For those who are feignt of heart, do yourselves a favor and listen til you can’t stand the noise, then fast forward to timestamp 29:00 for my brief history lesson for the cursed, forgetting Blacks who fail to realize we are Gods Chosen People.
And… Like Ukraine, in behalf of George Soros etal. Mark Dice’s, rightly perceived, WAR ON WHITE PEOPLE is also a jewISH Proxy war developed and sustained to DIVIDE GOD Fearing White Americans, who have historically fought to the death, side by side with the mighty Buffalo Soldiers to help end SLAVERY.
The Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned Fake Jews who pretend to be so sensitive to Racism are the ones who loath GOD’s Chosen People, who still do suffer Every Curse prophesied in our relatively disregarded Bibles, including Confusion of Face and 400 years worth of Captivity, hence, (((their))) dubious 1619 project as a bookend to 2019, the year President Donald J. Trump passed his celebrated First Step Act, essentially reversing Joe Biden’s, Black Community destroying Crime Bills that has countless Blacks toiling in for profit Prisons for life over as little as one joint. Que up Kamala Harris evil laugh as the prosecutorial hypocrite that she is.
Dear Mark Dice and White People, at large, YOU ARE BEING PURPOSEFULLY TRIGGERED AND BLACKS ARE BEING PURPOSEFULLY RADICALIZED to become Deadly TOOLS for the hidden handed fake jews, who openly state how badly they want and need most of us Dead & Gone by yesterday!
Sadly, after the Institution of Slavery was Brought Crumbling Down by the first REPUBLICANS in the Party of Lincoln, the balance of my fellow Blacks have been systematically subjugated for the better part of a Century, beginning with the making of the First Black Boule gatekeeper.
Much like the Spy, W.E.B. DuBois , who helped to devolve the potency of Black Patriots in Free Black Philadelphia, where Great Blacks like Richard Allen and his Black Militia and AME Church helped to turn the tide of the Revolution, there have been SOCIALIZED Blacks developed from whole cloth to follow in DuBois’ footsteps via the fake jew’s NAACP.
Using the Same Marxist formulas that helped to make the fake jew’s NAACP Headquarters, otherwise known as the Baltimore MD. Murder Capital, the Ideological Model for all Democrat run Plantations nationwide, a new generation of targeted Blacks have been made subject to the Deep State jew’s, Sal Alinsky principals in order to delivery the makers of the Marxist paradigm, yet, another Free Lunch had on our hapless backs.
Via formulaic principals targeted Blacks have been Systematically Brainwashed via the Satanic fake jew’s BLM Curriculum.
Hapless Blacks are essentially being made subject to highly developed Race-Bate Training inside of their ELI BRODE and WALTON OF WALMART USURPED PUBLIC SCHOOLS, and very few American’s are standing up against it, as we are all intrinsically inclined to believe that hapless Blacks deserve to be handled, managed and virtually cadged, as if we truly have zero agency or self control, when nothing can be further from the truth.
For nearly a Decade, Targeted Black youth have been KIDNAPPED, out of their purposefully Broken Homes (see Biden’s Crime Bills) and systematically radicalized by way of DHS/CPS paradigms. The deep state fake jews have Usurped our Cities where a plethora of foster care agencies are expressly designed to meter out MK-ULTRA programing, developed by Dr. Martin Orne, another University of Pennsylvania development just like the socialist BOULE hack, DuBois and Dr. Fouci who got his start with A.I.D.S. in the Wistar Institute at UPEN.
After Barack Obama’s training and pracctical development at the side of his CIA tied Mentor, Bill Ayers, of the Weather Underground Terrorist Group their jewISH Deep State handlers unleashed their Educational Principals into all of our targeted School Systems and Universities, alike.
It was PA Governor Tom Ridge who worked to help get Ayer’s Edison Schools started in Philadelphia before the 911 False Flag event served as the pretense to make Ridge the first Home Land Security Czar and Maker of the dubious DHS.
Today DHS and CPS are working to Radicalize Our Kids along with the Oligarch Usurped Schools and Universities that are now all tooled to garner hidden handed jew’s their, so called, Social Justice Warriors and an entire army of DISAFFECTED YOUTH that can be Weaponized and Marched on Demand thru a series of False Flag Events, Social Media INCITES, and Fake News managed by George Soros’ Media Matters at the helm.
Under the Unbrella of Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Revolution, the hidden handed CABAL of Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned fake jews have learned how to develop Socially Weaponized Youth via our nation’s MONOPOLIZED Urban Radio Channels and their AI based Social Media Gamuts and Algorithms.
This is why the Satanic Cabal member, and third generation student of Henry Kissinger, Noah Harari, calls us all Hackable Animals.
In their business and banking circles, we are called the Vulnerable Population, and we are both, Targeted Blacks and Targeted Whites are being Rendered more and more vulnerable, thanks to the hidden handed fake jew’s long standing CCP Partnership.
