As per Rev 2:9 & 3:9 you sprinkled a little Ben Shapiro and Peppered a whole lot of Candace Owens to help build your brand on a higher foundation in time for the inevitable Trump Administration.
B R A V O !!! You have come a long way from being simply race bated and I, for one, am glad.
I’ve been warming as many Americans as I could reach about the clear and present dangers systematically manifest in London, America and now in Palestine by the man who wrote “The Second Bounce Of The Ball” as if Bankrupting America’s pension coffers in time to swap our Republic for full blown Oligarchy was nothing more than a game!
Perhaps we’ll see you emerge out of the kitchen like a Phoenix, swarm over the deadened heads on the boardwalk and into the 2024 White-house to address the dangers of weaponized propaganda under the banner of Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION.
Meanwhile, I’ll chronicle this genius act and other important civic breakthroughs needed to right our wronged nation in my or blogs.
Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION is well underway!
The Unmentionable jewISH CABAL of American Oligarchs’ have launched (((their))) Asymmetrical Warfare, that includes a spysycological means of paralyzing and demoralizing us into being sitting ducks that can be Purposefully DEPOPULATED by systematically desensitizing us via preemptive illustrations of our foretold fait on their Media networks, like NETFLIX, DISNEY or HBO.
Our consequent Cognitive Dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome is effectively achieved when the hidden handed ENEMIES of our nation Show Us, then Do Deadly Attacks, then Get Away with them time and time again.
We are no longer surprised, so our Fight and/or Flight instinct is effectively Dismantled psychologically.
This fact and method is illustrated in Dean Koontz’s “Eyes of Darkness” written about the hidden handed Oligarchs’ manufactured (Gain of Function) and A.I.D.S.basrd Bioweapon in 1982 and (((their))) highly Accurate “Contagion” movie was followed by Wistar-Fouchi’s “Wuhan 400” Pandemic in 2019, as indicated years prior to the “predictively PROGRAMED” , FALSE FLAG attacks and consequent Deadly Events in the form of Deadly Pharmaceuticals that are yet to be Recalled or Challenged beyond the highly persecuted strawman and Deep State whipping boy, James O’Keefe.
We are left to realize how we are Attacked and Destroyed Daily by Busy Enemies who OVERTHREW OUR GOVERNMENT Algebraically!
Due to the psychological aspect of (((their))) MIT Game Theoried Asymmetrical war, it takes the critical mass of our systematically ravaged population and nation, days, weeks, months, years, or decades to fill in the blanks.
As Noah Harari’s Hackable Animals WE do not need Mark Zuckerberg’s hoped for VR Goggles as WE THE PEOPLE are still easily SOCIALLY IMPACTED via Satanic GRAMMYS, UFOS & NFL Based Bread and Circus Events so much that WE THE PEOPLE can’t see who (((they))) are Deadly Enemies Within are more beyond our collective, psychological blinders.
Having attended three Funerals of, relatively, young family members in less than a year serves as my own psychological blinder, while knowing the unfettered, American purveyors of the plandemic and consequent, January 6th, Usurpation of my Nation from within are responsible!
Bottom Line, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 is as REAL as Bill Gates and George Soros among the hidden handed Cabal of jewISH Oligarchs who indicated, publically, (((They))) wanted US dead, eating bugs not meat, and/or Utterly Destroyed (DEPOPULATED) by yesterday!!!
Barack Obama’s besty, Bill Ayers’ was working with Pennsylvania’s Governor Tom Ridge to establish his Edison Schools for the purpose of RADICALIZING targeted Black youth with the help of Comcast/CNN Programming in each and every classroom.
Ridge got called to become America’s post 9/11 Homeland security CZAR (to diminish our rights after false flags) and the American Oligarchs’, like Eli Brode, Bill Gates and the Walton’s of Walmart stepped in to Speed up, the TAKEOVER of the American school system which integrated Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA Myth and a full blown Black Lives Matters Curriculum in Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, all while Ayers and Obama focused their efforts on TAKING the Whitehouse and every Government institution for the purpose of America’s hidden handed Oligarchs.
The American Oligarchs are the ubiquitous (((they))) when discussing American woes while being forbodden to mention George Soros’ name.
(((They))) are ALL jewISH Oligarchs who have WEAPONIZED the Usurped American government, after Venture Capital spawned Bankruptcy and semi privatization of key city assets, including our WEAPONIZED, Media, Sports Teams, Justice Departments (see Soros D.A.s), Universities, Public Schools, Court Systems, and Hospitals, alike, all while fleeced pension coffers were used to build up the Technocratic “AI gods” in Silicon valley.
The unmentionable FAKE Jews who are cited in our relatively disregarded Bibles, Rev 2:9 and 3:9, are ALL co-signed to forward Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution, in America and beyond.
Furthermore, Henry Kissinger’s Communist China cohorts built up by George Bush Sr. the CIA tied “Nation Builder”, was used to help (((them))) “TOPPLE THE WORLD”, via, Fouci and Gates’ Covid19 depopulation fever-dreams and as per Cohen’s “Second Bounce of the Ball” thanks to the Fleeced American Dollars paid for Wuhan and the Stollen lost Assets that were taken from the unsuspecting British population with the help of Tony Blair.
See how the resulting New World Order is Orchestrated by the hidden handed fake Jews CABAL who are forwarding their Well Coordinated TYRANNY in multiple nations using the same Coronavirus pretense, ie, France, Australia, Germany, Canada etc.
Sadly, the Vatagan Church under the leadership of Pope Francis is all in with Sir Ronald Cohen et al’s ployd, thereby, all of the leveraged and exploited Children are being used by Soros etal to flood and Overwhelm the borders of once sovergn Nations slated to be Governed remotely much like the post WW2 Brussels/European Union command post after Balfour et al, effectively, usurped the Promised land!
Should AMERICAN Citizens fail to wake up, UN-NATO FORCES, ANTIFA SHOCK-TROOPS, and Bernie Bros are all standing by to ReEducate Covid19 and targeted Planned Parenthood Survivors who are not Useful Idiots or already Gunned Down in America’s , so called, Gun Free Zones targeted first and foremost by Soros, Michael Bloomberg etal!
It’s time to Wake Up Saints!!!
Only our own, relative, cognitive dissonance can makes (((them))) too big to fail and most of the Worlds Population systematically Annihilated, AS PLANNED!!!!
Besides Donald Trump, Mark Dice and We The People are what the deep state Oligarchs hate most.
I learned this well before Mark Zuckerburg banned me from Facebook, giving my informative Group Pages, such as, my False Flags and Fake News group over to complete strangers.
While President Trump is said to have coined the phrase, my False Flags and Fake News group page was developed in 2014, well before “Fake News” became news.
Black Woman from Oligarch Usurped Philly here….
A++ Research Mr Dice!!! Spot-on About BET and what Rev 2:9 and 3:9 Mentioned ghouls have done to my fellow blacks through media and tech tyranny.
I’ve no doubt Blacks are now subject to a Collateral Beauty styled situation after seeing HBO’s “The Wire” MANIFEST in my hometown, Philadelphia. The results of installing Paradigms from “the wire” was then featured on the HBO’s, “Drug Inc.” (Kensington).
On “The Wire” Oligarchs showed their Compstat policing plans for Soros’ , so called, “Open Cities”.
After visiting the set of “the Wire” in Baltimore along with members of the Philadelphia City Council, Mayor Michael Nutter (a Hillary Clinton sycophant turned Bloomberg’s Campeign “water-boy”) allowed the Oligarchs’ to “upscale” Open Air Prison System components of Compstat Policing in Philly, along with their “Future Crimes” plans , which are now manifest in our Nation’s “first” capital and Bill DiBlazio’s (Bloomberg’s) NYC too. NY Officer Adrian Schoolcraft and California Officer Chris Donnar tried to warn us. Donnar tried to whistle blow against Bill Bratton, the “father of Compstat”, before he was taken out in a “blaze of glory”.
