, IT’S TIME FOR YALL TO WAKE-UP!!!
Sadly, OLIGARCHS who have Usurped Philly have been Using Such FALSE FLAG EVENTS to EVOKE RACE WARS etc. since the kickoff of their FAKE and PHONY Philly Flash Mob BS…
The Philly Flash Mob Phenomenon happened soon after The First NSA/HOMELAND “Security” Czar, Tom Ridge FAILED to Deliver Bill Ayers his Philly Edison Schools Plan, complete with CNN BRAINWASHING in Every Captive Class Room.
They (the Cabal of Jewish Oligarchs such as the Walton’s of Walmart and Eli-Brode) Pivoted the Initiative as a Democrat Cause by Buying Off Key Corrupt Black Politicians, Dwight Evans and Anthony H. Williams who were given Boatloads of Millions and their own schools to run for their “effort”.
With the help of Philly’s hungriest black shills the Oligarchs managed to USURP the entire Philadelphia School system, completely.
Effectively, (Bill Ayers’ Bestest Friend) Barack Obama’s fellow Chicago comrade, Raymond Ramsey became the Principal Police Commissioner used to deliver Hillary Clinton’s followup to her husband’s Three Stikes ploy under the title of “Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform” , which was simply a Cover for the Michael Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation reforms, the Israeli Infiltration into the American Police Forces, and the DEEP STATE FEDERALIZATION OF America’s Cops who were Militarized and to Used as their Personal Militias, upon a planned U.N. Takeover after Martial Law was declared.
The Well Timed False Flag MURDERS of TARGETED Black Men was a part of their Deep State Campaign to Grow the Ranks of their BLACK LIVES MATTERS Shills. The newly trained Useful Idiots where to be had by way of a new Philly School Curriculum. Along with Philly’s Usurped Media Staged Events were coordinated to Spark Riots, Kayos as per The Protocols of Zion, and overall Discontent with Governmental Authorities Nationwide just in time for the 100 Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution and in order to Usher in the UN forces who were waiting in the wings for their hoped for, Hillary Clinton to Arrive.
Yes Indeed, Keep your Eyes on Meek Mill, one of their Chief Thought Leaders USED BY JEWISH HANDLERS now Staging various False Flag Events in Philly with his help and the help of other Black Shills. Note their, recent, Love Hate Relationship with, Philly native, Kevin Hart, who appears to be reluctant, at times, to conform to the Cabal’s , in your face, “Stage-Craft” as if he OWES THEM SOMETHING Now. (Do note, after Signing up as a charter member of the Church of Satan, Bill Cosby Owed the Cabal that Made Him, his Life, his Son’s life and the life of his daughter… The High Cost of selling ones soul to the Synagog of Satan, as per Rev 3:9).
Their Timely False Flag events are designed to get traction On their Platforms including the recently USURPED NBA Stage. Philly’s Staged RaceBating Events are to function just like the Oligarch STAGED False Flag Event Hatched Together by Starbucks et al under their #RaceTogether banner that was already three years in the making.
The two Black Greek Society Shills (BOULE) forever attached to Starbucks’ Stock News, the Jewish REALTOR “friend” who is busy buying Usurped School Properties for pennies on the dollar, and the Harvard School of Business (Usurped by Sir Ronald Cohen and tooled to Forward SIB Bond Paradigms nationwide) Trained Police Commissioner who is the successor to Raymond Ramsey, were all in on the Starbucks PLOY in Philly where Eric Holder was waiting in the wings to Implement Starbucks High Profile, RACE BATING Corporate Paradigms all while the Hedge Funding CEO types associated with of Starbucks USED BLACKS to justify the Systematic IMPLOSION and Cannibalism of the Unsustainable, Overpriced, Company (see what Insider Traders are going Short)!