Their systematically subjugated Chinese Population, still suffers to DELIVER us Dr. Fouci’s COVID-19, Fentynal being Supplied over the Deep State Oligarch’s Wide Opened Border, and they have developed Plans for Open Aired Prisons and Organ Harvesting metered out on their own repressed population in behalf of Henry Kissinger and the resulting AI god’s of Silicon valley who helped deliver China out of it’s third world status.
Thanks to techniques developed by their CCP partners and Planned Parenthood, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned Satantists who say they are jews are essentally the leaders in illegal Organ harvesting, as made evident in the arrest of the Organ Harvesting Rabbi’s in NYC. Not only are they becoming wildly rich on the Federally Funded Planned Parenthood Market for Late Term Aborted Organs, the jews are now chomping at the bit in Oligarchs Usurped Universities like Boston University which is now gladly harvesting of the Uterus’ of Targeted Youth who are systematically indoctrinated in our Oligarch Usurped Schools. Now the head of the justice department and FBI are threatening Parents who are fighting back against Mind F’ing teachers who are tasked to brainwash are targeted youth with SJW, CTR and nation destabilizing Gender Dysphoria paradigms.
The systematic Damnation of our Black Youth and the World Star Hip Hop chronicling of the Results of our Systematical RADICALIZATION in real time serves the fake, Satanic, jew’s as Further Justification for our PLANNED PARENTHOOD Annihilation.
Teaching Blacks that we murder our own and we should never ever snitch gives all of the cover needed for murderous CIA developed hit-men in Masks and Open Borders Mercenaries to MURDER us in record numbers on Every Democrat Plantation in which a George Soros INSTALLED D.A. Allows.
Furthermore, if they can Trigger social media commentators like Mark Dice and his fellow Whites, as effectively as they can Trigger less than a fraction of our 12% of the Black American Population, they can further justify their hoped-for UN Intervention and Martial Law should any modicum of their Civil War (see their Portland Organ training grounds for Jerry Naddler’s ANTIFA Myth) or Race-War pop off, as planned.
In short, the same hidden handed fake jews INSTALLED their highly compromised freak, Joe Biden, to help them FINISH, both, TARGETED WHITE CHRISTIANS since he’d SACRIFICE his only son, AND TARGETED BLACKS, alike.
When Tim Pool says “they” in his, relatively, heated conversation with the blatantly persecuted artist known as YE, he is actually saying a whole hell of a lot.
Some time ago we were all able to witness a highly regarded Republican pundit and former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, facing a similar media smack-down in real time, as the news anchor on the conservative Disney Fox News channel abruptly informed him that he was forbboden from saying George Soros’ name.
No matter how factual or qualified Gingrich’s commentary was, the host apparently got a cease and desist directive from someone behind the scenes who required her to interrupt Gingrich mid sentence. Furthermore, her co-host seemed to take personal offense to the mere mention of Soros'”sacred” name.
(((They))) for whom YE was referring to when he illustrates, for us (((they’re)) penitent for cold-blooded banking, just so happen to be a well known entity.
Perhaps we can’t admit the fact that the self proclaimed jew, Bill Gates’favor using Specially made mRNA technology, now conveniently called Vaccines, as a best way to Depopulate the earth a common theme shared and propagated in nations that are clearly engaged with Klaus Schwab. We can not admit Schwab or Gates deadly proclamations, simply because there is a long-standing, historically known, poisoned wells trope regarding (((them))) who say they are jews.
Of course, there are all of the America states and cities that have become curiously caustic in an age of quasi privatization of utilities, State hospitals, and Airports, alike. Even knowing what we know deep down inside, speaking openly of contrails that may be spraying dangerous chemicals or weather altering substances, another Gates pastime, will get you labeled an Alex Jones consuming conspiracy theorist. Now, Alex Jones serves as the straw-man for the rest of us as the supremacy of the cabal of subversive jews is publicly realized.
YE is essentially warning America and entire nation’s abroad what we will all face, eventually, should cognitive dissonance remain in full effect as profoundly as fear.
As most Americans cower away from stating the obvious about them who are mentioned in Rev 2:9 and 3:9, the unmentionable (((they))) are able to get away with all of (((they’re))) openly stated, new world order plans, including the untimely death of you and I.
Once upon a time, Americans cared who had their finger on the nuclear button at 3AM in the morning and before that, our gregarious leaders were kind enough to teach the youngest among us how and when to duck and cover.
Today, we are left to wonder, who even gives a damn let alone who is in charge of our nuclear controls, as the lights are on in the Oligarch Usurped Whitehouse, but clearly, nobody sane is home.
By now, regardless of our innate penchant for cognitive dissonance, all Americans should realize there’s a subset in our nation who wanted us dead and gone by yesterday!