Mayor Nutter was then tasked to turn other Bankrupt cites into the hidden handed Oligarchs’ , “early adapter” cities/states via his chairmanship of the Oligarch Usurped, Conference of Mayors. :/
Philadelphia suffered a series of False Flags and Fake News episodes, includind the incredible “Philly Flash Mobs” situation. I’ve no doubt the Staged events were Technocratic ally spawned.
Likewise, Philly featured the “Two Black Men Arrested in Starbucks” situation.
I recognized how both, events were STAGED as a pretense for the Oligarchs’ future plans. One, to help usher in Bill Ayers’ Edison Schools with all day Comcast/CNN PROGRAMING, and one to forward Starbucks’ #RaceTogether Ploy, a precursor to the Oligarchs’, wide-spread, Critical Race Theory. Note how Eric Holder was tasked to forward Starbucks’ Staged Scheme.
Likewise, Philadelphia’s, Patience Carter, became a Pulse / Florida nightclub, mass shooting victim. She first worked as a Fox News intern in Philly. Her consequent book was released the same week another STAGED Mass shooting in Philly occured , also, in the midst of Bloomberg’s Gun Grab Campeign w/Mike Nutter.
The North Philly debocale is still on YouTube and like the Pulse affair it featured another FBI informant who was STAGED to engage most of the Philadelphia Police in a day-long shootout.
The Harvard School of Business trained Police Commissioner, Richard Ross Jr. Was effectively honneypotted after the botched event, and the Portland & Mossad trained Police Commissioner, Daniel Outlaw was brought in to FINISH the Transformation in Philly, where a George Soros DA, presides over utter Kayos in the long shadows cast by Bill Gates’, Microsoft School of the Future.
Read more by searching “False Flags” at
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GREAT WORK Mr. Dice. I’m buying your book today!
Indeed, somebody had to do it, but, unlike the allegorical Phoenix rising out of the ashes into an epic netherworld, CNN rode into existence by being tied to the tailpipe of a White Bronco carrying OJ Simpson away from the “scene” that would ultimately become a staging ground for Beyonce’s FemiNazi version of the Black Panthers and Colin Kaepernick’s pig socks, alike, ie, a decimated shell of the former NFL.
It is, indeed, good to have a political insider who was close enough to smell the Bullshit which emanates so freely from compromised Democrats within the God Damned Congressional Black Caucus.
Blacks in America must come to realize that our problems in America are due to Black Democrat political hacks who have occupied congress for decades. It is they who have been working on the front lines of our systematic demise in every fallen “Chocolate City” nationwide.
Members of the Democratic Black Caucus have been in office since their Nancy Pelosi taskmaster worked side by side with Jim Jones.
The notorious Jim Jones was just two degrees of separation away from Vice President* Kamala Harris, who slept her way into political office as a bottom bitch to Willie Brown, the close associate of Jones who was established as a CIA tied, mass murdering, Cult leader of gullible, Kool-Aid riddled blacks.
Congressman Jones got to look the infamous Congressman, nicknamed Good-trouble, directly into his beady lying eyes all while his celebrated district gave way to abandoned houses, rats, roaches and the spilt blood of countless black constituents.
It’s no accident that the home of the jew’s NAACP, in Baltimore MD, was also considered the Murder Capital of of the world for targeted Blacks. Based on empirically evidenced results (as seen on “The Wire”) in Baltimore Maryland it is clear and apparent that hand-select black Boule, like Elijah Cummings, serve only their hidden handed taskmasters, much like every character that was developed as a result of the Oligarch’s staged Selma campaign for which Dick Gregory says he financed himself.
In the telling video posted below, a high-level black BOULE agent, Dick Gregory, explains how he was called up on the phone by Sheriff Jim Clark directly. He explains that Clark needed to lock up a high profile Negro like him to help with the staging of a series of False Flag events that seeded men like John Lewis. In true form, Gregory stated he was unable to go, so he sent his 9 month [sic] pregnant wife to be jailed in his stead.
Since the “making” of W.E.B. DuBois, one of the first Black BOULEs, Democrats have routinely sold-out black constituents who manage to escape our intended fate at the hands of the congressionally funded, urban situated Planned Parenthood clinics nationwide. After undergoing a major epiphany during the Donald Trump era, the noble congressman Jones no longer wanted to be tied among the political harvesters of late term aborted babies.
To add insult to Black injury the disgusting Democrat ghouls in congress all celebrated right along with Chuck Schumer ,who’s ilk lobbied hard as hell in behalf of facilitating late term abortions. The Democrat senator, John Rogers’ launched a cold-blooded diatribe that should tell us all we need to know about the God damned black Democrats!
Thanks, in part, to the Congressional Black Caucus, targeted Black Baby body parts, alone, are now far more valuable than the cost of a black slaves.
Jones understands what I have known for some time; targeted Blacks Americans are practically cultivated as victims by fake “News” outlets like CNN.
As indicated by Rodgers who indicated non aborted Blacks would die sooner or later Black Planned Parenthood survivors are practically curated into wards of the Deep State.
Hidden handed bureaucrats who rely on the Democrat party are following Saul Alinky’s Free Lunch plan to the letter . They have effectively have rendered surviving blacks into a perpetual victim class who can then be harness
The black BOULE were happy to help Joe Biden fill up the Oligarch’s for profit Prisons systems, and they simply stand by as we are hunted down in their streets by Corporate Mercenaries who are now working overtime to deliver record numbers of Black murder victims on the Democrat run Plantations nationwide.
Few, Black BOULE shills, are worse than the Blood and Crypt loving, Maxine Waters, who’d happily stand by to allow no new thing to happen for ravaged blacks trapped on the democrat plantations, including her notorious Los Angeles district.
Below Waters is seen working closely with a leader of Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA “myth”, the same mythological creatures who converged on a fellow former Democrat, Candace Owens’, who dared come to speak to Blacks who are under siege in the Democrat run “KILLADELPHIA”, and just blocks away from our disregarded Constitution.
Maxine Waters’ favorite ANTIFA goon set up shop behind my old High School in order to commandeer our Eli Brode usurped school system. With Democrat help, ANTIFA has worked, unfettered, for nearly a decade to systematically radicalize the next generation of expendable Blacks who can now be used to Riot and Burn down America’s high value urban communities on demand.
After the failed Edison Schools experiment first launched in Killadelphia, ANTIFA is now the ones forwarding Bill Ayers fever-dreams which were developed with the help of his Democrat underling, Barack Obama.
All American Blacks must realize the formula that is fully manifest in Barack Obama’s evermore deadly CHIRAQ.
For the hidden handed powers that be brilliant Planned Parenthood Survivors, like Stacie Abrams, remain nothing more than cultivated and systematically radicalized Cash Cows.
Blacks are politically branded with the help of Race bating CNN hacks via daily propaganda ploys and we are practically trained to become hypersensitive, victimized Faberge eggs delivering others far more in return than Bamboozled Black constituents will ever come to realize.
For each delivered Democrat district where Blacks are mowed down in record numbers unfettered inside of America’s most notorious Gun Free Zones, Murderous Democrats, like Barack Obama, the man who killed the president of the African Union, are elevated and/or deified by CNN.
Much like George Floyd, the most base characters in the, so called, Black community, serve CNN as beacons for utter kayos and control.
While nothing is certain about the infamous OJ trial that was first highlighted on the emerging CNN, certainly, America was flushed with the aims of resulting reality stars with the power to deliver a CardiB caliber ass kicking to all gullible Blacks and snowflake white Americans alike.
The OJ built CNN (a project Mockingbird asset) proves just how gullible Americans are and how easily Blacks can be brainwashed too, and thereby we all can be systematically Triggered, Incited and/ or Instituted as profoundly as Lamar Odum, Kanye West or the former Olympian, Bruce Jenner, turned Kaytlin for the malicious cover of Vanity fair.