In violation to our Constitution, the RICO act and laws against Subversion with the penalty of death, the particular jewISH subset has openly declared their plans for us, from Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, the use of vaccines to deliver Bill Gates’ Depopulation fever-dreams, to Race Bating Planned Parenthood Survivors trapped in Gun Free Zones on every Democrat Plantation where COMPROMIZED and hungry Democrats are the majority among compromised political leaders who have obviously sold their souls for the love of money, fear or lust.
Bottom Line, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL and WE THE PEOPLE can’t bring ourselves to say who (((they))), the so called, Globalists, Oligarchs, 1%, Green New Deal, New World Order or George Soros propagators truly are, let alone STOP THE CABAL IN THEIR TRACKS For FEAR of being called Hitler!!!!
As WE DO NOTHING but be forbodden to say Soros name, his Subversive Cabal of homogeneous Zionists with long memories and historical scores to settle against targeted Blacks, God fearing Whites and Russia, the one nation that refused to buy and sell Negros (Negus KINGS) turned Slaves, are completely FREE and determined to Engage in Every Way to Systematically Depopulate the Earth at the full expense of COMPROMIZED “Leaders” who have Sold their Souls to Satan!
Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution is now underway in America and Henry Kissinger’s second Coup has gone down with the help of Mark Zuckerberg and his Communist China Cohorts.
Furthermore, the Dead Man Walking in our Oligarch Usurped Whitehouse can’t even remember there’s no one but him on stage on a good day!
Thanks to University of Pennsylvania developments, Fouchi was able to launch his Plandemic, Martin Orne’s pedophilia ploy is paying off in dividends and the Master Mind F’er Gates feel free and clear to say whatever is on his Satanic mind.
(((They))), who now deem us all Hackable Animals worthy only of eating bugs, all know how Stolhom Syndrome, Mass Hypnosis, Propaganda and Mind Control work, more importantly, (((they))) know what’s on our minds via our “smart phones”, as well as , where most of us are on any given moment for as long as we are , relatively, addicted to our devices.
Now many around the world are injected by (((their))) gene editing, carbon based, mRNA concoctions so that resulting Hackable Animals can be practically owned by their, so called, AI god’s wanting to follow up with Nazis styled tattoos!
Until then, (((they))) are beating the Ukrainians like a dead horse and fashioning their Russian DNA having corpses into (((their))) pretense for WWIII at the expense of Martin Luther’s German brethren,first and foremost, before (((they))) circle back to finish the rest of us, as planned!
UNTIL THE WORLD, COLLECTIVELY REALIZES REV 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL, (((they))) will simply have (((their))) openly stated way with us!
Wake Up Saints or eat bugs and dirt!!!!!
Black Woman From Oligarch Usurped Philly here…. I was removed from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter before my Vote for Trump in Phil Murphy’s NJ Swamp was Systematically Stolen too!
Dead Grandma’s and Grandpa’s traped inside of locked out nursing homes filled with Dr Fouci funded Coronavirus concoction is just the tip of a very foul iceberg still wreaking havock in our purposefully troubled nation.
Now, those who still love our Nation and only home are speaking to the choir in relative Vacuums while being forced to look into our Usurped Government that was, so easily, taken by the colluding Cabal who’s name can NEVER BE SPOKEN… Least we are deemed, anti Semitic!!!
“They” whom can never be mentioned, still practically Own our Bought and Paid for George Soros Ran Cities, turned into ex FARC sanctuaries, where Bill Gates’ planned Parenthood Survivors are being, either, Gunned Down in Record Numbers or turned into Bill Ayers/Barack Obama trained Useful Idiot Tools inside of America’s Eli Brode managed Schools Systems nationwide!
While we are still figuring out Dr. Fouci’s openly foretold role with Henry Kissenger’s Communitst China cohorts, Bill Gates’ forced, global, vaccinations Fever-dream still rages on, relatively, unfettered!
Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION is well underway, yet, I seem to be the only Human on Earth with Ears to Hear and Eyes see it!
Besides Biden’s Gifts to Controlled Opposition / Iran and Hamas, all of Cohen’s American taxpayer fleeced SIB proceeds are slated for the COLLUDING CABAL’S new War-torn Gaza “assets”.
As the Occupiers gin up the, so called, Black Panthers reconstituted with the help of Beyonce’ devious NFL Halftime Stage Performance and Lemonade tribute to Bill Gates, the hidden handed Cabal continues do what they’ve been doing since Balfor etal bamboozled the hapless Britts and Woodrow Wilson the first time around. #BrusslesInCharge #CIAHoneyPots #UNMartialLaw #SiliconValley #AIgods #BuildBackBetter #NWO #TheGreatReset #OpenBorders #ChathamHouseRules #BilderbergHacks#AmericanSpring #SOSGeorgeSoros #UnHolyRomanEmpire.