Gloria Vanderbilt’s wealth was poured into her CIA tied son, Anderson Cooper, leaving one to wonder why a man of such wealth and status would toil among the other CNN anchors to lie to us all.
We must also understand why the 1st thru 3rd Estate would need to utterly consume the mislead minds of the masses via their monopolized fourth estate.
Truth be told, the conspiring cabal of jewISH Oligarchs are using their Media assets, including, CNN as a primary tool in the reconstitution of a wicked Empire.
Now, every American Corporation controlled by hidden handed jews is retooled and used in behalf of the emerging jewISH Oligarchs to divide and socially incite our nation from within.
Evermore brazon fellows are given free reign on CNN while the voices of American truth tellers are being aggressively suppressed.
Few could realize the abject danger CNN posed until President Donald Trump pointed it out.
Thankfully, Trump called CNN out before the world stage that he managed to commandeer in spite of CNN’s weak kneed shackles being placed on ill informed Americans who are trained by CNN hacks to loath Trump’s stellar leadership.
After paying a hefty fine for their MEGA hat lies, CNN anchors openly advocate for more attacks against republicans and Trump supporters of every race.
Using their Communist China spawned COVID-19 bioweapons, the coordinated Cabal using CNN is hell bent on telling us more lies.
Furthermore, the propaganda delivered on CNN is expressly designed to garner the hidden handed Cabal more unsuspecting “stakeholders” who will simply go along with their plans.
CNN is also there to give the Oligarchs’ ANTIFA goons all the cover they need to continue the practice of falling whole American cities, particularly, after Mossad tied False Flag murders of targeted Black men are orchestrated. (ie, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform farce that began on Barack Obama’s watch)
While great American Patriots, like James O’Keefe at Project Veritas, reveals there’s an entire contingency of Bernie Bros waiting in the wings to “reeducate us” the mind F’ing hacks at CNN suggest, on a daily basis, that umbiquitious White Christians are the only threat in America.
We the People must set our cognitive dissonance aside long enough to come to terms with the hard facts.
Hidden handed Oligarchs’ are the enemies within, and they are now fully engaged in assymmetrical warfare.
The hightly coordinated Cabal of fake jewISH Oligarchs are busy plying Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION paradigms in America, and they are using their monopolized media assets, like CNN, to confuse us and to soften up the minds of Race Bated Americans before forcing everything in the world go their way in a more overt manor, as planned.
While I am happy to bequeath the term “Fake News” to President Trump, a most worthy statesman, before Trump announced his canidacy I was busy researching the dirty politics manifest inside of my Oligarch Usurped hometown, Philadelphia where False Flags and Fake News abounded.
My research into my own cousin’s political carreer led me to develop my own False Flags and Fake News group page on Mark Zuckerburg’s, taxpayer subsidized, Facebook in 2014.
On my False Flag and Fake News group page I worked tirelessly to warn Americans, particularly, my fellow Black Philadelphians of all I had gleaned, including, Bill Ayers’ inroads into Philly with the help of the Republican Governor, Tom Ridge.
I realized, before 911, a fix was in when Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground outfitted every classroom in his Weather Underground inspired schools with a CNN tied TV based corriculum.
Governor Ridge could not get Ayers’ Edison Schools desired traction before being assigned as America’s first, Homeland security Czar, yet, Ayers would get his long-time besty, Barack Obama elected for far worse to come.
Today we can compare and contrast how deep state deeds and utter lies are effectively filtered through the jaded lense of men like Brian Stelter, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo who run cover for murderers working on the business end off all things bad in our troubled nations.
Weather it be falsifying a Chemical Gas Attack in Syria in order to Perpetuate the Zionists’ Ongoing Wars or standing in front of Inner-city Business District fires all while telling us their ANTIFA Riots are Peaceful Protests, CNN and it’s minions have proven time and time again to be a, primary, part of it all.
I’ve no doubt, the hidden handed hacks built CNN on the back of False Flag Events that may well have included OJ Simpson’s murdered wife, as no man on earth has been convicted of the crimes.
Likewise, due to the biblical nature that is, indeed, spelled out in Rev 2:9 and 3:9, CNN and Every Fake Jew Owned Propaganda Machine will be taken out by a Truth Telling Mighty Man of Valor, such as, the noble Vernon Jones. ~Selah
Ironically, Mark Zuckerburg said it best with his Facebook page moniker, “it’s complicated”. So too is his jewISH Corporate ilk and all they do behind the scenes in the areana of utter Kayos.
One is a Corporate Oligarch, One is a Compromised Politician who Called for a unprecedented, UN-NATO based “Martial Law” in behalf of Nation Toppling Oligarchs, and One is a Sacrificed (murdered) Chicago Youth used to forward Mark Zuckerburg’s “cause”. Can you guess who is who? #ItsComplicated
THINK! The Chicago based DeBeers Company was well known for Using CORPORATE MERCINARIES to handle their “business” on African based Diamond Mines.
Africans with guns were paid and poised to murder any exploited mine worker (often child laborers) who’d dare pocket a diamond rock for themselves.
Likewise, Corporations like Sunoco routinely used African Mercinary forces to Protect it’s mining interests in Africa.
Think how the Chicago native, Kanye West was persecuted for wearing his Maga Hat not long after he single handedly murdered DeBeers’ Diamond industry.
DeBeers was directly affected by way of West’s world renowned hit, “Dimonds from Sierra Leone” song.
Fast forward, Nigerian’s much like the ones being trained by Israel’s MOSSAD were caught helping the Kamala Harris tied Jussie Smollett stage the infamous Maga Hat lynching. We can follow the money all of the way up the Chicago chain of command to find George Soros at the helm of the dubious, False Flag event.
The fact is, it was Chicago’s own, Barack Obama, who is Lolo Soetoro’s stepson and the son of an Indonesia based CIA hack who was USED to murder the president of the African Union.
Guddafi was likely targeted because he wanted to return the entire African diaspora to a Gold Standard, directly challenging the Deep State’s, so called, “Petro Dollars”.
Mu’amar Gaddafi was busy working to institute old Trade Routs all of the way into the Clinton ravaged Haitian “playground” when Donald Trump stepped up to lend Guddafi and his delicates dignified quarters on his own NYC estate.
Conversely, Obama’s Secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, was one of the Political hacks from New York City who treated Guddafi worse than a homeless dog roaming in Central Park where Gaddafi was forbidden to pitch his traditional Bedouin Tents!
Clinton’s infamous “we came, we saw, he died” statement is indicative of the contemptuous feelings, complex nature, and sheer evil underlying Obama’s, ongoing and deadly administration.
Obama’s administration is now being relived and revived by his former VP, Joe Biden, who’s election was an utter fraud delivered and sustained by the same hidden handed Corporate Oligarch’s who Orchestrated Guddafi’s demise.
Few realize the full scope of the consequent Slave Trade developed inside of systematically toppled Libya or the Open Aired Prison Systems being built inside of targeted American cities where Michael Bloomberg sponsored “laws” , implemented by his associated, Center for Court Innovation, work exactly like post slavery Black Code Laws.
Now, the Bloomberg associate, Greg Berman of the Center for Court Innovation can be found at the nexus of the Oligarchs’ ongoing medical tyranny which is also manifest in our Nation’s Oligarch Usurped first capital, Philadelphia, home to Gates’ Microsoft School of the Future, UPENN’s Polio Studies turned into AIDS and Ongoing Experiments paid for by the Chairman of Planned Parenthood, himself, under the Auspice of Bill and Melinda Gates’ philanthropy.
It’s no accident that Guddafi’s African based initiatives gave way to China’s Belt and Road Initiatives, all while Obama’s Vice President and son, Hunter Biden, was dealing directly with the Henry Kissinger (Yale skull and crossbones) installed/aided Communitst China in secret.
With a modicum of research, direct ties between Henry Kissenger, George Bush and Bush’s CIA cohort, the Soetoro family, can be gleaned outside of the telling Bush funeral where the long-standing “friendships” between the Bush family and the Obama family were dramatically illustrated .