Instead of us Remaining Mere REACTIONARIES and Sitting Ducks before their NEXT SERIES OF PREDICTABLE FALSE FLAG EVENTS (Henry Ford and Boris Brasol warned us- Bolshevic2.0 Bernie Bros are on Standby), PLEASE READ Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 right now SAINTS!!!!
President Donald J Trump’s best strategy, moving forward is Getting my fellow Blacks back On Stage With Him in greater numbers than before, as we are certainly being USED by the Powers that be for the Metaphysical Powers we do indeed possess, as per our Biblically told past. (See also, Kwame Brown and Judge Joe Brown slaying the Talented Tenth BLACK BOULE Gatekeepers in realtime)
Look closely saints with eyes and ears opened wide as the bible foretold President Trump’s First Step Act, the Act that not only reversed Joe Biden and Bill Clinton’s Racist Crime Bill & Three Strikes Farce, Trump’s timely Act also concluded all of 400 years worth of Captivity and Strife, which is a Curse against the true Israelites … that which is spelled out in Duteromony 24 – 28, hence the mind F’ing hacks worked to rewrite history , again, with their, so called. ” 1619 Project”. 1619-2019 is 400 yrs saints, and likewise, January 6th is thee day of thee epiphany. #GoogleIt
The Quakers and Protestants knew what I am saying to be true, therefore, Martin Luther’s “The Jews and Their Lies” book is no longer available on Amazon, right along with the Truth in real-time bring Purged from All of “their” ( the Unmentionable fake Jew’s) Damned and Deadly Media Monopolies with no American “leader” Pure and Brave enough to bust them all up using existing Anti Trust laws, or any of our Constitutional Laws against Nation Toppling Traitors for that matter!!!
“Their” manufactured “AntiSemetisim” is manifest via preserved Project Paperclip assets and their Consequent Mind Control studies.
“They”, the usurpers of UPENN, Yale, Harvard and MIT respectively, know via S.T.E.M. Brain Studies and Behavioral Economics, alike, that we are Rendered Hapless, Helpless and Blind due to predicted conditions like Stolckolm Syndrome and Cognitive Dissonance, alike.
Please be not Deceived!!!
Just Open Your Eyes & Ears by Armoring Up in the Word of God, first and foremost.
You will find, the Answer to All Things now Troubling this Earth can be realized, not just on the Colluding Cabal’s #SNL show, but rather in our relatively Disregarded Bible’s Rev 2:9 and 3:9!
The “Deep State” is now Crafting a New Way “Out” and another Social Impact Distraction for themselves. Now they are running with the Mind F’king claim of ” Deep Fake”, ahead of any Video Evidenced release of Any of their gross misdeeds.
As per #4AM Memo, the Deep State’s Media Shills are now busy Seeding the #S.T.E.M of their Mockingbird Planted deceit into the #C.O.R.E. of Gullible Minds by way of their Media Monopolized PROPAGANDA Machines.
They, the merchant class Oligarchs who own Most of America’s Media Outlets, will now learn the brutal way, thanks to the unexpected, international push-back, that they have F’ed with the Wrong Guy! Just as in Rev 3:9, the dichotomy between they who say they are Je(w)s, and God’s chosen people, becomes quite clear to the entire world of viewers who are curious to see how this Open Persecution by the Newsweek associated Doxxers at the Daily Beast plays out.
The bottom line is, Mr. Brooks, the day laborer, is already vindicated by these words taken directly from our bibles.
Rev.2:2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: … Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Rev.3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
The Daily Beast, with the help of Facebook and CNN, revealed a man’s, name and what they thought might be embarrassing details associated with the conservative leaning black Trump supporter, they claim manufactured a slowed down version of Nancy Pelosi on video, for which, Rudy Juliani shared on his own social media platform, along with countless other Americans who get the JOKE.
The slowed down video that highlights the fact that Pelosi appears to be drunk, most of the time, yet, it was correlated with a second video posted by President Trump, highlighting several instances of incoherence in Pelosi’s latest speech, including her putting up two fingers to illustrate her talking-point about three things.
It seems to me the entire incident may also be a well crafted set-up to find the Unconstitutional Channels of Conspiratorial Subversives who are working as seamless as any Racketeering outfit to Topple, both, Our Nation and the Constitutional rights of American’s for whom they deem objectionable.
For the Sane American ; the Silent MAJORITY order your Russian Bot T’shirts at the following link.
Even if the ongoing situation is serendipitous, the metaphysical nature of the Cabal’s take-down is glaringly profound, as the je(w)Ish Merchant-Class striving to publicly do personal harm to, yet, another Black man in Oligarch Usurped America.