It is no accident that Chicago was cerimoniously renamed CHIRAQ after Obama’s rise to one of the most powerful posts on earth. Ask yourself, why?
Think! As intended , Planned Parenthood Murders far more targeted black babies than Black Planned Parenthood Survivors who get gunned down inside of America’s, so called, Gun Free Zones on the regular in Key cities nationwide, where No Person is ever Identified or Arrested for murder.
Likewise, places like Chicago are now home to Corporate Mercinary firms ( one with direct ties to Barack Obama) who Pay Men to Murder in Places where Corporate Interests prevail, ie, Diamond and Oil mines/reserves.
Think! Corporate Interests include All Things Bill Gates etal… that is, Population Reduction and Planned Parenthood, as Gates is a second generation chairman of Planned Parenthood and he openly stated his Plandemic Plans ahead of his Predicted Desires to significantly reduce the world’s and events that particularly targeting “black and brown” people throughout the world.
Think! NIKE’s rize depended on a slave-like workforce known for being “worked” to death, so much that nets were positioned below the top stories of China based Nike factories where Sacrificed Uyghus are Used to supply cotton for NIKE Shoes, the Shoes targeted Blacks were Murdered for in the United States of America where no Umbiquitious White man could be blamed for our deaths.
Think! Who stood at the Nexus of Funding of Every war since WW1, the preservation and funding if Project Paperclip assets and the dubious Syphilis studies????
Think! Who was in the shadows behind dubious Polio Research that covered for the Systematic DEVELOPMENT of A.I.D.S., a condition rarely Spoken Of now that the INTENDED, Black and Brown people are INFECTED the most???
Could it be, Dr Fouci who works tirelessly to get his patented, Genetically Modified “Vacinnes” into the arms of Targeted Black Americans, first and foremost all while giving blacks a Green Light to attend well timed, Maskless, Gatherings in the name of the Corporate Sponsored, George Soros funded Black Lives Matter Events?
Ever wonder why the Deadly BLM events are taking place, BOTH, in America and the UK, where Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION was first launched using the Britts’ Unclaimed Assets, gifted to Cohen by Gordon Brown, yet, another clandestine associate of Jeffery Epstein!???
Ever wonder why Sir Ronald Cohen’s Usurped Harvard School of Business serves as the primary hub for Barack Obama, a Bill Ayers’ acolyte who helped design Ayers’ Edison Schools model give way to Eli Brode managed American schools where Black Lives Matter curriculum systematically surplanted academics, particularly in our Nation’s first capital Philadelphia during Obama’s watch???
Likewise, Harvard university is directly involved with the Wuhan China lab where Dr Fouci funded the emerging Coronavirus strain noted to have been peddled by Harvard based Chemistry professor, Charles Lieber???
Bottom Line, Blacks are Under Siege in a Full Court Press with Direct ties to Corporate Oligarch’s on Every Front indicating Black Lives Matter the Most for as long as it amounts to Us Being Targeted, Unfettered for Death and Systematic Distruction as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9.
Today, mere Words in the hands of George Soros’ Media Matters and ProPublica TRAINED Minions, who occupy America’s usurped Fourth Estate are as deadly as Communitst China’s weapons, now placed on reserve just beyond the Globalist (Oligarch) Usurped Canadian Border.
Enter in, the contrast between our contested Whitehouse, now under siege once again, and the, so called, Redhouse in Portland after Nasty Women in Pussy Hats failed to deliver and/or burn out our Great Leader, therein.
Just as RINO Republicans stage their televised concessions to the improbable & compromized proxy “king” and his well-known floozie queen, first crowned via Jim Jones’ Besty, Willie Brown, and again by way of America’s Rigged Voting Machines, here we go again.
While we watch in horror, an unfit old man elevates himself from a counterfeit President Elect, to the self proclaimed President of the United States of America spawned directly out of lesser Venezuela, a Communist Proxy of the American based deep state , who made America their Bitch overnight.
Now the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Continue right where they left off , staging the unthinkable in their Oligarch Usurped Cities and States, such as, PA, NYC, Georgia & Portland Oregon.
Portland Oregon is the Oligarchs , long-standing Staging Ground, where they are free to USE their ANTIFA goons, Trained Marxest assets, Newly Minted Social Justice Warriors & or STAGED Blacks (when they’re not being Ordered Arround like CornPop slaves or Shot to death in Autonomous Zones like dogs) for the latest series of Stage-Crafted False Flag Events designed, expressly, for the sake of Generating more AI Agregated Fake News.
Fake news generated in Stage-Crafted Portland is then forwarded via the jewISH Oligarchs’ AI developed & moderated channels for the sake of evoking a knee jerk, visceral responses by the Oligarchs’ systematically frustrated, TARGETED AUDIENCES.
Such, staged events in key Oligarch Usurped cities are being used to garner the hidden handed Oligarchs, all that they ever wanted, via tried and true, hagalian dialectics paradigms, first brought to our attention by Henry Ford and Boris Brasol in their Dearborn Press’ published, Protocals of Zion.
It’s not enough that Henry Kissenger just staged his Second Coup during my lifetime, but, the hidden handed,jewISH Oligarchs, all on board with Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, are now garnering needed pretext, in yet another Hagalian Dialectics styled ploy, perfected by the Satanic Cabal who hope, like hell, to FINISH US ALL.
Their emerging Portland story is being developed in “real-time” for the further manipulation of compromized Politicians who serve as, both, sympathetic thought “leaders”, and Oligarch proxys, alike.
The Portland asswipe, Ted Wheeler, is now pretending to be FORCED into going along at the bequest of a “Victimized and Pathetic” black family portrayed as thee foil in the center of Portland’s latest, Orchestrated, Distraction!!!!!
Thus, the busy and unfettered, hidden handed Oligarchs continue using their emerging Brain Science based paradims, such as, “NUDGE” .
To Nudge Americans via to the Rev 3:9 mentioned jews’ Hagalian Dialectics paradims, False Flag events are being Stage Crafted in combination with Media Matters, perfected, Social Incites wich were developed to TRIGGER Unsuspecting Whites (they are now luring the Unprepared Proud Boys) and Unsuspecting Blacks (Emotional BLM Freaks) into George Soros etal’s PRE PLANNED and hoped for, Race War, Civil War and/or American Spring.
Thankfully, Soros’ American Spring is late by nearly three years, because President Donald J Trump won the election Hillary Clinton thought she had in the bag!
Initially, Sir Ronald Cohen and the hidden handed Cabal of jewISH Oligarchs here wanted America cimpletely toppled by the 100 Year Anniversary of their Bolshevic Revolution, hence, the Bolshevic Bernie Bros are now Standing By to ReEducate us & Bill Gates’ Forced Vacinnes, effectively, diverted by President Trump, will be back on track in no time.
Thus, the Rev 3:9 foretold saga playing out in our troubled Nation is forwarded with the help of America’s triggered & Useful Idiots.
The Satanists folly, as seen on SNL continues on, in stride, until American Saints finally Wake Up!
While what has happened to our nation should be OBVIOUS to all, the metaphisical nature of Rev 3:9 has Americans hesitant to say George Soros’ name & much less able to Stop Bill Gates and Dr Fouci’s paid for Plandemic Plans.
We the people can’t bring ourselves to recognize Revelation 3:9 in our, relatively, overlooked or discarded bibles, so conspiring jewISH Oligarchs’ are free to Topple our nation, from within.
With the help of Henry Kissenger’s Communist China cohorts , our own cognitive dissonance, relative Stokholm Sydrom and Fentanyl pushing D.A.’s , nationwide (see Killadelphia’s free needle supplied drug dens), Mr. population control, Bill Gates and the AIDS virus mavon, Dr. Fouci, hope to go far beyond the well-known history of Poisoned Wells this time around!
To end the, madness and the Oligarchs’ triggered infighting, to no avail, AMERICA’S PATRIOTS AND SAINTS MUST WAKE UP IN THE NAME OF GOD!