This incident, among others should, indeed, illustrate to the most brainwashed Trump detractors that the Enemies of President Donald Trump want us all to be, and remain , compliant, group-thinking SLAVES to the Merchant Class Oligarchs who are rapidly loosing their Grip as well as the opportunity to return America to the status-quo blacks have been complaining about for over thirty years and counting in Democrat run cities where things to complain about are piling up as high as the poo in Nancy Pelosi’s district .
The bottom line becomes more and more clear, Rev 3:9 isReal and the fallout will Co$t the Cabal of American Subversives Dearly. 😀
After three years of actuating his Urban destabilizing Sanctuary City, Illegal Alien Support Plan and his ilk of American Subversives’ #RaceTogether scheme, alike, the President of Starbucks determined to Drop the Mic with the announcement closures of many stores as well as his retirement with the appearance that Blacks are to Blame. COORDINATION AND TIMING IS EVERYTHING TO THE HIDDEN HANDED JEW ENGAGED WITH EMERGING NUDGE SCIENCE BASED BRAINWASHING.
Now, the Deep State, That Owns Philly, thanks to Michael Nutter, wishes you to TARGET Your Sights Back onto Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Shills (Cops), such as, the Harvard School of Business TRAINED, Richard Ross, who helped to Stage Starbucks’ #RaceTogether Race-Bating Ploy that was already Three Years in the Making before the “Two Black Men” who were there to meet with a “White” Realtor debacle went down!!!
Ross’, Harvard School of Business Inspired role was that of the foolish, apologetic Police Commissioner who failed to do his job correctly at the bequest of the over-zealous Starbucks Hire who made the call to have the “White” realtor’s two dollar Ho’s removed from her, respective, establishment..
You’d have to know the full back-story which is still unraveling before the eyes of the most astute who can more easily grasp what is happening in real-time.
The fact is, America is in the throws of a Revolutionary War and most don’t even know it! That is, the depths of the Deep-State and the last DEMOCRATIC Administration’s Crimes are still yet to be REALIZED for as long as the cabal of Subversives are still out there and left to commit acts against our Nation unfettered.
Please know One thing for Certain and Two Things for Sure, While The American Police Forces were, indeed, FEDERALIZED by the Deep-State with the help of Barack Obama and his Point Man, Philly Police Commissioner Raymond Ramsey under the auspice of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform, MOST OF THEM ARE STILL OUR NEIGHBORS, FAMILY-MEMBERS, FRIENDS AND HUMAN BEINGS, first and foremost, who do not DESERVE TO BE SET UP and MURDERED FOR NAUGHT. They are now in as much danger as the expendable Black men Who are FALSE FLAG Murdered in America like Clockwork to Justify the Clinton “Reforms” including the Deep-State’s Federalization of America’s Police forces in the first place !!!
It has been made Clear that George Soros’ successfully Bought and Paid For the new Philadelphia D.A., and we all know, by now, that it is he who helped to set the Stage for High Drama in America that includes recent Pennsylvania False Flag Events they hope will serve as the tinderbox to ignite Soros’ hoped for American Spring, Civil War, Race War or whatever he can get to happen first.
Not only is the Deep-State INCITING Citizen Hatred of Police via another, well timed, FALSE FLAG EVENT Staged in Pittsburgh in concert with Meek Mill’s ongoing, Oligarch Backed Performances in June, they are doing all they can this summer to tie All of “their” Trump loathing NARRATIVES together for full effect.
By making Philly Cop’s, practical, Sitting Ducks, again, with the Soros installed D.A.’s newly implemented precedent to remove the Death Penalty against those with the audacity to murder a Police Officer in Cold-Blood ,the D.A. is sending an open invitation as palpable as Mayor Kenney’s sanctuary city smorgasbord for MS13…
The same Deep-State players who PAID D.A. Seth Williams’ countless Millions to STAND-DOWN in the face of their ongoing CRIMES, is Still Working hard, behind the scenes, in Oligarch Usurped Philly, and they are Setting Philly Up in the same manor they used the agency of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Michael Nutter and RAYMOND RAMSEY to fast-forward their 21ST Century Justice Reforms, that essentially made Unsuspecting, TARGETED Blacks into Profitable Sitting Ducks to be Capitalizes upon by Goldman Sachs et al, NATIONWIDE.
Via the Deep-State’s Tyrannous Directives, it was American Blacks that were being “PURGED”, yearly, just like in their movie tell “PURGE” , and the subsidiary “MEET THE BLACKS” just in case the first movie might have been missed by the intended black movie-goer.
I have discovered that such Hollywood tells are among many Deep-State Trial Balloons effectively planted into the minds of unsuspecting Americans that directly SIGNAL our fate at their hands.
Just like the HBO special, “The Wire” was developed to show us their Compstat Data Mining Plans that would be first tried on Targeted Black Communities, we can also see the follow-up plans to their The Wire episodes, such as, the actual outcomes of , so called, Cop Free Drug Zones established in the Kenzington section of Philadelphia.