Otherwise, we can all Kiss this One Nation Under God, as we know it, goodby forevermore!
…therefore, it’s not enough that WE THE PEOPLE would LOVE for Blatant Tyrants and the hidden handed Oligarchs they serve to Suddenly be FAIR!
At the very least; If we are not already engaged in CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE and BOYCOTTS of All Corporations with a Social Justice (Sir Ronald Cohen Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION) RaceBate mandate…
…if we are not Pushing Back Against draconian mask restrictions being leveled upon our Families and the asults against our Privacy within our own homes now under siege in the name of Bill Gates and Dr. Fouci’s patented COVID19 virus bioweapon…
…then Our evermore Brazen ENEMIES who bought themselves a rigged election, who now Track our Every, Move, our Spending Habits, our Geolocations, our Close Associations, our Facial Expressions, our Conversations, our Heart rate, our Body Temperature, our Mood, our future decisions, etc)…
… As per Rev 3:9, OUR COMMON ENEMY, ie, the hidden handed Oligarch Cabal knows for certain they have NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT and NOTHING TO LOOSE as they Move Forward with their Long-Standing PLANS to Upend our REPUBLIC once and for All Times!
Once upon a time, it took the Regular Gunning Down of Unarmed Blacks by Rogue Cops via Usurped Cities that were effectively Infiltrated by Clinton’s 21st Century Justice #Reform farce and essentially, Israel’s Mosad in conjunction with plans for a complete U.N. aided Takeover of America, during the time that we were being ENTERTAINED by the Ilk’s Movie TELLS, Purge and Meet the Blacks. it took the Regular Gunning Down of Unarmed Blacks by Rogue Cops via Usurped Cities that were effectively Infiltrated by Clinton’s 21st Century Justice #Reform farce and essentially, Israel’s Mosad in conjunction with plans for a complete U.N. aided Takeover of America, during the time that we were being ENTERTAINED by the Ilk’s Movie TELLS, Purge and Meet the Blacks.
all it takes is the Daily News Outlets dramatically Narrating their
constant stream of Lies, Half Truths and Brazen Outright False Flag
Events just so that the Masses, who were once subject to George Bush Jr,
Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama’s C.O.R.E and Edision Schools Paradigms
for the making of Normal Citizens into, so called, SOCIAL JUSTICE
that the Deep State Oligarch’s Russian Spy Narrative begun by their gal
Hillary Clinton has run it’s course, the new and or newly revived,
Trump’s A Racist Narrative is Full Steam Ahead as planned.
fact that Donald Trump has a Long, and Well DOCUMENTED History of Being
With and Engaging With, Well known and Lesser Known Black People, the
Oligarchs who hoped to Topple this Nation by now, rarely applied the
RACE BATE Narrative Directly onto President Donald J. Trump until now
after realizing their Russian Narrative would not be enough to take our
Duly Elected President Out.
What most do not notice is that the Oligarchs were plying their White
Authority is Racist Paradigms all throughout the Obama Administration.
Indeed, it was a hard sell being that Whites had Helped to Elect
Ameica’s First Black President Proving that America was hardly a racist
oligarch’s Race Bate Paradigms were well under way, none the less, in
each of the cities the Georg Soros Ilk of SOCIAL IMPACT BOND peddling
Oligarchs have managed to USURP. While it would be a hard sell to
convince Blacks that they were Oppressed by the White Man in cities like
Philadelphia who was already on it’s Third Black Mayor in , relatively,
Successive terms, Oligarch Corporations like Starbucks and Hidden
Handed Entities Infiltrated, Harvard School of Business Trained Police
forces under the Auspice of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform still
managed to Pull off a steady Drum Beat of False Flag Events in order for
the Consummate ORGANIZERS, Bill Ayers and his Puppet President to
render countless members into the ranks of a Ready Made Black Lives
Matters Group with Chapters being rapidly erected Nationwide on the
strength of Rogue and Murderous Cops assured that No Arrest, No Jail
time and No Punishment would befall them just like in the TELLING Movie
fact, the Hidden Handed American Oligarchs with long standing ties to
America’s Rouge CIA managed to Enlarge themselves, greatly as a result
of the 9/11 FALSE FLAG Event, followed by a series of deep state
developments unfolded under the auspice of Hagalian Dialectics. That is,
the Deep State causes a Internationally recognized Problem followed by
what appears to be ready solutions.
just so happens that many of the Deep State’s “solutions” were
spearheaded in my home state, Pennsylvania where they thought to entreat
us to a portion of their 9/11 farce, in the way of the Downing of
flight ___ in the relatively desolate field, all while the other two
airplanes hit their designated targets, the Twin Tower Buildings already
rigged with explosives and evacuated of jews in NYC, and the U.S.
Pentigon Building in Maryland, with absolute precision.
PA. Governor, Tom Ridge, was busy spending his days aiding Bill Ayers
of the Weather Underground, in his bid to infiltrate Philadelphia
schools under the Banner of Edision Schools. Edison schools were to be
tooled to deliver CNN news in classrooms, daily, but after the citizens
of Philadelphia bulked in light of lack luster performance the Ayers
paradigm was slow to take off and in fact, the entire bid to let Ayers
takeover Philly schools was taken off of the table until the Cabal could
Regroup and get their Man, Barack Obama into office after being Bill
Ayers trained and propped up in part by way of his Book, Dreams from my
father that was written by Bill Ayers himself.
was removed from his tasks as PA Governor so that he could preside
over the making of the NSA and other Patriot Act Mandates developed by
his Hidden Handed Cabal.
forward to the Deep State Destabilizing Trump Administration, the 9/11
Truther who also saw through the Black CIA Shill Obama, is under
constant attack for all of the losses the deep state has already
sustained since the day they realized their CHOSEN Deep State Asset, who
could Seamlessly Forward their Agenda, had not won the Office of the
White House.
to popular belief, it just so happens that other Americans were seeing
and thinking exactly like Citizen Donald J. Trump.
is, indeed, no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already written a
blog page chronicling the effects of Barack Obama’s many Regulations on
my failing Neon Sign Business and all of the peripheral bussiness who
had to shutter their doors due to Obama’s gross ineptitude in behalf of
his Deep State Handlers and their Lobbying efforts who helped to
orchestrate America’s systematic demise.
it is no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already developed my FALSE
FLAGS and FAKE NEWS group page on Facebook in 2014 and well before our
astute President effectively made Fake News News.
just a week after the much anticipated Muller hearing, my fellow black
are in an absolute Uproar. Due to effective Brainwashing, in part, by
CNN but largely due to the Complete Media Blackout of Actual News in
Oligarch usurped Cities where the plan for welcoming the CIA’s ex FARC
members into readied SANCTUARIES was effectively desecrated by the Trump
Starbucks’s Three Years in the Making Race Together Ploys the Oligarchs
in conjunction with the Infiltrated Philadelphia Police Force managed
to Stage their Race Based Event in Philadelphia’s 18th Street Starbucks
Location. The Select Players was a White Barista, Two Greeks, A Philly
School Flipping Jew and a Jewish Novelist who was tasked with making the
Captured Video she obtained go Viral. Also waiting in the wings of the
Starbucks Race Together Campaign was Eric Holder who would Conduct
Starbucks Mandated Racial Sensitivities Training in Shuddered Locations
Nationwide. Later, the CEO who planned it all would announce his plans
to throw his hat into the ring for Presidency in 2020. Somehow, his
effort to join the fray of Roasted Nuts on the Democratic Stage got
the Oligarch Owners of the Sixers and the New England Patriots swooped
into Philly to Extract their Black Shill Strait out of his Jail Cell and
onto their Usurped Public Arena just before the NBA Championship games,
the Oligarch Puppet Masters of Meek Mill worked hand in hand with
Philly’ s Usurped Media to Promote the story of his mother’s home being
Targeted by a White Racist and, likewise, with the help of TMZ stories
of his Race Based Denial as a Guest into a Las Vegas Hotel rendered
little to now real traction towards George Soro’s Two Year Late Race
their Muller Trial Flop the Oligarchs were able to Re Focus back onto
Race as a National Debate, however, in true form Donald J. Trump has
beat them at their own Game…
the Oligarchs hooked their Wagons onto, yet, another Made Man from
Philly, the Gullible Black Shill Meek Mill, the George Soros funded D.A.
was busy conspiring with the deep state to have BRAINWASHED Blacks
Champion Mill’s relative Lawlessness right along with their plans for a
Free Needle Exchange as per paradigms first exposed in the form of a
Deep State Trail Balloon imbedded into their HBO, The Wire series where
we were fist clued into the Kenzington Plan for Police Free Opioid Drug
while the Trump Administration and the Newly Elected Florida Governor
worked to infiltrate the Human Sex Trade where Meek Mill’s Handler
Robert Kraft was caught patronizing before his arrest, the Soros funded
Philly D.A. was busy revealing his Legal Prostitution plans for the
Women of Philly.