It is no accident whatsoever that The Wire loving sycophant, Michael Nutter, would allow the Deep-State’s “trial balloon” to culminate into their next show, Drug Inc. Featuring ALL Of the Emerging Opioid Addicts who are now being helped in their unfettered desire to Shoot up with all of the NGO Supplied Free Needles they could hope for in or newly arrayed Cop Free Zones!
In the troubling Purge Series, we ultimately were shown how in real-life that a Government Sanctioned paradigm could ensure that No Man or Woman on earth would be held ACCOUNTABLE for the unbridled actions of Clinton’s 21st Century Reformed Cop’s who Participated in the Near- Monthly Murder of Unsuspecting Black Men and Women, Nationwide.
Sadly, the ever more Common Events that happened frequently on Democratic Watch are being tried again, albeit, more obvious to those who are now paying closer attention to their , relatively, predictable FALSE FLAG crimes.
Based recent, highly profiled, political events followed up by Philly D.A.’s PIVOTAL New Law, it is clear that the Deep State is hopping and trying to Pop-Off with Something New In Philly, so be and stay aware!!!!
We could even follow the Life and Times of the highly Publicized Black Shill, Meek Mill, to realize an Emerging Time-Line of Related False Flag Events culminating with the Philly D.A.’s announcement to REMOVE THE DEATH PENALTY AGAINST ANYONE WHO’D DESIRES TO MURDER A COP…
Certainly, Meek Mills is No Stranger to Young Men who are Murdered in Cold blood, and his latest Cause Celeb has all of the Hallmarks of PREVIOUS , FALSE FLAG MURDERS, that were Used in AMERICA as a way to Drive Up the Membership Ranks of George Soros’ Black Lives Matter groups. Meek Mill is now tasked with Rallying up new Useful, and responsive, Race Bate Shills.
We can, indeed, track a Time-Line of PREMEDITATED and related Events surrounding Meek Mill that are indeed expressly Designed, in advance, to INCITE the Ire of Unsuspecting Blacks just in time to muster up Riots in the Streets this Summer!!!
Just Look at the Impeccable Timing of Meek Mill’s Music Releases, such as, the Title that was Scheduled to drop JUST IN TIME for his Hightly Publicized Released from Philly Jail.
Take a close Look at the behind the scenes work of the Corporate Overloads all around Meek. They are, essentially, one of the same ilk of Oligarch Owners who have Stolen Philly and all of your “Schooled” Children, therein, by extension.
You might also wish to note how the, so-called, “White Realtor” in the Starbucks Race-Together False Flag is Busy Flipping TAKEN School Assets when he is not helping to Stage their, Highly Orchestrated SERIES of RACE BATING EVENTS!
Besides Supporting Sanctuary City Workers over Hiring Blacks in Philly like Starbucks, The Corporate Ilk of Oligarchs are now STAGING the Protests that are Orchestrated by OWNED Sports Team Members. We can see the Same Corporate Ownership of Meek Mill’s and how his highly Orchestrated RACE BATING Events are a mere extension of their ongoing effort to Divide and Destroy Our Nation on the Backs of Gullible and Expendable Blacks!!
We can all see how they, the hidden-handed Overlords, were Engaged in the Arena Based RACE BATING, such as, Beyonce’s Infamous Black Panthers Show BS that was followed up by a whole bunch of Demonic Shenanigans, such as, her Bill Gate’s Inspired “FORMATION”, thereafter and how ALL OF THEIR STAGED AWARD SHOWS ARE TOOLED TO Diminish the Office of the President in which they Though They Would OWN by Now..
We can See how the Corporate Oligarchs now Own the Minds of Black Pro Sports Players in Philly and how so many of these OWNED Entities are tooled to lead us in Constant Black Protests over any real PROGRESS that might, otherwise, be had by simply Meeting With President Donald J. Trump.
By Tracking George Soros’ Dirty Dollars, including his Buying of the New Philly D.A., as well as by way of Mere Deduction We can See, clearly, how these Philly Celebrities are now being CONTROLLED by of same ILK of Oligarchs who Took Full Control of Meek Mills in plain sight…
By Refusing President Donald J. Trump’s Invitation to Make Real Reforms, These High Profile Philadelphians are proven to be OWNED, Useful Idiots, who are now TASKED to Spear-Head Wider, Systematic Protests and Ongoing KAYOS, such as we Saw in the Obama Administration, and all in the name of George Soros’ funded BLM…
If all of this Orchestrated madness sounds improbable to you, then you are not familiar with Bolshevik History or the M.O. of TERRORISTS, the M.O. of Corporate Mercenaries or the M.O. of the Ilk of Deep-State Purveyors who have Developed the CIA Tactics of Nation DeStabilization from It’s Inception.