Propping up their CELEBRITY CRIMINAL into a Cause Celeb along with
their NYC Equivalent, who is an Admitted, Thieving Whore, CardiB, the
Deep State was essentially TRAINING Gullible Blacks to CHAMPION their
Utter and Systematic Demise.
ultimately Calling out All of the BLACK DEMOCRATIC SHILLS who are PAID
Destruction of AMERICA from within our USURPED, and previously Bankrupt
ALL THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT is exactly what President Donald J. Trump Hopes
to Utterly destroy.
that said, as usual, all of this info is supplied to my fellow blacks
who have, indeed, been subject to the deep state koolaid. As always I
engage these Gullible Blacks to the Fullest Extent until their Cognitive
Dissonance Get’s the best of them resulting into predictable name
calling or until they finnaly Wake Up even a little bit after realizing
none of what they though they knew about Donald J. Trump is based on
Truth but based on the fact that they have been effectively BRAINWASHED.
I have cut and pasted an ongoing convo directly from Facebook. It is an
ongoing and fluid convo so be sure to check back for updates.
always I post in the following cut and past format to serve as Exhibit A
or as an Antidote that can be delivered as a Case Study in the Real
Time Efforts to Repeat History. It will not be lost on Free Thinkers and
the Students of History that the Same Systematic Paradigms being
applied today, were Already Tried in many periods and in many nations,
including the Media scorned Russia, where the pre Nazi era, Jewish
Bolsheviks first perfected so many of the paradigms being manifest in
the effort to overthrow our troubled nation today.
always your comment and feedback is welcome. Please support my ongoing
research by going to the Paypal link to the right and as always the
names have been abbreviated to protect the sources and more-so my
ability to engage with them as necessary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We The Negro;s Initial Post on Facebook: WHILE The TRUTH Hurts those who are BRAINWASHED, Daily, to Hate our Duly ELECTED President for NO CAUSE and a Pack of ONGOING, EVER CHANGING, DAILY LIES…TRUMP IS TRUTH! Don’t Just Take My Word for it RESEARCH Primary Sources and FACTS! Our Most Venerable Knew that Donald Trump Is TRUTH with NO RACIST BONE IN HIS BODY!
First it took the Regular Gunning Down of Unarmed Blacks by Rogue Cops
via Usurped Cities that were effectively Infiltrated by Clinton’s 21st
Century Justice #Reform farce and essentially, Israel’s Mosad in
conjunction with plans for a complete U.N. aided Takeover of America,
during the time that we were being ENTERTAINED by the Ilk’s Movie TELLS,
Purge and Meet the Blacks.
all it takes is the Daily News Outlets dramatically Narrating their
constant stream of Lies, Half Truths and Brazen Outright False Flag
Events just so that the Masses, who were once subject to George Bush Jr,
Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama’s C.O.R.E and Edision Schools Paradigms
for the making of Normal Citizens into, so called, SOCIAL JUSTICE
that the Deep State Oligarch’s Russian Spy Narrative begun by their gal
Hillary Clinton has run it’s course, the new and or newly revived,
Trump’s A Racist Narrative is Full Steam Ahead as planned.
fact that Donald Trump has a Long, and Well DOCUMENTED History of Being
With and Engaging With, Well known and Lesser Known Black People, the
Oligarchs who hoped to Topple this Nation by now, rarely applied the
RACE BATE Narrative Directly onto President Donald J. Trump until now
after realizing their Russian Narrative would not be enough to take our
Duly Elected President Out.
What most do not notice is that the Oligarchs were plying their White
Authority is Racist Paradigms all throughout the Obama Administration.
Indeed, it was a hard sell being that Whites had Helped to Elect
Ameica’s First Black President Proving that America was hardly a racist
oligarch’s Race Bate Paradigms were well under way, none the less, in
each of the cities the Georg Soros Ilk of SOCIAL IMPACT BOND peddling
Oligarchs have managed to USURP. While it would be a hard sell to
convince Blacks that they were Oppressed by the White Man in cities like
Philadelphia who was already on it’s Third Black Mayor in , relatively,
Successive terms, Oligarch Corporations like Starbucks and Hidden
Handed Entities Infiltrated, Harvard School of Business Trained Police
forces under the Auspice of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform still
managed to Pull off a steady Drum Beat of False Flag Events in order for
the Consummate ORGANIZERS, Bill Ayers and his Puppet President to
render countless members into the ranks of a Ready Made Black Lives
Matters Group with Chapters being rapidly erected Nationwide on the
strength of Rogue and Murderous Cops assured that No Arrest, No Jail
time and No Punishment would befall them just like in the TELLING Movie
fact, the Hidden Handed American Oligarchs with long standing ties to
America’s Rouge CIA managed to Enlarge themselves, greatly as a result
of the 9/11 FALSE FLAG Event, followed by a series of deep state
developments unfolded under the auspice of Hagalian Dialectics. That is,
the Deep State causes a Internationally recognized Problem followed by
what appears to be ready solutions.
just so happens that many of the Deep State’s “solutions” were
spearheaded in my home state, Pennsylvania where they thought to entreat
us to a portion of their 9/11 farce, in the way of the Downing of
flight ___ in the relatively desolate field, all while the other two
airplanes hit their designated targets, the Twin Tower Buildings already
rigged with explosives and evacuated of jews in NYC, and the U.S.
Pentigon Building in Maryland, with absolute precision.
PA. Governor, Tom Ridge, was busy spending his days aiding Bill Ayers
of the Weather Underground, in his bid to infiltrate Philadelphia
schools under the Banner of Edision Schools. Edison schools were to be
tooled to deliver CNN news in classrooms, daily, but after the citizens
of Philadelphia bulked in light of lack luster performance the Ayers
paradigm was slow to take off and in fact, the entire bid to let Ayers
takeover Philly schools was taken off of the table until the Cabal could
Regroup and get their Man, Barack Obama into office after being Bill
Ayers trained and propped up in part by way of his Book, Dreams from my
father that was written by Bill Ayers himself.
was removed from his tasks as PA Governor so that he could preside
over the making of the NSA and other Patriot Act Mandates developed by
his Hidden Handed Cabal.
forward to the Deep State Destabilizing Trump Administration, the 9/11
Truther who also saw through the Black CIA Shill Obama, is under
constant attack for all of the losses the deep state has already
sustained since the day they realized their CHOSEN Deep State Asset, who
could Seamlessly Forward their Agenda, had not won the Office of the
White House.
to popular belief, it just so happens that other Americans were seeing
and thinking exactly like Citizen Donald J. Trump.
is, indeed, no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already written a
blog page chronicling the effects of Barack Obama’s many Regulations on
my failing Neon Sign Business and all of the peripheral bussiness who
had to shutter their doors due to Obama’s gross ineptitude in behalf of
his Deep State Handlers and their Lobbying efforts who helped to
orchestrate America’s systematic demise.
it is no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already developed my FALSE
FLAGS and FAKE NEWS group page on Facebook in 2014 and well before our
astute President effectively made Fake News News.
just a week after the much anticipated Muller hearing, my fellow black
are in an absolute Uproar. Due to effective Brainwashing, in part, by
CNN but largely due to the Complete Media Blackout of Actual News in
Oligarch usurped Cities where the plan for welcoming the CIA’s ex FARC
members into readied SANCTUARIES was effectively desecrated by the Trump
Starbucks’s Three Years in the Making Race Together Ploys the Oligarchs
in conjunction with the Infiltrated Philadelphia Police Force managed
to Stage their Race Based Event in Philadelphia’s 18th Street Starbucks
Location. The Select Players was a White Barista, Two Greeks, A Philly
School Flipping Jew and a Jewish Novelist who was tasked with making the
Captured Video she obtained go Viral. Also waiting in the wings of the
Starbucks Race Together Campaign was Eric Holder who would Conduct
Starbucks Mandated Racial Sensitivities Training in Shuddered Locations
Nationwide. Later, the CEO who planned it all would announce his plans
to throw his hat into the ring for Presidency in 2020. Somehow, his
effort to join the fray of Roasted Nuts on the Democratic Stage got
the Oligarch Owners of the Sixers and the New England Patriots swooped
into Philly to Extract their Black Shill Strait out of his Jail Cell and
onto their Usurped Public Arena just before the NBA Championship games,
the Oligarch Puppet Masters of Meek Mill worked hand in hand with
Philly’ s Usurped Media to Promote the story of his mother’s home being
Targeted by a White Racist and, likewise, with the help of TMZ stories
of his Race Based Denial as a Guest into a Las Vegas Hotel rendered
little to now real traction towards George Soro’s Two Year Late Race
their Muller Trial Flop the Oligarchs were able to Re Focus back onto
Race as a National Debate, however, in true form Donald J. Trump has
beat them at their own Game…
the Oligarchs hooked their Wagons onto, yet, another Made Man from
Philly, the Gullible Black Shill Meek Mill, the George Soros funded D.A.
was busy conspiring with the deep state to have BRAINWASHED Blacks
Champion Mill’s relative Lawlessness right along with their plans for a
Free Needle Exchange as per paradigms first exposed in the form of a
Deep State Trail Balloon imbedded into their HBO, The Wire series where
we were fist clued into the Kenzington Plan for Police Free Opioid Drug
while the Trump Administration and the Newly Elected Florida Governor
worked to infiltrate the Human Sex Trade where Meek Mill’s Handler
Robert Kraft was caught patronizing before his arrest, the Soros funded
Philly D.A. was busy revealing his Legal Prostitution plans for the
Women of Philly.
Propping up their CELEBRITY CRIMINAL into a Cause Celeb along with
their NYC Equivalent, who is an Admitted, Thieving Whore, CardiB, the
Deep State was essentially TRAINING Gullible Blacks to CHAMPION their
Utter and Systematic Demise.
ultimately Calling out All of the BLACK DEMOCRATIC SHILLS who are PAID
Destruction of AMERICA from within our USURPED, and previously Bankrupt
ALL THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT is exactly what President Donald J. Trump Hopes
to Utterly destroy.
With that said, as usual, all of this info is supplied to my fellow blacks who have, indeed, been subject to the deep state koolaid. As always I engage these Gullible Blacks to the Fullest Extent until their Cognitive Dissonance Get’s the best of them resulting into predictable name calling or until they finaly Wake Up even a little bit after realizing none of what they though they knew about Donald J. Trump is based on Truth but based on the fact that they have been effectively BRAINWASHED.
I have cut and pasted an ongoing convo directly from Facebook. It is an
ongoing and fluid convo so be sure to check back for updates.
always I post in the following cut and past format to serve as Exhibit A
or as an Antidote that can be delivered as a Case Study in the Real
Time Efforts to Repeat History. It will not be lost on Free Thinkers and
the Students of History that the Same Systematic Paradigms being
applied today, were Already Tried in many periods and in many nations,
including the Media scorned Russia, where the pre Nazi era, Jewish
Bolsheviks first perfected so many of the paradigms being manifest in
the effort to overthrow our troubled nation today.
As always your comment and feedback is welcome. Please support my ongoing research by going to the Paypal link to the right and as always the names have been abbreviated to protect the sources and more-so my ability to engage with them as necessary.
We The Negro’s Initial Post on Facebook:
WHILE The TRUTH Hurts those who are BRAINWASHED, Daily, to Hate our Duly ELECTED President for NO CAUSE and a Pack of ONGOING, EVER CHANGING, DAILY LIES…TRUMP IS TRUTH! Don’t Just Take My Word for it RESEARCH Primary Sources and FACTS! Our Most Venerable Knew that Donald Trump Is TRUTH with NO RACIST BONE IN HIS BODY!
One of Philadelhia’s most Outspoken Black Commentator from W.H.A.T. Radio, Mary Mason, knew for a fact that Donald Trump was TRUTH well before ALL OF OUR BLACK MEDIA SOLD OUT TO HIGH PAYING OLIGARCHS Who Systematically Usurped our Great Cities, such as Philly, where W.H.A.T. Radio no longer exists and where George Soros’ hand select D.A. is Making #MeekMill your Children’s King and while D.A. Larry Krasner, the Soros Shill is working Overtime to ensure Your Mothers, Your Wives, and/or your Daughters can become, either Free Needle Receiving Drug Addicts, or Legalized Whores so the Robert Kraft types, the and the other Handers of Meek Mill will Never Be Arrested Again for engaging in his Oligarch Ilk’s SEX TRAFFICKED VICTIMS on the Esptein Island or Beyond!!!
D. Edmonds Bullshit!
D. Edmonds A friend to black celebrities doesn’t make him a friend to black people!…This is about the dumbest sh.t I’ve read in a long time!..SMH…WTF!2
J. Boyer Maybe he wasnt back then but he surely is now1
[ex Phllly Police Officer] M. DeMota Smiling for a photo op while embracing a minority does not change shit for instance I worked with these same smile in your face while loathing your guts bullshit artists police that are in the news for racist social media post so whoever actually believes that that narcissistic idiot isn’t racist you’ve been had!!!!
B. Peters Pure BS!!!!!!!!
We The Negro – D. Edmonds (and B. Peters) BUT WAIT! There’s MORE!
If you are so TRIGGERED by the Pics of Donald Trump Moving EASILY within Circles where Blacks are Prominently Shown EMBRACING Donald Trump…. Before He Became Our President Donald J. Trump, weather they are “celebrity” , like your own Son who appeared in Movies, Tv and Commercials, or weather they are just REGULARS to his All you can Eat Shrimp Buffet at the Taj Mahal… This Jessie Jackson Accolades Video FOR HIS GENEROUS TIME, ASSETS and WISDOM SHARED WITH YOUNG BLACK ENTREPRENEURS IN HIS HOME TOWN NYC where HE HELPED JESSIE JACKSON SET UP SHOP, might make you MADDDDD as Hell!!!
But Why
would Damon, a Long Standing Black Business Man and all around Smart Guy
Get So Mad? Mad Enough to Come to His GREAT Facebook Friend and Former
BUSINESS Associate’s Page to Scream Bullshit!?>>
when EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE of Donald Trump’s Long Documented AFFINITY FOR
the Man who Turned CHICAGO into CHIRAQ????
I know
why… It’s Because Every Day, Every Week, Every Hour the ENEMY of Our
ENEMIES go on the ATTACK against our Duly Elected President, like the
Hillary Clinton Sycophants that they are.