Gullible Blacks who Take No OWNERSHIP are bound to Suffer a Life-Time of being OWNED, Like a Forever Failing, so called, “Leader” Barack Obama.
The Oligarchs Successfully Stole Philly after a Series of Well Timed False Flag events, namely, the infamous PHILLY FLASH MOB BS . Not only did they use technology to gather unsuspecting black Youth to Locations replete with Bad-Actors, they used Their Media Monopoly Narratives to Over-Play the Orchestrated False Flag Events that culminated into Raymond Ramsey’s key roll in Establishing Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms inside of Previously, Deep-State, BANKRUPTED Cities Nationwide!
You may note, the Center for Court Innovation has been able to INFILTRATE Cities that have the Largest concentration of Prime-Rate TARGETED Blacks in what is called, Sir Ronald Cohen’s “Second Bounce of the Ball”!
After, Sir Ronald Cohen convinced our Nation’s Cities and States to hand-over their Pension Funds for his dubious Venture Capital Ploys that ultimately went Bust, he used his position as head of the former G8 to Rob, both, unsuspecting Brits blind of their Unclaimed Funds and the U.S. with his Goldman Sachs Managed Social Impact Bond Ploys established on the Stolen Funds from the UK. Not only was Barack Obama a G8 Toady, With just a Modicum of Research, you will also, see the direct ties between the Weather Underground Terrorist, Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama who lived with his family during his formative years…
You might come to realize that it was Bill Ayers’ company, Edison Schools, that made the first failed attempt to TAKE OVER Philly schools with the help of Tom Ridge, who was ultimately tasked to head up the Dubious NSA for the Deep-State, thereafter.
Not lost on me was how the Oligarchs of a certain ilk successfully repackaged their effort to TAKE our Nation’s Schools and the Children therein, as per, Bill Ayers’ long-standing plan to Systematically RADICALIZE Urban Youth!
While you were sleeping, key Philly Democrats, such as, Anthony H. Williams and Dwight Evens, were given boat-loads of Millions and Envelopes Full of Cash to Bring Philly, our Nation’s first Capital into the hands of the Oligarchs of a Certain Ilk who are Still in Charge there!!
It was a Walmart owned Black Shill, Howard Fuller who, finally, Delivered Our Schools into the Awaiting Hedge Funders (Eli Brode’s) Hands! Under the auspice of BAEO black Philadelphian’s were Duped into allowing the Bill Ayers system for RADICALIZING and EXPLOITING the Youth!
Thanks to the Hungry Democrats and Black Celebrity SHILLs in the Picture Above, Select Students can now be Socially Incited and USED to Rally Against their OWN NATION, as if a GREAT AMERICAN HOME is NOT FOR THEM, or Anything that any of us Blacks Could Appreciate.
With the help of STAGED False Flagged Events and USURPED MEDIA MONOPOLIES, alike, they Hoped You’d Be RIOTING IN THE STREETS ALREADY!!! They Hoped that you could All Be TRIGGERED on Que to ACT OUT Like A BUNCH OF CITY-BURNING FOOLS who could Bolster the RANKS of their Sleeper-Cell TERRORIST GROUP still waiting in the wings for you to Pop-Off, that is, Philly ANTIFA!!!
Sadly, It was my own cousin, City Councilman, Curtis Jones Jr. who Forwarded Center for Court Innovation Laws. The Bloomberg Associated CCI is the key Overseer to Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Farce that was Patched together with the help of , Michael Nutter who is affectionately know as Hillary Clinton’s pet-named, “Nutter Butter”. It was he and his Police Commissioner, Raymond Ramsey, Michael Bloomberg came to rely on to perfect NYC’s own STOP AND FRISK Program that Philly was Known for.
Meek Mills is Ferried Away on His Handler’s Willimington Trust Owned “Chariot”
Not only did the Deep-State, already have Big, Riotous Plans for Philly by way of those who could be INCITED and Rallied for the Fake Cause that is, Meek Mill; to go hand in hand with Meek Mill’s Premiered BET Performance on Sunday June the 24th, it just so happens, ANOTHER BLACK MAN IS MURDERED by COPs in Pittsburgh Pa on the 20th of June!
Yet, Another unarmed Young Black Man was gunned down Just like the Countless Black Men who were MURDERED on Democratic Watch!!!
Wouldn’t you know it, just four days later Meek Mills is on Stage Leading the Rallying Cry for PROTESTS in the Young Man’s Behalf!
And… Wouldn’t you know it, the Police Officer in question was just sworn in Hours before the Shooting for, Plausible Deniability, no doubt!!!!!
“The officer involved in the shooting has not been named by authorities, but had been hired in mid-May and sworn in just hours before the shooting, East Pittsburgh Mayor Louis Payne said, the newspaper reported.”