Even M. DeMota had a Front Row Seat When Hillary Clinton’s Beard, Michael Nutter , Pivoted his Oligarch commissioned, fake ire onto Donald Donald J. Trump not long after calling ALL BLACK YOUTH IN PHILLY A-holes!
leaving office as a Black Shill for the hidden handed Oligarchs He
SERVED, he went right into his NEXT PAID Role on CNN and Net 30+ Post
Mayoral Jobs for the OLIGARCH Bosses that Now Practically OWN PHILLY,
due to him Selling All BLACKS OUT! Like so Many DEMOCRATS in
systematically Bankrupt Cities he Cow Towed to his Masters, Michael
Bloomberg et al effectively Rendering Unsuspecting Blacks into Goldman
Sachs Managed Social Impact Bond SLAVES!!! (A paradigm your too blinded
to fathom even while my Notes and Commentary have been WARNING MY
After using the
A-hole Term on the Bill Ayers Educated Children of Usurped Philly,
Nutter was actually tasked to toss the first Salvo that has IGNITED YOUR
BRAINWASHED MINDS into FITS OF IRE by Calling Donald Trump an A-Hole
They, the Clinton Sycophants and mainly the
OLIGARCHS she and her Perverse DEMOCRAT Husband Served, have pivoted
seamlessly from their First FAKE A$$ RUSSIAN Narrative UTTERED
Initially By The SORE LOOSER Hillary Clinton Who Called US Blacks and
YOUR BLACK Children SUPER PREDATORS behind closed doors, to CALLING ME, A
After the ROBERT #MULLER FARCE, Useful Idiots are Apparently FINISHED calling me a RUSSIAN BOT, so much so, that My “I’m a Russian Bot Because Your A Brainwashed Idiot” Rebuttal T’Shirt was Developed.
While your OBVIOUS
Cognitive Dissonance has you outright OBJECTING the FACT of Trump
having been EMBRACED by the Black Community of Celebrities, You also
should get a load of the Countless Musical Accounts where there are
Actual CD’s of Grown Black Men Singing his Praises.
question becomes, Why Do You get Triggered and how did your Draws Get
Balled Up Into A Knot just by Seeing Him being Able to EMBRACE COUNTLESS
BLACKS who are all HUMAN, while being, so called, Celebrities at the
same time.
Even while your feeling butt hurt about Trump just as you are Told to be Daily in the Oligarch @False Flags and Fake News outlets I made a group page for in 2014 before FAKE NEWS was NEWS, You Can’t DISCOUNT THE FACT that he has Been INVITING To Blacks.
Opened his Administration with an INVITATION for BLACKS to Bring their
Long Standing CONCERNS to him so that he might be the PROPER ELECTED
SERVANT for the People who have had Plenty of OPPORTUNITIES Afforded to
Express The Most Pressing Issues in our Gutted Cities.
who have NOT BEEN Scarred Off by the Maddonas, Bette Middlers and Kathy
Griffin Styled NASTY WOMEN have Been In the Room With Donald Trump to
while my Business Was Greatly Hampered by Obama’s REGULATIONS to the
Degree that I was forced to CLOSE MY NEON PLANT while Witnessing Two
Sign Suppliers Close their Doors, NOW MY BUSINESS IS REVIVED and for the
First Time in a Long Time My Fellow BLACKS have the Promise and Option
of FULL EMPLOYMENT and the Confidence to BUY BLACK!
D. EdmondsYeah…’ve got some evidence but the conclusion you’re asserting is wrong!..There are enough documented facts that support, that a-hole is a racist and as a mass,he could care less about black people. You sight a bunch of individual and superficial interactions with blacks and think that somehow makes your case…..Wrong!…Look at the systemic interactions he has had where blacks are concerned…..Employment, housing etc….you will find all of the typical racist behavior associated with a long history of white supremacy…..This crap with stifle some but won’t get past BS with me…….do all of your homework before you step to me!….I did mine.
the HEAD OF HUD HOUSING as something that is RACIST is Ridiculous.
The Fact is, I purposely cite one particular Donald Trump interaction with one of the most Venerable Black Personalities from Philly that I know, yet it is OUTRIGHT DISMISSED By You and that is quite Telling indeed.
Ms. Mary Mason in the Fist Picture I posted with Donald J. Trump would NEVER Be Caught Dead Standing Side By Side and SMILING with a Racist when she Interviewed Donald Trump.
Donald Trump made himself AVAILABLE to Marry Mason well Before ALL OF PHILLY and it’s URBAN MEDIA Outlets were Systematically Usurped by the Deep State Oligarchs who are Effectively BRAINWASHING You today, tomorrow and the next day.
They have effectively TOOLED your Mind and the Minds of Countless Blacks to WANT and Argue for the RETURN of the DEMOCRATICALLY wrought and Maintained Status Quo that black have Suffered by and COMPLAINED About for YEARS BEFORE Donald J. Trump stepped one foot into the White House.
Your Skewed Logic and Outright Dismissal of FACTS that you yourself Recognize as “SOME EVIDENCE” proves how WRONG one of us has been made to “Think”, indeed.
Rest assure, you can Count on Me to Bring “SOME EVIDENCE” to back every last one of my Assertions.
Meanwhile, All You are Lead To Champion in Rebuttal to FACTS is ALL OUR COMMON ENEMY has EVER WANTED TO MAINTAIN, if only they can get enough USEFUL IDIOTS On Board for the OVERTHROW of the MAN with the FAR BETTER PLAN FOR First Step, Fully Employed, and OPPORTUNITY ZONE Entreated Blacks who can now get up off their PROTESTING and Begging Knee and THRIVE.
The “Deep State” is now Crafting a New Way “Out” and another Social Impact Distraction for themselves. Now they are running with the Mind F’king claim of ” Deep Fake”, ahead of any Video Evidenced release of Any of their gross misdeeds.
As per #4AM Memo, the Deep State’s Media Shills are now busy Seeding the #S.T.E.M of their Mockingbird Planted deceit into the #C.O.R.E. of Gullible Minds by way of their Media Monopolized PROPAGANDA Machines.
They, the merchant class Oligarchs who own Most of America’s Media Outlets, will now learn the brutal way, thanks to the unexpected, international push-back, that they have F’ed with the Wrong Guy! Just as in Rev 3:9, the dichotomy between they who say they are Je(w)s, and God’s chosen people, becomes quite clear to the entire world of viewers who are curious to see how this Open Persecution by the Newsweek associated Doxxers at the Daily Beast plays out.
The bottom line is, Mr. Brooks, the day laborer, is already vindicated by these words taken directly from our bibles.
Rev.2:2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: … Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Rev.3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
The Daily Beast, with the help of Facebook and CNN, revealed a man’s, name and what they thought might be embarrassing details associated with the conservative leaning black Trump supporter, they claim manufactured a slowed down version of Nancy Pelosi on video, for which, Rudy Juliani shared on his own social media platform, along with countless other Americans who get the JOKE.
The slowed down video that highlights the fact that Pelosi appears to be drunk, most of the time, yet, it was correlated with a second video posted by President Trump, highlighting several instances of incoherence in Pelosi’s latest speech, including her putting up two fingers to illustrate her talking-point about three things.
It seems to me the entire incident may also be a well crafted set-up to find the Unconstitutional Channels of Conspiratorial Subversives who are working as seamless as any Racketeering outfit to Topple, both, Our Nation and the Constitutional rights of American’s for whom they deem objectionable.
For the Sane American ; the Silent MAJORITY order your Russian Bot T’shirts at the following link.
Even if the ongoing situation is serendipitous, the metaphysical nature of the Cabal’s take-down is glaringly profound, as the je(w)Ish Merchant-Class striving to publicly do personal harm to, yet, another Black man in Oligarch Usurped America.
This incident, among others should, indeed, illustrate to the most brainwashed Trump detractors that the Enemies of President Donald Trump want us all to be, and remain , compliant, group-thinking SLAVES to the Merchant Class Oligarchs who are rapidly loosing their Grip as well as the opportunity to return America to the status-quo blacks have been complaining about for over thirty years and counting in Democrat run cities where things to complain about are piling up as high as the poo in Nancy Pelosi’s district .
The bottom line becomes more and more clear, Rev 3:9 isReal and the fallout will Co$t the Cabal of American Subversives Dearly. 😀