Had Meek Mill Met with President Donald J. Trump, as planed, that would have meant Relief from Clinton’s Three Strikes Paradigm, such as, the one effecting the woman who was freed at the Bequest of Kim Kardashian.
A meeting with President J. Trump might have meant Instant Relief for ALL OF THE SEPARATED Black Youth who are Now being Criminally Court Adjudicated inside of their TARGETED Philly Schools, where their entire family may now be Sentenced by way of a Plethora Of Dubious LAWS doled out in Philly’s Newly Arrayed CRIMINAL Courts in TARGETED Communities City Wide.
Philly’s Dubious New Criminal Courts that were first Developed, in NYC by Soda Tax Passing Oligarch, Michael Bloomberg, go strictly by the New Laws that were written by his Bloomberg Associated, Center for Court Innovation!
The Oligarchs were so Brazen in their far-reaching TAKEOVER of Philly that they did not even remove their Center For Court Innovation Name off of your Bills that are now Codified into Philly Law thanks to Hungry Democrats that were handsomely Paid, Like D.A. Seth Williams to do their Bidding…
It turns out, the Philadelphia Eagles or Meek Mill Could Have asked President Donald J. Trump to address Your New Criminal Court Laws that were Written by Michael Bloomberg and Friends!
I feel, Any Review Of these New Criminal Court Laws in Philly would Reveal that they are the most Racist Laws that just so happen to Perform Exactly like Post Slavery Black Code Laws did!
While your Sanctuary City hosts and Thought Leaders in Philly are tasked, daily, to Ask you to Riot in the Streets in behalf of SEPARATED Kids from Mexico that the Deep-State Oligarch’s do hope to Exploit soon, Toiling away in over 70 Dubious Foster Care Institutions that are set up around Philly are the SEPARATED Black Children who were aggressively Taken from the Arms of Mother’s and Father’s City-Wide!
While the Corporate Oligarchs at Starbucks are busy STAGING RACE-BATING Events in order to INCITE Riots in so-called Sanctuary Cities as Cover, Black Children from Philly are being EXPLOITED, daily, by a plethora of NON-PROFIT NGO’s that have been established under the auspice of Barack Obama’s Pay for Performance Ploys. Obama’s so called, Pay for Performance Ploys were no more than the Deep-State’s Goldman Sachs Managed Social Impact Bond Ploys in disguise.
With the help of Oligarch Eli-Brode and the rest of Walmart’s Highly Paid Black MINIONS, such as, Howard Fuller, Arlene Akerman and William Hite, Black Children can now be Sorted inside of their TAKEN Schools for use, exploitation, radicalization and abuse.
Thanks to Arlene Akerman’s Million Dollar Job your schools were systematically imploded from within just like the other three school Districts she was tasked to systematically destroy in behalf of Eli-Brode before Nutter brought her into Philly.
Thanks to Eli-Brode Minions, No longer can we complain about the discovered School to Prison Pipeline when William Hite simply Merged, both, Philly Schools and the Youth Justice Center for a Seamless Transition.
Now, Not only can your Philly School Children be Criminally Tried in the Criminal Courts that are established in Targeted Schools and Neighborhoods where No Constitutional Law Applies, they can be also Kidnapped/disappeared from their Own Elementary schools by people who are hired by the Peripheral Non Profit NGO’s, just like the little girl-Test Case Abducted from Brian Elementary school.
It became quite clear to me that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s TAINTED JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Not only Murdered Seth Rich for DISCOING Philly DNC Crimes, they (James Comey’s FBI) also Murdered Philly Paralegal Roxanne Grinage for Systematically Reporting the DHS/CPS aided Kidnappings of Philly Kids all of the way up their Tainted Chain of Command.
While they are Tooling your MINDS via Military Grad PROPIGANDA to Blame President Donald J. Trump it is the DEMOCRATS who Coordinated a Series of FALSE FLAG Murders of Black Men Nationwide in order to Justify their Corporate Partner’s NO BID Body Cameras and Military Grade Police Gear SALES just in time for what they hoped to be Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Cops, who were already Deep-State Federalized with the help of Raymond Ramsey himself!
At this time, you are Duly WARNED, once Again, so Do PRAY FOR ALL OF THE UNSUSPECTING SHILLS who may be SACRIFICED at the hands of CORPORATE MERCENARIES WHO GET Paid Not to Think Twice About Shooting any one of us or A Philly Cop.
All this After Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s Usurpation and Deep-State FEDERALIZATION of America’s Police forces, in behalf of Sir Ronald Cohen (Harvard School of Business Hack), Michael Bloomberg (In association with his America’s Criminal Justice Law HACKS at the Center for Court Innovation), and Goldman Sachs’ the Manager of Barack’s Pay to Perform Gamut and Cover for SOCIAL IMPACT BONDS … A.K.A. Slavery 2.0.